Talented UD alumni and students are honored by the University of Delaware and the University of Delaware Alumni Association (UDAA) with several scholarships and awards. These awards recognize their contributions to society; success in their professions; mentorship of students; and service to the University, the state and the region.

The Alumni Circle—located between Alumni Hall and the Carpenter Sports Building (or Little Bob), near Old College—represents the annual UD Alumni Association (UDAA) Award recipients. Its stone walls are engraved with names of past UDAA presidents and recipients of the Outstanding Alumni Award, Alumni Wall of Fame, Emalea Pusey Warner Award for Outstanding Senior and the Alexander J. Taylor Sr. Award for Outstanding Senior.
The shape of the Alumni Circle is meaningful and purposeful, representing the lifelong, never-ending relationship the association hopes all Blue Hens have with their alma mater.

UDAA Alumni Wall of Fame
In recognition of the many notable achievements of University of Delaware alumni, the UD Alumni Association and the University of Delaware established the Alumni Wall of Fame in 1984. The Wall of Fame recognizes outstanding professional and public service achievements by UD graduates. Those inducted into the Wall of Fame are recognized on campus with their name inscribed on the Alumni Circle wall.
2024Terrell Ward Bynum, AS63 2023 Udit Batra, EG91 2022Michael J. Carragher, EG84 2021William J. Marrazzo, EG71 2020Robert J. Healy, BE77 2019Mark P. Bendett, EG81M, EG85PhD 2018Donna M. Fontana, BE85 2017Ann Massey Badmus, EG84 2016Grace Thompson Leong, AS88 2015David G. DeWalt, EG86 2014Anne M. Gaffney, AS82PhD 2013Barry J. Bentley, EG78 2012The Honorable William C. Carpenter, Jr., BE73 2011Leon W. Adams, AG41 2010Brian F. Atwater, EOE80PhD 2009Robert D. Fleck, Jr., EG69 2008Alex T. Bourdon, EG81 2007Charles Allmond III, ANR53, 57M 2006Charles C. Allen III, ANR71 2005Charles A. Genuardi, Jr. BE70 2004Jo Anne Bryant Barnhart, AS75 2003T. Elbert Chance, AS52, 59M 2002Rev. Alexander W. Boyer, AS40 2001E. Paul Catts '52, 57M AG 2000Dr. Amelia Augustus, AS59 1999Paul J. Andrisani, AS68, BE70M 1998William C. Allen, AS72 1997Donald R. Brunner, BE66 |
1996M. Jane Brady, AS73 1995William B. Chandler, AS73 1994Howard E. Cosgrove, BE70M 1993John L. Anderson, EG67 1992Januar D. Bove, Jr., AS41 1991Thurman G. Adams, Jr., ANR50 1990Thomas R. Carper, BE75, 75M 1989Henry R. Folsom, Jr., EG36 1988T. Alan Bennett, EG32 1987Joseph H. Harper, ANR22 1986J. Caleb Boggs, AS31 1985Virginia Arnold, AS30 1984D. Hayes Agnew, AS36, 49H |
Nomination Guidelines
- The nominee must be a Blue Hen who has completed at least 30 credit hours at UD
- The nominee may hold (or have held) a senior leadership position within a corporation or other institution.
- The nominee has made a significant contribution to further their profession and has been honored for their excellence and service through professional/civic awards and commendations.
- The nominee should have maintained a relationship with the University of Delaware.
- The nominee is involved in their community. Supporting documentation, such as newspaper and magazine articles as well as press releases, are encouraged.

