As you begin planning events please make sure you contact the Office of Alumni Relations early in the process at alumnet@udel.edu or 302-831-2341.
The guide below is a reference for your planning once you have connected with staff and received approval to go forth with the planning process.
See each section of this resource guide for “The Basics” of setting up an event including exploring SAP* funding assistance, “Spreading the Word” for marketing support and assets you may use for personal outreach and “Fundraising for Relevant UD Causes” for ways you can attach a crowdfunding effort to your event or cause.
While your audience will primarily be anyone associated with your affinity or regional network, there are ways to further segment your audience, if you wish. Discuss ideas with staff.
There are several factors to consider when deciding on a date to hold an event:
- Weekday vs weekend?
- Afternoon vs evening?
- Holiday conflicts?
- Summer vacation time?
We recommend planning an event at least three months in advance, unless it is a quick happy hour or informal social event for local Blue Hens that you plan to market on your own.
View the marketing timeline needed for marketing assistance from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.
- If you are applying for funding through the UD Alumni Association (see section 4), they require a minimum of 2.5 months (quarterly process) notice of an event before reviewing the application.
After you’ve determined the audience, date and location for your event, use this event request form to receive registration and marketing assistance from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Someone will be in touch with you after your submission is completed. You can find out more about the marketing support available to you in the next section, “Spreading the Word.”
The Satellite Assistance Program (SAP) is supported by the Alumni Outreach Committee of the University of Delaware Alumni Association (UDAA) to provide financial assistance to affinity alumni groups or regional Blue Hen Networks for programs, events and projects as they relate to University goals. You may apply for funding using this form.
Use this projected budget template for planning
We are happy to help market your event to relevant audiences in the UD Office of Development and Alumni Relations database. See below for what we offer in terms of marketing, plus available resources that you can use to spread the word to your own networks.
We can create and send an email invitation for your event to your audience based on your lead time, using our standard University of Delaware email template or regional template. If your event is open to all alumni and friends, we can also include the event in a regular, comprehensive events email within two months of the event date: This Month at UD sends at the beginning of each month, and regional emails send mid-month.
If you are not using UD’s registration system for your event, please provide a way for interested parties to learn more and/or contact you about attending the event. This is required for the email.
For emailing your close contacts
If you plan to send an email to some of your close contacts, feel free to plug in one of these email headers, which gives your email a little more formality and connection with the event. Just right click to download each item.
Below are a few University approved postcard templates for printing through University Printing. University Printing is the only approved vendor for requests using this artwork.
Once you’ve chosen a template, please email universityprinting@udel.edu to start a print request. Note which design you’d like to use, your quantity, mail date and provide a Word document with copy that will fit within your chosen template. Development and Alumni relations will provide the mailing data to fit your request. PDF proofs will be provided for approval. Please submit print requests for quantities of 50 or more.
If your event is open to all alumni and friends, we will plan to include it in an events roundup social post on Instagram (@UDelAlumni) and Facebook (@UDAlumni). You can also post to Facebook groups for Blue Hen Networks. Find the full list here. Or, if it’s appropriate for LinkedIn (networking events, etc.), you may post to our University of Delaware Official Alumni Group.
Whether you create a post or a story, tag @UDelAlumni so that we may easily reshare your content. If your event is open to all and you need a friendly URL, you can use udel.edu/alumnievents (just be sure your event is up on the events calendar first—our marketing team automatically does this for events that are public and they pull into the events feed at udel.edu/alumnievents)
Creating your own graphic or using your own image? The ideal dimensions are 2160 x 2160 px for an Instagram post and 1080 x 1920 px for a story.
Right click to download images.
Creating your own graphic or using your own image? The ideal dimensions are 1200 x 630 px for a Facebook post.
Tag @UDAlumni so that we may easily reshare your content.
Creating your own graphic or using your own image? The ideal dimensions are 440 x 220 px (2:1 ratio).
Post to the University of Delaware Official Alumni Group.
Monthly Events Email
Development and Alumni Relations sends monthly events emails to all alumni and friends at the beginning of each month. Please allow two weeks’ notice (mid-month) to include your event.
Standalone Email or Monthly Regional Email
Please allow 6 weeks lead time before send date (this includes 3 weeks for staff to request customized email data from IT.) Regional emails are already pre-scheduled to send mid-month each month to alumni and friends in Blue Hen Network regions that are hosting events within 2-3 months. No further action is needed. Affinity event emails are not pre-scheduled and send dates will be determined by marketing team.
Reminder Email Option for Affinity Event
If the first standalone email invitation is sent at least 6 weeks prior to an event, and if your event is not open to all or able to be included in a regular comprehensive events email, we can offer one reminder email 1-2 weeks before your event, if needed.
Social media
4 weeks lead time to ensure your event is appropriately included in monthly event roundup
Begin the postcard creation process at least 3 months before the event to allow time for design, data list pull and mailing.
As you plan your event, this timeline serves as a helpful guideline for steps to take in the months or weeks prior to your event date.
6 months prior |
Determine specific details of event (Audience, Date, Time, Location/Venue, Cost, Capacity…) Apply for Satellite Assistance Program funds, if appropriate/eligible |
2-3 months prior |
Complete Event request form with all details (this will begin Registration & Marketing process)
1 month prior |
Week before event |
During event |
Closing/After the event |
For every event registration, the Alumni Relations Office adds a giving option to the registration process, typically to the Blue Hen Strong Fund. If you’re interested in promoting a different UD fundraising cause or passion as part of your event or program, you may contact us at dar-comm@udel.edu. You may also explore the HenFunder Toolkit to consider hosting a crowdfunding project.
If you’ve learned about an alum’s new email address, mailing address or other updated contact information, please keep us informed by emailing these updates to bio-updates@udel.edu. This way, we can ensure we have the best contact information for your future events!