Associate in Arts Program

Exploring Costs and Aid
We encourage you to review information on educational costs and to familiarize yourself with the processes of applying for, finalizing, and maintaining financial aid eligibility. The FAFSA is the only application UD requires to consider students for need-based financial aid. Aid is generally offered for the academic year, but disbursement (payment) is split between the Fall and Spring Semesters.
The University of Delaware is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.
Students are responsible for all educational costs on their student accounts after the free drop/add period.
How to fill out the FAFSA form : youtube.com/watch?v=9apxxQrx-WY

UD Federal School Code
Apply for Financial Aid
Types of Aid
Finalize Aid
Maintain Aid
Types of Aid
Pell Grant
Pell Grants are offered based strictly on the student's Student Aid Index (SAI). Students eligible for these funds will see them reflected on the financial aid notice.
Students who wish to be considered for a Pell Grant must file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
SEED Scholarship
SEED (Student Excellence Equals Degree) Scholarships are funded by the State of Delaware and cover tuition for eligible full-time students enrolled in the Associate in Arts Program (AAP) at the University of Delaware’s Wilmington, Dover, and Georgetown locations. SEED Scholarships are not offered to students who choose to begin their bachelor's degree pursuits at the University of Delaware in Newark.
Students can receive a SEED Scholarship for up to 10 semesters. These funds can cover tuition for an associate degree, and up to two semesters toward a bachelor's degree at UD for those transitioning from AAP to the Newark campus.
Students who wish to be considered for the SEED Scholarship must file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). No separate application is required, though UD cannot pay the SEED Scholarship to the student account until it has received the student's final high school transcript.
Those attending winter or summer session can request SEED eligibility at askSFS (click on the Financial Aid category and Winter/Summer SEED Request under Submit a Question). This will count towards the 10 semester maximum.
The expanded SEED Scholarship is now available to more Delawareans!
- SEED expansion removes the age restriction for applicants, so Delawareans of all ages (not just recent high school grads) can be eligible for the tuition coverage.
- Applicants over the age of 25 must meet a five-year Delaware residency requirement.
- Applicants over the age of 25 must meet a five-year Delaware residency requirement.
- All credit-earning programs are included, provided they lead to the award of an associate degree.
- Eligibility is extended to 10 semesters, giving scholarship recipients additional time to complete an academic degree program. This is critical for those who are going to school while working full time.
- Recipients may attend school part-time after their first semester.
- Recipients may take a year off without losing SEED eligibility. Additional gaps in enrollment can be approved based on military or volunteer service, medical conditions, or personal/financial hardship, but gaps in enrollment do not extend the five-year funding period.
- Eligible applicants include students with a GED or Delaware State Board of Education Endorsement Secondary Credentials.
- SEED is now available to individuals with non-violent felony convictions.
- Associate in arts degree students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. GPA is calculated using all college-level credits attempted for SEED renewal in the next academic year.
- Students who graduate with their associate in arts degree and have remaining semesters of SEED eligibility may use the SEED Scholarship for tuition during fall and spring semesters of their junior year at the University of Delaware.
The University of Delaware will receive a set amount of funding from the State of Delaware for the SEED Scholarship. UD will offer SEED according to funding availability in the following order.
- Students enrolled in the Associate in Arts Program
- Pell-eligible graduates of the AAP, now in their junior year in a bachelor's program
- Other graduates of the AAP, now in their junior year who meet the SEED criteria based on SAI (as determined by FAFSA)
These original SEED requirements still apply.
- The equivalency standards for Delaware home-schooled students shall be a complete home-schooled academic transcript.
- Undocumented students must meet the same eligibility requirements as documented students. To qualify as an undocumented scholarship recipient, the student must have: (a) attended a high school located within the state of Delaware for two or more years; (b) graduated from a Delaware high school; (c) applied for all campus-based financial aid (scholarships, etc.) for which they would be eligible; and (d) submitted a notarized Tuition Affidavit (available in UD's Student Financial Services) which certifies that they are undocumented and that they have filed an application to legalize their immigration status or will file an application to legalize their application status as soon as they are is eligible.
