What is the UD Referral Network?


The UD Referral Network is a non-emergency referral system housed within the Stellic site to proactively connect students to campus support services.

How to Make a Referral

1. Login to Stellic and navigate to the student’s profile via the top right-hand Search

2. Click on the “Notes” tab > “Write New Note” > “Add a Referral


3. Click into the “Referred to” box and select “Group” to then select the Group from the drop-down options to receive your referral

  • For example, Assistant Dean/Advising - Non-emergency for advising concerns, Student Financial Services for tuition or billing concerns, etc.

4. Input your comments into the Note textbox

  • For example, “This student has a question about their scholarship”, etc.

  • Details about a student’s mental health, medical information, or any other personally sensitive information should never be added in Stellic.

5. Referrals have the default visibility to all staff with access to view student profiles. If appropriate, you can change the visibility to include the student.


6. Click “Send”!

  • Upon submitting the referral, the area receiving the referral will reach out to the student. It is up to the student to respond and follow through on appropriate next steps. At times, the referral area may update notes in Stellic but, in general, after clicking Send, the issuer is no longer involved in the specifics of the referral.


What To Do

  • Use referrals for student situations that are NOT time sensitive or urgent 

  • Include who you are - for example, “as this student’s advisor” or “as this student’s professor”

  • Provide context for area receiving the referral - for example, “this student could benefit from loan options or career advice from your area”

What NOT To Do

  • Do NOT use the referral system for urgent, sensitive matters

  • Do NOT include any mention of a mental health or medical condition

  • Do NOT include personally-sensitive information about a student


Who is Part of the UD Referral Network?

  • Study Skills - A student seems to need better tools for approaching academic challenges. 

  • Tutoring - A student has expressed a need for individual, group, or drop-in tutoring.

A student has expressed a need for additional advising support, such as:

  • Guidance in interpreting an academic policy or help with major exploration/ change of major

  • Degree Clearance/ Degree Requirements

  • Personal or Educational Leave of Absence

  • Student is not attending or engaging in classes

Student has expressed interest in their post-graduate and occupational pathways, including:

  • Connecting major to career

  • Internships & career experiences

  • Industry exploration

  • Seeking mentorship & networking opportunities

  • Developing career skills

An Arts & Sciences student is looking for ways to connect to campus resources and enhance their undergraduate experience through high-impact activities, including: 

  • Mentorship

  • Internships

  • Undergraduate research

  • Academic support resources

A student asks about how to register for accommodations based on their documentation. 

An international student has an immigration case impacting their academic progress.

A student expresses concerns over working on or finding resources for their research or multimedia (video, podcast, web) project.

A student has expressed concern regarding their roommate relationship.

A student needs help connecting to campus resources, involving concerns such as:

  • Non-academic Student Behavior Concern

  • Medical Leaves of Absence (student will not return for the rest of the semester)

  • Military Leave of Absence

    Complex Student Issue/Concern (Note: personal information should not be included in the referral & should instead be sent to studentsupport@udel.edu)  

A student has expressed an interest in identifying a greater sense of belonging or affinity space based on diversity, identity, equity, and inclusion.

A student has shared concerns over meeting their student financials or has a financial hold preventing registration and needs assistance.

A transfer student is not sure how transfer credits are counting towards academic requirements.

A student has expressed interest in getting involved in undergraduate research opportunities on campus.

A student using GI benefits is considering dropping or withdrawing from a specific class or term.

Center for Counseling & Student Development

Although the Center for Counseling & Student Development (280 The Green, Warner Hall) isn’t a referral option within the Blue Hen Success platform, they’re an important partner in the Care Network for UD students. A student can walk-in during regular office hours (M-F 8:30-4:00) for an initial consultation meeting. 


If you think a student’s needs are urgent, either encourage the student to walk-in during regular office hours or call them directly to consult about the student at 302-831-2141.


As a reminder, TimelyCare is available to all students 24/7/365 at timelycare.com/udel. Faculty and staff are encouraged to review this important CCSD website about resources for students.