Search for Jobs and Internships

A student speaks with an employer at a UD Career Fair

Search for Jobs and Internships

Searching for jobs and internships can be a daunting task, but having a strategy and knowing where to look for opportunities will make the whole process much easier.

Regardless of your career goals the Career Center provides many resources to assist with your job and internship search!

Keep in mind that building your skills in other areas, particularly networking, can present possible career options that you did not expect!

  • Handshake: Thousands of new off-campus job and internship opportunities are posted each month by recruiters looking to hire students and alumni from UD.
  • Student Applicant Policy
  • Student Employment OfficeLearn about applying for on-campus jobs with UD.
  • Parker Dewey: A platform featuring micro-internships - paid, project based work to gain professional skills and enhance your resume.

  • LinkedIn Job Search Engine: Search Linkedin for jobs and internships associated with your network, and access many other career opportunities.
  • Buzzfile: A comprehensive employers-by-major resource.
  • Vault: Access rankings of top companies, industry-specific guides and jobs and internship listings.
  • A job and internship site featuring part-time, summer, and entry-level opportunities.
  • Zip Recruiter: An online employment marketplace, connecting millions of employers through mobile and email services.
  • Job Lift: A job search platform that scours over 4,000 partner job boards and uniformly compiles employment offers on one site. Sign up to receive regular job alert emails.
  • Juju: A “job search engine” which indexes jobs listed on thousands of sites.
  • Ripple Match: Jobs and internships for early career candidates.
  • QuadJobs: Find local jobs that fit your schedule with QuadJobs! A resource for finding flexible, pre-professional job opportunities
  • Connect with job, internship and volunteer opportunities in various non-profit and social impact fields.
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Complete the "Gain Practical Experience" module in your UD Career Center Canvas site for more guidance on searching for jobs and internships, as well as landing research opportunities!

UD Career Center on Canvas

Current Opportunities

Off-Campus Jobs and Internships

More Opportunities on Handshake

On-Campus Jobs and Internships

Obtaining Credit for Internships or Field Experience

UNIV 364 - Experiential Internship

Students from any major who wish to obtain credit for their internship placement can register for this free elective three-credit class. This course is designed to complement the experiences you have at your internship site. There will be lecture and discussion about a variety of topics including: career development, personality and learning styles, and diversity.

  • You must arrange an internship prior to entering class.
  • Your internship should be in an area related to your major or area of career interest. (If unsure of your site's appropriateness, please discuss it with your instructor prior to the start of the course.)
  • You must submit a Learning Contract signed by your internship supervisor, yourself and your course instructor.
  • You must spend a minimum of 50 hours at your internship site during the session or semester you are enrolled in the course. (It is not possible to take the class before or after you have completed your internship.)

It is possible to take UNIV 364 more than one time, however, the credits do not count toward graduation unless you have a different instructor and a different internship the second time around.

Because the course is limited to 25 students per section to maximize interpersonal interactions and problem solving, seniors receive top priority for the fall and spring sessions.

Other options for receiving credit for an internship:

  • Arrange an independent study with a faculty member.
  • Identify a faculty member who is willing to support your out-of-class experience through UNIV 262, 362 or 462 (Experiential Learning).
  • Participate in a departmental internship.

If you have further questions, please contact Rachel Coppola, Director of Life Design & Career Integration at

UD Internships and Research Programs

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  • Agriculture and Natural Resources Summer Institute Research Experience

    Undergraduates interested in pursuing an advanced agricultural, natural resources or life sciences degree can participate in summer research and education experiences. Participants can develop a project, collect and analyze data, and present their results at a campus-wide summer symposium.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Summer
    Location: UD campus
    Pay: $4,500 stipend (and housing in UD Residence Halls if needed)

  • Biden Institute Summer Internship Program

    Career-focused 8-10-week internships provide students hands-on experience in public policy, communications, event planning, and advocacy with non-profit organizations and government agencies.


    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates with a minimum 3.0 GPA
    Semester: Summer
    Location: Delaware, Washington, D.C., and other locations
    Pay: Amount set each year and by site

  • Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) Summer Fellows Program

    The program partially supports students who want to work part-time on a community-based research or creative project and combine it with other summer activities such as coursework and/or employment.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Summer
    Location: Delaware
    Pay: $500—$3,000 stipend

  • Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) Summer Scholars Program

    The program provides highly motivated undergraduates the opportunity to immerse themselves in a community-based research or creative project under the direction of a faculty mentor. Scholars spend 10 weeks during the summer in full-time pursuit of their projects in partnership with a Delaware nonprofit, governmental, community-based action research or service-based corporate activity and simultaneously pursue academic reflection under the guidance of a UD faculty mentor.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Summer
    Location: Delaware
    Pay: $4,000 stipend

  • Delaware INBRE Biomedical Sciences Summer Research Scholars Program

    In a partnership with five state institutions, including UD, Christiana Care and Nemours Children’s Hospital, selected undergraduate students will carry out independent research projects while supported full-time under a mentor to gain knowledge of research techniques and make unique scholarly or original impacts on the biomedical sciences.