- Individuals who lived in foster care under the jurisdiction of the Department of Services for Children and their Families at any point between the ages of 16 and 18, whether placed within or outside Delaware, qualify for the SEED Scholarship provided they meet in-state tuition residency requirements. These individuals must self-identify to Student Financial Services with proof of foster care status between the ages of 16 and 18.
- A student shall have satisfied admission standards as determined by AAP Program at the University of Delaware.
- A student shall have applied for all appropriate forms of financial aid for which the student is eligible including, but not limited to, the Federal Pell Grant, financial aid programs administered by the Delaware Higher Education Commission, and shall have accepted all such financial assistance offered to the student, except for loans. If Pell Grant funds cover full tuition, the SEED Scholarship will NOT be offered. If Pell Grant funds do NOT cover full tuition, the SEED Scholarship will be offered to cover the difference up to the cost of tuition.
- An eligible student must apply for financial aid by completing and submitting the FAFSA. A student must complete all institutional forms and supporting documentation as requested by the campus. A student should apply for financial aid by the priority date of April 1 of each year.
- Associate degree students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. GPA is calculated using all college-level credits attempted and reviewed at the end of the spring semester to determine eligibility for the next academic year.
- SEED Scholarship can be applied for up to three terms in any given year, e.g., fall/winter/spring or fall/spring/summer, while pursuing the associates degree. It can also be used for fall/spring of the student’s junior year provided the student hasn’t used more than 10 semesters of eligibility.
Educational loans are a form of financial aid which require repayment upon the student's exit from school. Loans can help a student meet the cost of attendance not covered by grant and scholarship funding or personal resources.
Loan funds are paid directly to the student account at the start of each term. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours per term) to be eligible for federal and most alternative loans.
Federal Direct Subsidized & Unsubsidized Student Loans
Students who submit a FAFSA and meet other eligibility requirements will be offered Federal Direct Student Loans. A portion of these loans may be subsidized, meaning they are interest-free while the student is enrolled in college.
First-time borrowers must complete entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN).
The Federal Direct PLUS Program is a popular financing option for parents of undergraduate students. A FAFSA and a credit check are required. Students whose parents are denied the PLUS loan based on credit will receive an additional $4,000 (freshman/sophomore) or $5,000 (junior/senior) in Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan eligibility.
Interest rates and origination fee information can be found at studentaid.gov.
First-time borrowers must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Alternative (private) educational loans are offered from a variety of lenders. These loans require a credit check. Generally, students will apply for these loans using a credit-worthy U.S. co-signer. Alternative loans should be used only after students have exhausted federal loan eligibility.
Students who wish to learn more about alternative loans can find a list of lenders that are frequently used by our students on our alternative lender information site.
The lenders are presented for informational purposes only. Lenders appearing on the list were chosen based on the lender's ability to receive electronic loan certifications, send Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), and fee structure. Most loans have zero fees for all borrowers. A few lenders may charge fees for borrowers with poorer credit and/or require that some payments be made while in school. Please read all fee and interest rate information carefully before AND after approval.
Outside Funding
Outside funding includes financial assistance from sources such as employers or third-party payers, veterans benefits, and scholarships through various organizations unaffiliated with UD. Some external scholarship options appear on our External Scholarships page, and students generally explore these and other additional resources independently.
Employer Funding
Students eligible for tuition reimbursement from an employer upon submission of grades may defer payment of covered tuition and fees.
- Financially clear the student account by selecting the relevant deferred option under Report Additional Credits. Provide dollar amount of employee benefit in the Amount box and the employer's name in Comment box.
- Make payment for remaining balance due by the term due date.
SFS will verify the tuition agreement and adjust the account due date to 30 days after final grades are published.
Third-Party Sponsorship
An organization that funds all or part of a student's education and wishes to be billed directly by the University is considered a third party sponsor. The sponsor provides the student with a sponsor-approved voucher or letter of credit authorizing the University to invoice the organization for any applicable tuition/fees.
- Submit all sponsor authorization documents, including sponsor-approved voucher or letter of credit, and the completed Third Party Sponsor Billing Agreement form to third-party@udel.edu.
- Financially clear the student account.
- In My Finances, click the pencil icon to Report Additional Credits.
- Select "Third Party" from the Type dropdown.
- Enter amount.
