The Neus Meet the Lennons

Greg Neu says...

Oh, yeah.. I also have a *kinda* cool story about John Lennon to tell...

My parents were eating at some fancy-shmancy (sp?) :) restaurant here in the city one night back in the 70's. Halfway into their appetizers, my mother looked over at the next table and noticed that John and Yoko had just sat down to eat as well. To make a long story short, my dad began bullshitting with John, and they wound up having dinner together. My parents tell me that they talked about everything but music, which is good because my parents aren't even Beatles fans! After dinner, John bought my father a bottle of wine and signed it with Yoko. I've never actually seen the bottle; my father gave it to a cousin of mine who consequently sold it. (argh!) Little did he know back then that he would help give birth to a *big* Beatles fan... My father won't tell me which one of my relatives sold the bottle, (he says "I don't remember who"... sure!) so I just hold a grudge against all of them. ;) ) Welp, as it turns out, I'm eighteen years old now, a freshman at Columbia University (intended Comp. Sci major!), and I sit next to Sean Lennon (sometimes) in one of my classes. And that is the end of my story.

Gregory Neu

Last modified: February 16, 1995.