Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable processes approved payments to suppliers through various payment vehicles, including but not limited to checks, electronic payments, and wire transfers.
Check Pickup Changes
Starting November 01, 2024, Procurement Services will implement new measures to enhance the check payment delivery process. As part of this change, all check pickups will require prior approval from Procurement Services. To request approval, you can add a comment to the requisition in UD Exchange, Web form, or send the request to procurement@udel.edu. Once approved, checks will be available for pickup at the Cashier's Office the next day after printing, usually on Thursdays. These changes aim to simplify our processes and ensure greater accountability.
Please be advised that the check pick-up request should be limited to urgent situations, wherein the supplier exclusively requires a hand-delivered check or in exceptional circumstances. Additionally, Accounts Payable can send supporting documentation along with the check to aid in applying the payment accurately if additional attachments are not listed on the check remittance advice.
Checks can be picked up the following day after printing at the Cashier’s Office, located at 413 Academy, Room 250, Newark, DE 19716, open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please ensure to have your UDID or a valid form of identification when picking up the check.
Most sourceable goods and services are purchased and paid for through the purchase order and payment process.
However, you may have a need to make a Non-PO Payment to a supplier for an engagement that is generally considered "non-sourceable". Examples include human subject payments, stipends, and government payments.
The Non-PO Payment Matrix provides a comprehensive list of allowable Non-PO payment types with definitions.
Because there are many types of payees and multiple payment vehicles, the matrix also outlines which payment vehicle should be used to make the payment depending on your payee type.
Non-PO Payment Request Form in UD Exchange
Completing the Non-PO Payment Request Form
Honorarium Payment Request Form in UD Exchange
Completing the Honorarium Form
Payment to Individuals (PTI) Guide
For successful, timely payments, an invoice needs to include the following:
- Supplier Name
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- "Bill To" must be "University of Delaware"
- Remittance Address
- Purchase Order (PO) Number
- Amount Due
- Currency must be specified
All invoices requesting payment against an established Purchase Order should be sent by the supplier directly to accountspayable@udel.edu as instructed on the Purchase Order.
If an invoice does not contain the information listed above, the supplier will need to submit an updated invoice for payment.
All payment information for orders and forms in UD Exchange can be found on the Vouchers tab of the order form.
For payment information related to legacy webform orders and forms, please consult Payment Activity.
UDX Voucher Payment Status Types:
In Process
A voucher with “In Process” status is pending action in UD Exchange. It may require PO Owner Approval, or review by Accounts Payable if in an exception folder.
A voucher with “Payable” status has been completely processed through invoicing and is in queue for payment to be issued per payment terms. This means that an invoice will reside in the system with “Payable” status until payment is issued according to the PO/contract terms.
A voucher with “Paid” status has been paid per terms.
A unit may request a voucher be canceled (in situations such as disputed charges). “Canceled” vouchers are edited with “DNU” as a prefix.