Canvas Career Modules

Get Career Ready through Canvas
Unlock your future with the UD Career Center's Canvas modules! These dynamic modules offer Blue Hen students the tools to enhance career readiness through engaging personal and professional development activities, career education resources, and life design exercises. Complete them individually or as a series to prepare for life at UD and beyond.
Each 10–20-minute module includes an engaging introduction, clear learning outcomes, informative videos and practical life design exercises. Don't wait—empower yourself to achieve your professional dreams!
All undergraduates should automatically be enrolled in a Career Center Canvas section. Students may have to view "All Courses" in the menu to find their section. If for any reason this is not the case, please complete the "Registration" form below. Graduate students are not automatically enrolled and can use the same form to gain access to the graduate-specific Canvas site.
Canvas Module Descriptions
Start the Process
Develop competency in career- and self-development. Use this module to learn how to use the Canvas site itself, understand career competencies and explore the ways to approach the next steps of your life.
Explore Your Industry
Learn how to research occupations and industries. Whether you're planning for your first job or considering your overall career path, it is helpful to conduct research on both specific occupations and industries. This module provides resources to help you start your career exploration process of potential jobs by academic major, occupation title and industry.
Continue Your Education
Discover if graduate or professional school is a path for you, and how to pursue it. For students who choose to get a master's degree, doctoral degree or any other professional degree, the process can be daunting. This guide will break the process down and prepare you for the next step in your educational career.
Communicate Your Experience Verbally
Develop your professional communication skills. This module provides the tools and resources students need to verbally communicate their experience. The three areas explored are elevator pitches, interviewing and salary negotiations.
Career Events and Experiences
Use the event opportunities on campus to enhance your career readiness and expand your network. The UD Career Center and many other campus entities host and promote a variety of career-related events throughout the year. From job shadows matched with partner employers to massive career fairs with hundreds of employers, there is always an opportunity to learn from your industry of interest, build network connections and find opportunities for further experience. Use this module to prepare for, get tips on and learn how to find campus career events.
Discovery and Support
Explore campus opportunities and utilize resources. This module contains descriptions of campus resources, opportunities to engage with your community and reflection on your experience as it relates to your career readiness. You will learn to engage in practices and find mentors and community related to your selected industry area or skill.
Get to Know Yourself
To better understand and get to know yourself, it is important to understand your own likes, interests and values. It means knowing and reflecting on the traits of your character and personality. Learning more about yourself can also help determine what majors to choose, which industries to explore or what career fields might be a good fit.
Meet Your Network
Develop your interpersonal and communication skills for professional networking. Networking helps students meet prospective mentors or career advisors, develop their comfort in having professional conversations and increase visibility when job searching.
Communicate Your Experience in Writing/Online
Develop your professional documents, your way to communicate your experience, education and skills. Each document has a different purpose, but all are designed to highlight your best parts and explain any gaps, telling a story that will get you to the next stage in your job or internship search. This module will teach you how to craft a resume, tailor your cover letter to a specific application and showcase yourself on LinkedIn.
Gain Practical Experience
Obtain career experiences in various forms. Internships, part-time jobs and leadership experience in a student group are just a few examples. All experience prepares you to be career-ready. In this module you will learn what career readiness is and how to structure your search for finding and landing experiential opportunities.
Affinity Career Development
Develop affinity-based career skills. Did you know that affinity groups are employer-recognized and promote inclusion, diversity and belonging that benefit employees? UD offers a range of affinity groups that allow you to connect with students with similar interests, goals and identities.
Canvas Modules FAQs
This self-paced, module-based site provides access to personal and professional development activities, career education resources and life design exercises designed to help you develop the career competencies needed to excel on whatever career path you decide to take.
Undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in a section. Graduate students can request enrollment in the graduate version via the link above.
In keeping with the University of Delaware’s Strategic Plan and the Strategic Plan Pillar: Expanding Student Access & Success, the UD Career Center has created a Canvas site that allows every undergraduate student to have equal access to career and life design resources.
No. The UDCC Canvas Site is a free resource provided by the UD Career Center. It is not an academic course, there is no credit/grade association and it will not appear on your transcript.
While there is no credit/grade associated with the UDCC Canvas site, faculty/instructors may decide to incorporate one or more modules into their academic courses. If a faculty member incorporates a module, completion of that particular module as part of a class may impact your course grade and therefore your GPA. We encourage students not to wait and see if a module is a part of their major/program, and instead move through the modules independently to help further post-undergraduate goals.
You have been enrolled to ensure all undergraduate students have equal access to career and life design resources. Unless assigned by a faculty/instructor as part of an academic class, you are not required to complete any of the UD Career Center Canvas modules.
Modules have been designed as independent learning opportunities.
If you complete a module on your own and a faculty/instructor assigns it in their class, there may be an additional assignment connected to the course that builds on what you learned in the module. You should therefore plan to speak with your instructor about completing the work associated with that module.
If you complete a module and still have questions, please feel free to log into Handshake and schedule an appointment with a career counselor. General questions might also be answered during drop-in hours.