Religious and Spiritual Resources

Flowering trees on campus

Religious and Spiritual Resources


Student and community efforts provide a rich backdrop for spiritual activities at the University of Delaware. UD is home to more than 25 religious undergraduate and graduate registered student organizations. Programs, events and learning opportunities hosted by these organizations are offered to students and the UD community throughout each year.

Religious Holidays and Excused Absences

Class absences on religious holidays listed in the Academic Calendar are considered excused. Nevertheless, students are urged to remind the instructor of their intention to be absent on a particular upcoming holiday.

Faculty are encouraged not to schedule examinations or require the submission of special assignments on the following days: the evening before as well as the first two days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Diwali, Good Friday, the first two days of Passover, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and the evenings prior to these holidays.

Excused Absences

Religious Organizations at UD

Organization Phone Address Email Religious Advisor
Assemblies of God - Chi Alpha 717-283-6493 Joseph Barrale
Baha'l Club Sarah Peterson
Blue Hens for Christ 662-816-2224 17 East Park Place  Casey Coston
Catholic Campus Ministry 302-368-4728 45 Lovett Ave.
Fr. Rich Jasper & Fr. James Gebhardt 
Chabad Center for Jewish Life 302-465-5032 262 S. College Ave. Rabbi Avremel Vogel
Christian Challenge 302-750-3497 112 Amstel Ave. Nathan Walters
David Batts
Lindsay Batts
Episcopal Campus Ministry 302-368-4644 276 S. College Ave.    
International Friendships of Delaware 302-367-4994 Rick Gray
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship 302-753-2271 222 S. College Ave. Tyler Brown
Kristol Center for Jewish Life (Hillel) 302-453-0479 47 W. Delaware Ave. Jeremy Weisblatt
Lumos Presbyterian Campus Ministry 302-366-7406 157 W. Main Street Rev. Nona Holy
Lutheran Campus Ministry 302-368-3078 247 Haines Street Mindy Holland, Chaplain
Muslim Student Association 302-831-1618 S. Ismat Shah
Orthodox Christian Fellowship 302-654-4446
Fr. Christos Christofidis
Thomas Buchanan
Warriors for Christ 302-831-6262 Joyce Henderson
Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry 302-368-8802 69 E. Main Street Ward Mesick
Janet Taylor-Smith
YoungLife 302-312-9164     Kyle Banal
Religious and Spiritual Life Liaison 302-831-6380 Kim Zitzner

On-Campus Resources

a quiet room with prayer mats on the floor and paintings on the wall

Reflection and Interfaith Spaces

The following spaces are open daily for students, faculty and staff of all faiths, religions and spiritualities for private meditation, prayer and reflection.

These spaces can accommodate several people at once and includes a bookshelf for storing prayer mats, shoes and more.

Sign for a washing and ablution station

Ablution and Washing Stations

Ablution Stations are a designated area open to anyone to perform a quick cleansing of hands, face and/or feet.

Available stations:

  • Perkins Student Center first floor men’s and women’s restrooms.
  • Center for Intercultural Engagement on the second floor of Perkins (across from the interfaith meditation room).

The stations were developed in partnership with the Muslim Student Association, Vice Provost for Diversity, University Student Centers, Student Diversity and Inclusion, and English Learning Institute.

Fresh fruits and vegetables arranged on shelves

Kosher Dining

Guests of the Rodney Dining Fresh Food Company have the ability to choose from a variety of freshly prepared and made-to-order meals from several action cooking stations including a Mongolian station, gluten-free station, vegan station and an Orthodox Union-supervised kosher dining station.