Meet Our Team

employees of the Division of Student Life attend the 2023 Focus on the Future Conference

Meet Our Team

Who is the Division of Student Life?


Led by the Vice President for Student Life, our 11 units and 25 functional areas support all UD students as they develop personally, educationally, and professionally. Students find that the development we facilitate, and the communities we foster, fill the abundant space between the classroom and life to complete their University of Delaware experience.

Student Life Leadership

José-Luis Riera

José-Luis Riera, Ph.D.

Vice President for Student Life
Nathan Elton

Nathan Elton

Executive Director, Postgraduate and Student Success Integration
Adam Cantley

Adam Cantley

Dean of Students
Assistant Vice President, Student Support & Advocacy
Nicole Long

Nicole Long, Ph.D..

Assistant Vice President, Student Experience & Belonging
Heather Kovanic

Heather Kovanic

Senior Advisor and Chief of Staff
Laura Gleason

Laura Gleason

Business Officer
Adam Foley

Adam Foley

Interim Assistant Vice President, Institutional Equity for Student Life

Student Affairs Leadership Team (SALT)

The Student Affairs Leadership Team advances strategic thinking and development concerning the co-curricular student experience. The team consists of all director-level positions and higher within the Division of Student Life.

Vice President's Core

  • Vice President for Student Life
  • Assistant Vice President, Student Experience and Belonging
  • Assistant Vice President, Student Wellbeing
  • Assistant Vice President, Institutional Equity for Student Life
  • Business Officer
  • Dean of Students and Assistant Vice President, Student Support and Advocacy
  • Executive Director, Postgraduate and Student Success Integration
  • Senior Advisor

Executive Directors and Directors

  • Associate Dean of Students and Director, Case Management and Student Advocacy
  • Director, Advancing Racial Equity & Inclusion
  • Director, Assessment, Data Analytics and Research
  • Director, Career Connections & Experiences
  • Director, Center for Counseling and Student Development
  • Director, Community Standards & Conflict Resolution
  • Director, Fraternity and Sorority Leadership & Learning
  • Director, Graduate Student Success and Support
  • Director, Health Promotion and Prevention Education
  • Director, Housing
  • Director, Life Design & Career Integration
  • Director, Orientation & Transition Programs
  • Director, Residential Communities
  • Director, Strategic Wellbeing and Training
  • Director, Student Diversity & Inclusion
  • Director, Student Life Communications and Marketing
  • Director, Student Services for Athletes
  • Divisional HR Director
  • Executive Director, Residence Life & Housing
  • Executive Director, University Student Centers
  • Medical Director, Student Health Services
  • Medical Director, Athletic Medicine, Student Health Services and Chief Medical Officer, Athletics

Student Life Partners

  • Assistant Vice President, Parent and Family Giving
  • Director, Parent and Family Giving and Student Life Philanthropy

Request Student Life Leadership at your event!

UD Community members can request Vice President José-Luis Riera and/or a member of the Student Life Core Leadership Team to attend or speak at their events by completing the form below.

Integrated Services

Student Life Communications and Marketing

Leading the division's communication strategy, the SL Comms team offers services in the following areas:

  • Creative
  • Digital
  • Web
  • Editorial
  • Strategic Planning

Business Operations

Led by the Student Life Business Officer, Business Operations manages these functional areas for Student Life:

  • Financial Operations
  • Human Resource Operations
  • Student Life IT

Resources for Student Life Business Operations, including policies, budget cycle information and staff recruitment can be found on Henquarters, the Student Life intranet site.


The Student Life Assessment, Data Analytics and Research (SLADAR) team collaborates with the Student Life Assessment Council (SLAC) and the Division of Student Life staff to improve the student experience, educational environment and divisional operations with a focus on:

  • Creating and leveraging high-quality data through systematic and integrated assessment
  • Collectively advancing divisional assessment priorities.
  • Planning or facilitating professional development opportunities related to assessment.
  • Discussing assessment challenges, resources, trends and current/upcoming projects.
  • Communicating divisional assessment updates in an effective manner to units.

The Division of Student Life advances equity and inclusion, deepens student learning and drives holistic development through education, experiences and communities.