UDAA Outstanding Alumni Awards
The Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented annually, typically at an awards ceremony during Alumni Weekend to outstanding Blue Hens in recognition of their exemplary volunteer work on behalf of the University of Delaware and/or the University of Delaware Alumni Association. Since 1952, the University of Delaware Alumni Association has honored University graduates with this award.
2024Raymond A. Jacobsen, Jr., AS71 2023Lynn Kokjohn, BE78 2022Anne Giacoma Barretta, AS83 2021J. Peter Wolf III, AS91 2020Jennifer M. Cain, BE02 2019Traci S. Boddy, BE01 2018Mary Ann Hangen Blair, AS66, 82M 2017Alan L. Brayman, BE73 2015Fred Cottrell, AS85 2014Shawn Duff, BE08 2013Grace Thompson Leong, AS88 2012Claire M. DeMatteis, AS87 2011Greg Lamoreaux, BE72 2010Vance Funk, BE65 2009Julie Moyer Knowles, HS82 2008Charlotte Waterbury Brown, AS81 2007Peggy Moeckel, AS76 2006James A. Sears, BE70 2005Marilyn Smith Horne, EHD55 2004Barbara Smith, EHD64 2003Ellen Harris, EHD52 2002Ann B. Catts, AS52 2001Linda Brinton Harra, HS71 2000Robert L. Richards, EG50 1999Donald F. Crossan, ANR50 1998Joyce Hilty Richards, EHD51 1997Lillian Marshall Burris, AS41 1996Samuel J. Talucci, ANR51 1995William Clements, EG44, EG50M 1994Anthony DePetris, AS86M 1993JoAnne Collier Shaw, AS60, AS75M 1991Barbara Jenkinson Owens, HS58 1990Robert Siemen, AS43, AS55M, BE64M 1989Barbra Andrisani, EHD68 1988M. Elizabeth Cloud, AS33 1987Anne Clayton Nesbitt, EHD42 1986Anne Swain Levis, AS46 |
1985Frederic G. Krapf Jr., AS44 1984T. Elbert Chance, AS52, AS59M 1983J. Allen Frear, ANR24, 92H 1982Dorothy E. Markert, AS37 1981William L. Gerow, AS41 1980Herbert H. Lank AS25, 59H 1979Catherine Burke Flickinger, EHD40 1978Benjamin R. Phillips, EG31 1977Helen Swain Fox, AS31 1976Knowles R. Bowen, EG1918 1975Catharine Dougherty Gause, AS25 1974Edwin G. Crocker, ANR36 1973Joseph A. Thielman EG23, 30M 1972Helen Layton Thompson, EHD35 1971Walter J. Coppock, EG28 1970Milton L. Draper, EG1922 1969Frances Malcom Patnovic AS28 1968Florence Phillips Loose AS1923 1967Karl L. Herrmann, EG07, 59H 1966Mina Press Thompson, AS41, 57M 1965Clarence E. Taylor, EG1911, EG1916M 1964Mary C. Dennison, AS1919 1963John A. Munroe, AS36, AS41M 1962Richard S. Rodney, AS04, 50H 1961Ernest S. Wilson, EG1918, 63H 1960Warren C. Newton, ANR1916, 55H 1959Mary Collison Fraim, 54H 1958Charles W. Bush, AS1903 1957William Watson Harrington, AS95, 50H 1956John J. DeLuca, AS1922 1955Samuel M.D. Marshall, AS1905 1954Hugh M. Morris, AS1898, 1828H 1953H. Rodney Sharp, AS1900, 1948H 1952W. Owen Sypherd, AS1896, 1925H, 47H |
Nomination Guidelines
- Past recipients have been honored for their role in Alumni Association activities and programs, leadership roles and dedication to reunions, college or department alumni activities, service on advisory boards, University steering committees and department steering committees, to name a few.
- Nominees should exhibit exceptional volunteer work on behalf of the University of Delaware and/or the University of Delaware Alumni Association.
- Service to the University may be a single act or it may be a long record of participation and involvement.
- Business and professional accomplishments, community service and other factors are considered secondary to University and/or Alumni Association volunteer service.
- Current University of Delaware employees, University trustees and members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors are not eligible for consideration.

