Job Shadow Programs

a student works with others and writes on a board

Job Shadow Program

What to expect:

Job shadowing may include workplace tours, meeting with key members of an organization and involvement in daily workplace activities. This program matches students from UD with alumni and employers who are currently working as professionals for a one-day in-person job shadow OR a one-on-one virtual, one-hour informational interview. Please note this is not a paid opportunity.

Why should you participate:

The job shadow program allows students to learn more about various professions, receive career-related advice and reflect on the ways in which their education can prepare them for life after college.

When does it happen:

UD Job Shadow Program runs twice a year during Summer and Winter Sessions.

Steps for this program:

  • Students apply for the program during the designated application period.
  • Student completes UD Career Center Canvas module on job shadow program participation.
  • UD Career Center reviews applications and matches students and hosts for job shadow experiences.
  • Students are sent matches to accept or decline. Students must submit the acceptance form to confirm the match to be formally introduced to the host.
  • UD Career Center sends formal email introductions between students and hosts.
  • Job shadow experience will take place on a day mutually agreed upon between student and host(s).

For more information, contact

Winter 2025 Application Timeline

  • Monday, November 4 through Sunday, December 1, 2024 - Student application period
  • Monday, December 2 through Monday, December 9, 2024 - Career Center reviews applications and matches students and hosts for job shadowing experiences.
  • Tuesday, December 3 through Monday, December 10, 2024 - Students may be sent matches to accept or decline. Students must submit your acceptance form to be formally introduced.
  • Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - Formal email introduction between students and hosts
  • Monday, January 6 through Friday, January 31, 2025 - Job Shadow experience will take place on a day mutually agreed upon between student and host(s).
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Complete the "Career Events & Experiences" module in your UD Career Center Canvas site for more guidance on how to prepare for a career fair and what to expect from a job shadow opportunity!

UD Career Center on Canvas