- Enter comment explaining source of funding.
- Click "Save credits."
- In order to record credits, you must click "Submit" (if no additional payment is due) or complete payment (if there is a remaining balance due).
University of Delaware is committed to helping student veterans and military service members in their transition from military to college life. Student veterans can find information and dedicated support at the Student Veterans website.
Students can also seek additional funding through external organizations that offer scholarships. These organizations may include local and national civic or business organizations. In most cases, the agency selects the recipient and determines the value of the scholarship.
External scholarship checks should be mailed to:
University of Delaware
Student Financial Services
30 Lovett Avenue
Newark, DE 19716
Additional information, including scholarship search engines, can be found on our External Scholarships listing.
Finalize Aid
Registration with My SFS Docs is mandatory for UD students selected for verification and some other tasks necessary for finalizing financial aid. This is the only way to upload required documents and complete tasks.
Students may confirm their financial aid out on My Finances. Aid information is posted staring in early July for the upcoming Fall/Spring Semesters. Students starting in the Spring Semester will see aid beginning in mid-December. As a reminder, any consideration for need-based financial aid requires submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
To Do List
UD reviews the final high school transcripts for all students offered SEED Scholarships; this review is necessary for SEED funds to pay to the student account, and typically occurs during the summer. Students must maintain academic standards associated with the SEED Scholarship to have it renewed from one year to the next.
Need-based financial aid (including federal, state, and University aid) may have requirements students complete before the University can pay these funds to the student account. These items can be found on the To Do List, located in My Finances or UDSIS.
As a general rule, students must complete all additional requirements during the enrollment period, i.e., before the end of the semester.
What a Student May See on the To Do List
- Federal student loan requirements
- Master Promissory Note
- Entrance Counseling
- FACT Treatment
- Exit Counseling
- FAFSA clarifications or corrections
- Marital status
- Dependency status
- Citizenship
- Federal verification
- Academic progress
- Federal Parent PLUS Loan
- Master Promissory Note
Note: Loan requirements for private educational lenders are not displayed on the To Do List. A student borrowing a private loan should make sure all steps are completed with the lender.
Federal Verification
Verification is the federally regulated process used to confirm students' FAFSA data is correct. This process will require students to provide additional documentation.
What to Do
Selected students should review their UDSIS To Do List then create a My SFS Docs account, as instructed in the blue box above. Students should take care to submit the specific document(s) and complete the specific tasks requested, and allow processing time for SFS to complete the review once all tasks are completed.
Academic Progress
Institutional scholarships and grants have academic requirements that must be maintained. These can be found on the My Finances Notice.
In addition, federal and state regulations require UD to monitor each student's Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to disburse federal and state funds. Aid recipients must meet certain standards (GPA, minimum/maximum credit hour completion).
Students who fail to meet any of the terms and conditions of their aid may be required to submit an appeal.
Students who have experienced extenuating circumstances which impacted progress may submit an appeal to determine whether aid can be reinstated. The appeal form is located in My SFS Docs.
Student Financial Services annually reviews recipients of University scholarships for renewability, based upon criteria including, but not limited to, enrollment status, grade point average, and student aid index (for need-based funds).
In some extenuating circumstances students may be able to appeal the loss of a scholarship by completing the Scholarship Renewal Appeal form.
SAI/Hardship Appeal
The University of Delaware strives to offer its families the best financial aid packages possible within the limitations of federal, state, and University regulations and funding levels. Students and/or families who experience a financial hardship or have a change in financial situation not reflected on the FAFSA may consider an Student Aid Index (SAI) appeal. This can determine whether additional funds may be available to support the student's cost of attendance.
Federal and institutional need-based aid is limited and based on the SAI, and SAI appeal requests may go through verification.
What to Do
Students interested in filing an SAI appeal can complete the form found on askSFS. An SFS Advisor will contact students after submission of the form. Please note that all SAI appeals must go through the verification process.
Maintain Aid
It is the student's responsibility to understand the terms and conditions of all financial aid. Students are expected to review the full list of financial aid terms and conditions each year.
Academic requirements for most financial aid can be found on the Aid Notice in My Finances. Students who fail to meet these requirements may need to submit an appeal to retain their financial aid eligibility.