Financial Crisis
Financial Crisis
If you are a current UD student experiencing an unforeseen crisis and are in need of financial support, you may be eligible for the Student Crisis Fund. The goal of the fund is to provide assistance so that those students in crisis may remain on their path to academic success. This assistance is primarily possible through donations made by members of the UD community to the Student Crisis Fund.
The purpose of the fund is to provide a nominal amount of money to eligible students who face a serious financial hardship due to unanticipated expenses. Each situation will be considered on an individual case-by-case basis. The Student Crisis Fund is underwritten by the Division of Student Life.
Some departments and colleges have departmental funds for students experiencing financial crisis. Please contact your department director or senior assistant dean for more information.
Not sure where to start?
Email Student Advocacy & Support at studentsupport@udel.edu.
Financial Support Application Procedure and Eligibility
Donate to the Student Crisis Fund
UD’s Student Crisis Fund supports eligible students who face a serious financial hardship due to unanticipated crisis such as food or home insecurity, travel costs related to a sudden death or illness in the immediate family, out-of-pocket medical costs or replacement of personal belongings due to fire, natural disaster or theft.