Close Encounters with the Beatles

(Picture courtesy of Philippe Berube.)

Jeannie's friend in Hawaii got to hang out with George on the beach there!

David Jenkins has had the unusual luck of having two chance encounters with two of the Fab Four.

Every Beatle fan's dream would be to meet one or more of the Beatles. Since the ratio of Beatles to everyone else is about, oh, 4 to 5,000,000,000, chances are kind of slim of happening across them. But Gregory Neu's mom and dad were lucky enough to do just that a while back. This is how Greg describes their meeting with John and Yoko.

What a Christmas Gene Carl Feldman had.

Randy Klauk had a more recent encounter with Paul in 1994. You're guaranteed to get nervous just reading it!

And juuust maybe, Dave raced Paul on the highway near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Elizabeth was lucky enough to be near John not once, but twice. Talk about luck.

And a year earlier than that, Clayton Eames also managed to get within earshot of Paul. Next time Paul's ears are ringing, he might be remembering Clayton...

During the Help! Tour, Peter Whitelaw came thaaaaaat close to meeting the Beatles. You can't help but wonder, "What if..."

And here's yet another close call. This time, though, it would have been Ringo.

Someone anonymously sent me this story. Maybe she was too embarrassed to admit what she missed?? :-)

Any fan would love to meet one of the guys, but if you're a musician? Imagine missing out on a chance to jam with John.

We haven't been lucky enough to meet the Beatles, but in 1992 my wife and I each individually entered a Disney Beatles contest. First prize was a set of Beatles discs. We didn't win that either but Alice did win one of the lesser prizes: an approximately 5" x 7" Beatles print.

[Do you have a story of your own? Send it this way!]

Mike Markowski
Last modified: November 20, 1996