Academic Enrichment Awards
Academic Enrichment Awards were created in 2001 by the University of Delaware Alumni Association (UDAA) to provide opportunities for legacy students to enrich their education at the University through financial assistance.
"Legacy" is defined as a student who has a verifiable parent or step-parent who is a UD graduate. Up to $2,000 per individual may be awarded to allow students to take part in opportunities outside of the traditional classroom in which the student may not otherwise be able to participate. These opportunities may include, but are not limited to, academic competitions, research or program-related presentations, leadership conferences, research, service-learning, such as UDaB, or other academic endeavors.
- All applicants must be Legacy students, which means the applicant's mother, father, or step-parent graduated from UD. Legacy status will be verified prior to any funding allocation.
- Preference is given to:
- First-time applicants
- Undergraduate students
- Programs with a higher likelihood of bringing positive attention to UD, the UDAA or the applicant
- Students who are sharing the cost of the program or are utilizing other funding sources
- Retroactive applications will not be considered. All programs must be completed prior to a student’s graduation from UD.
- Registered Student Organizations are not eligible to apply.
- Applications will be considered in November and March each year.
- Please answer the following questions before completing an AEA application. Applications that do not meet the minimum requirements or that include requests for items not included in the funding guidelines will not be forwarded to the review committee for consideration. If you answer 'Yes' to any of these statements or questions, you are not eligible to apply:
- Neither of my parents (or step parents) are graduates of the University.
- Is your overall GPA lower than a 3.0?
- Does your request take place after your graduation from UD?
- Is your request a traditional study abroad program without additional service learning or undergraduate research?
- Will you earn credit for the program you are requesting funding for?
- Are you asking to be reimbursed or will the program take place prior to the notification date of the round in which you applied?
- Is the destination you are traveling to a level 3 or 4 on the US State Department's travel warning page?
- Does your request include any of the following expenses: food, tuition costs, salaries or any payments to individuals, alcohol, hardware or equipment such as computers, musical instruments or camcorders?
- The UDAA carefully reviews every application for an Academic Enrichment Award in accordance with the criteria listed on this website. As funding is limited, all eligible individuals may not receive an award. The decision of the AEA Committee as to whether to grant an award is final. The UDAA reserves the right to determine the criteria for awarding AEA funding. For additional information please email alumni-association@udel.edu.
- Download and complete the Individual Application and Expense Form. When calculating the amount of your request, include documentation that verifies the program's cost (i.e. website printouts, quotes from travel agents, mileage estimates for gas costs from website, etc). The committee needs to see how your costs are calculated and where the estimates came from. Rent or hotel charges will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Attach an essay, not to exceed two pages, explaining why you are a good candidate for the award and how the program relates to your program of study, educational and long-term goals. Also include details on your legacy connection and why your legacy connection to UD means so much to you.
- Include, in essay or otherwise, a detailed description of the program, conference, competition, etc., for which you are requesting funding. If you are presenting at a conference or symposium or are receiving an award please include a copy of the agenda or some other form of verification.
- Attach one letter of reference from your faculty advisor or a member of the UD community who endorses your proposal and how you would use the award. Reference letters from outside UD may be submitted as additional support.
- Attach an unofficial or official copy of your transcript.

Alumni Scholars Program
The University of Delaware Alumni Association sponsors this merit-based scholarship program aimed at attracting academically talented students to the University.
Starting with the class of 2027, the Alumni Scholars award provides $2,000 per student for 4 years of study. Alumni Scholars are selected from the applicant pool of students whose parents are alumni and who have been admitted to the University of Delaware. No additional application is necessary for consideration.
Class of 2028Rasi-Tael Joshua, HS28 Class of 2027Quintin Bhate, EG27 Class of 2026Xen Keith Bossard, BE26 Class of 2024Samuel Bernal, EG24 Class of 2023Zane Greenholt, EG23 Class of 2022Nicole Kennedy, AS22 Class of 2021Gillian Isabelle, AS21 Class of 2020Evan Carswell, EG20 Class of 2019Megan Harley, BE19 Class of 2018Matthew Beauchamp, EG18 Class of 2017Madison Gutekunst, EG17 Class of 2016Rebecca Jaeger, AS16 Class of 2015Andre Marianiello, EG15 |
Class of 2014Alexander Stachnik, EG15 Class of 2013Rebecca Godwin, EHD12 Class of 2012Meghan Fitzpatrick, ANR12, AS12 Class of 2011Theresa Brock, AS11 Class of 2010Kelly Ambrose, EG10, AS10, 12M Class of 2009Richard E. Berl, AS09 Class of 2008Stephanie Oman, AS08, 12M Class of 2007Zachary Schafer, AS08, 12M Class of 2006Andrew Strite, AS06 Class of 2005Lindsay McConnell, AS05, EHDM Class of 2004Amy Cunningham, AS03 Class of 2003Michael Cacciapaglia, ANR03 |
*Alumni Scholar awards for the classes of 2003-2026 subsidized half of tuition costs for a student’s four years at the University. Students were also awarded a one-time grant of $3,000 for Study Abroad and up to $2,000 toward a qualifying Academic Enrichment Award
David A. Plastino Scholars Program
This program makes students’ dreams come true—really! UD undergraduates design their own off-campus learning experiences that create a difference in their lives and in the lives of others. Plastino Scholars have traveled the U.S. and to 30 countries to undergo their projects, from making discoveries on Mount Kilimanjaro to revisiting a birthplace in China and researching adoptions there. Through the program, students may be awarded up to $6,000 toward their specific dream project, thanks to a 2007 gift from UD alumnus David A. Plastino.

