My Finances

Join SFS for a Virtual Town Hall

Our SFS Town Hall Tuesday presentation covering information on Financial Holds scheduled for April 1, 2025 at 7pm. 

join Zoom (Passcode: SFS2025)

Log on To UDSIS to Grant Access for Authorized Users to My Finances

To grant access to a new authorized user:

  • Select Personal Information, then Manage Parent/Guardian Access.
  • Enter the information for the parent/guardian you'd like to invite, then click "Send Invitation."

To grant access to an existing user:

  • If the user's email already appears under the "My parents/guardians" or "Pending invitations" section, ensure the My Finances box is checked.
  • Parents/authorized users will receive an email from with the subject line "UD Parent/Guardian Services Invitation."
  • Parents/authorized users can then click the link in the email to get to the site and follow the prompts to set up access.

Accepted Terms & Conditions

Ensure Preferred Email in UDSIS is Accurate

Student Financial Services at the University of Delaware relies upon the use of electronic messaging to provide communications to its students and authorized parents/guardians.  SFS requests any electronic messages be opened and read in a timely manner.  Each student is responsible for frequently reviewing all emails sent to the designated email account to receive official University correspondence.

Billing communications will be sent to student udel email addresses and any email address to which the student has granted My Finances access.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure an active email address is set to receive communications.

Acknowledge Financial Obligations upon Course Registration

The act of registering generates related tuition charges for which students are financially responsible.  Students must officially drop or withdraw from courses before the term's free drop/add period ends in order to receive a full refund of tuition and fees.  No refunds of tuition or course fees will be made for withdrawal or dropped courses after the end of the term's free drop/add period.

Recognize the Consequences for Accounts Not Paid and in Delinquent Status

  • Registration, transcripts, and the release of diplomas will be prohibited.
  • Late fees will be assessed each month the account is not paid.
  • The University will pursue collection action and may authorize legal action to effect the settlement of an account.  Students will be liable for all reasonable collection costs, including attorney fees and other charges.

Review Terms and Conditions of Any Financial Aid Offers and Appropriate Consumer Information

Students should read federally required disclosures and understand financial aid terms and conditions.

Understand the Security of Online Payment Processing

UD has chosen CASHNet as its secure third party payment processor.  Both the UD and CASHNet websites adhere to all applicable federal, state, and banking regulation security standards.  CASHNet secures personal information through VeriSign (Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, 128-bit encryption) which creates a protected connection between users and the web server.  This means account numbers and personal data are never sent over the internet unencrypted.  Online payment by check (ACH) complies with NACHA standards.

Please note that CashNet assesses a 2.95% service fee, which is not paid to UD and is not refundable, even if the related payment to UD is refunded.