    Qualifications: Undergraduates who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents
    Semester: Summer
    Location: UD and other institutions within Delaware
    Pay: $5,000—$6,000

  • Extension Scholar Program

    A unique, hands-on, 10-week summer experiential learning environment under the guidance of extension agents or specialists. During this summer internship, students will follow Cooperative Extension's service learning model, implemented through one of Extension's four program areas: 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, lawn and garden and agriculture and natural resources. Summer scholar experiential learning may include designing and delivering educational programs, evaluating program impacts in the community, assisting with communications and more.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Summer
    Location: Delaware
    Pay: $4,500 stipend

  • Institute for Public Administration Legislative Fellows Program

    The experience offers a valuable opportunity to observe and contribute to political decision-making. Fellows assist state legislators in addressing critical public policy issues through nonpartisan, in-depth research.

    Qualifications: Junior- and senior-level undergraduates with a minimum 3.4 GPA
    Semester: January to June 30
    Pay: Fellows take a required UAPP course and receive a competitive fellowship

  • Institute for Public Administration Legislative Researcher Program

    The Institute for Public Administration (IPA), in partnership with the UD Government Relations Office, provides a student learning opportunity for an Undergraduate Legislative Researcher to work closely with the director and office staff to provide direct, nonpartisan legislative monitoring and research assistance.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates with a minimum 3.4 GPA
    Semester: January to June 30
    Pay: Up to $4,500​​

  • Institute for Public Administration Undergraduate Public Administration Fellows

    IPA’s Public Administration Fellows work closely with faculty or professional staff members on complex public policy research and public service projects for state, county and local governments and nonprofit organizations. Research areas include civic education and engagement, conflict resolution, economic development, education policy, healthcare policy, land-use planning, transportation, infrastructure, and water resources.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates with a minimum 3.4 GPA
    Semester: Fall and spring
    Pay: Up to $6,000 for the academic year

  • McNair Scholars Program

    The year-long program supports academically talented low-income, first-generation and underrepresented students toward pursuing advanced graduate degree through mentoring, simulated graduate school experiences and a 10-week summer research program.


    Qualifications: U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, completion of 60 college credits by May 31, minimum GPA of 2.75 (sophomore), 3.0 (junior), first-generation college student AND defined as low-income by the U.S. Dept. of Education, OR of a background underrepresented in graduate education.

    Semester: Summer
    Location: UD Campus
    Pay: $3,500 Stipend plus on-campus housing and meal plan for the 10-week summer program

  • Research Apprenticeship Work-Study

    A collaboration between the Undergraduate Research Program (URP), Student Financial Services and faculty mentors allows eligible, early-career students to use federal work-study funds to gain research experiences at the University of Delaware.

    Qualifications: Work-study eligible undergraduates
    Semester: Fall and spring
    Pay: $13.25/hour in fall 2024 and $15/hour in spring 2025

  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)

    Research experiences with faculty mentors give talented undergraduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related majors a chance to see and take part in what is happening on the front lines of discovery.

    Qualifications: Varies by program
    Semester: Summer
    Location: UD campus
    Pay: $4,500–$6,000 stipend

  • Summer Fellows Research Program

    The program is ideal for those who wish to undertake a smaller-scale research project, who have been working on projects during the academic year and would like to continue research in the summer, or who wish to begin projects that will continue during the next academic year.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates 
    Semester: Summer
    Location: UD campus
    Pay: $300–$1,500 stipend

  • Summer Scholars Research Program

    Conduct in-depth research or creative work with University faculty. Applicants must propose a research project of their own making. Students selected for the Summer Scholars Program work on their projects full-time for 10 weeks.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Summer
    Location: UD campus
    Pay: $4,000 stipend

  • Summer Undergraduate Biden School Fellows

    Students conduct research with faculty and staff in one of the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration affiliated research centers—the Institute for Public Administration or the Center for Community Research and Service—on public policy issues such as community revitalization, economic development, education policy, health policy, housing and homelessness, land-use planning and more. The program runs for ten weeks for a total of 300 hours.


    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates with a minimum 3.2 GPA

    Semester: Summer

    Pay: Fellows take a required UAPP or UNIV course and receive a $4,500 fellowship

  • UD Antiracism Initiative (UDARI) Summer Scholars

    The program provides highly motivated undergraduates in any major with the opportunity to immerse themselves in research or a creative project based on race, antiracism or racial justice. Scholars spend 10 weeks during the summer pursuing their research or creative projects full-time.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Summer
    Location: Delaware
    Pay: $4,000 stipend

  • UD On-Campus Student Employment

    UD offers a variety of on campus-jobs that are based in service, research and academia with offices and departments across the University. Students are able to earn income, help to develop professional competencies and provide mentorship.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates
    Semester: Year-round
    Pay: Hourly pay set by UD office hiring student

  • UD Water Resources Center (DWRC) Internship/Research Program

    DWRC internships provide a unique opportunity for undergraduate students, faculty and scientists to be directly involved in research and education that address the critical water resources issues of the day in Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region. Students must establish a water research topic and project with the support of a faculty or scientist advisor.

    Qualifications: Open to all undergraduates with a minimum 3.0 GPA
    Semester: Fall and spring (combined)
    Pay: Up to $4,000

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Using Generative AI to Search for Jobs and Internships

Internship and Job Searching:

Do: Use Generative AI to search for internship and job opportunities based on your criteria.

Don't: Rely solely on AI-generated job listings. Use multiple sources to find opportunities.

Advice: Use Generative AI to create personalized job search pitches or elevator pitches for networking events.