T. Muncy Keith Spirit Award
The T. Muncy Keith Spirit Award is presented by the UD Alumni Association (UDAA) each fall to a UD Student Alumni Ambassador who has made the greatest contribution to the organization.
UD Student Alumni Ambassadors encourage school spirit through events such as Homecoming Spirit Day and I Heart UD Giving Day and through participation in the UD Bucket List; foster connections among alumni and students; support the Office of Development and Alumni Relations; serve as advisory members to the University community and the UDAA; educate UD peers on the importance of alumni impact through philanthropy at UD; and aspire to active alumni engagement upon graduation.
2024Kerri Oliver, AS25 2023Malini Gulati, AS23 2022Brian Chansky, CEOE23 2021Henna Castle, HS22 2020Chelsea Chatterton, HS21 2019Nicole Lehner, BE20 2018Amanda Flores, AS19 2017Brendan Hickey, EG18 2016Hannah Schur, EG18 2015Julia Perez, HS17 2014Jessi Gerowitz, AS16 2013Michael Smyth, BE14 2012Jaclyn Weisberg, AS13 2011Kevin Collins, BE12 2010Christa Cariddi, AS11 2009Daniel Gerber, BE11 2008Chris Gale, EG09 2007Natalie Gempesaw-Pangan, AS07 2006Laura Mae Milazzo, AS08 2005Elizabeth Wong, BE06 2004Kristen M. Baldyga, AS05 2003Jessica Thompson Sturgis, AS04 2001Courtney Wilczynski Corrin, AS02 |

Warner & Taylor Awards for Outstanding Seniors
The University of Delaware Alumni Association's Emalea Pusey Warner and Alexander J. Taylor Sr. Awards annually honor outstanding students of the senior class. Recipients must demonstrate leadership, academic success and community service with preference given to impact the University, as exemplified by Mrs. Warner and Mr. Taylor. The Warner Award was first given in 1950 while the Taylor Award debuted in 1968. Students must also have a cumulative index of 3.5 or better at the end of the first semester of their senior year.
The recipients each receive a cash award and are honored at a luncheon or dinner, lead the alumni delegates’ procession at spring Commencement and are recognized at the annual UDAA Awards Celebration held during Alumni Weekend.
Emalea Pusey Warner
Emalea Pusey Warner (1853–1948) is best remembered on the University of Delaware campus as a champion of education. In 1911, she became chairperson of the State Federation of Women's Clubs' Committee on Education and worked diligently toward the specific goal of establishing a state-supported women's college. When the Women's College Bill was passed by the General Assembly of Delaware, Mrs. Warner served as a member of the Commission. In 1914, she was appointed chairperson of the Advisory Council of the Women's College and later became the first woman member of the Delaware College Board of Trustees. On the occasion of the Delaware College Centenary Anniversary, May 12, 1934, she was awarded a Medal of Honor in recognition of her many accomplishments in the field of education. Both Warner Hall on the University campus and Warner Elementary School in Wilmington are named in her honor.
Alexander J. Taylor Sr., EG93, EG96M
Alexander J. Taylor Sr. (1875–1940) has been described as "a man who was never unwilling to try to solve any problem." It was his custom to devote himself energetically to each task until it was done satisfactorily. He entered Delaware College in 1889 and was one of 13 who graduated four years later. Class valedictorian, with a baccalaureate degree in civil engineering, Mr. Taylor always remained faithful to the University. He was elected to the Board of Trustees in 1927, reelected in 1932 and again in 1938. He served on the Grounds and Buildings Committee and Executive Committee and was chairman of the Finance Committee. Taylor Gymnasium was named in his honor.
2024Emilie J. Delaye, BE24 2023Aniya Brown, ANR23 2022Valerie B. Light, AS22 2021Jessica Harding, BSPA21, BSPA21M 2020Bianca Mers, AS20 2019Bailey A. T. Weatherbee, AS19 2018Laura K. Donohue, ANR18 2017Linda E. Halfacre, AS17 2016Rebecca K. Jaeger, AS16 2015Elizabeth Quartararo, AS15 2014Brielle Gerry, AS14 2013Melanie R. Allen, ANR13 2012Gealina O. Dun-Melli, AS12 2011Sarah E. LaFave, HS11 2010Alyson M. Cavanaugh, EHD10 2009Cassandra Patriarco Styons, AS09 2008Carol Cipriani Kangas, EHD08 2007Kathryn S. LaPrad, AS07, AS10M 2006Dalit Gulak Wolfe, AS06 2005Samantha Foy Bordonaro, HS05 2004Patricia Cordes McClain, BE04 2003Julia I. Kohen, AS03, AS03M 2002Monica L. Marchetta, EHD02 2001Sherri Freeman Fentress, ANR01 2000Jillian M. Licata, ANR00 1999Traci Feit Love, AS99 1998Nicole DeSanctis Forry, EHD98 1997Katherine W. Lee, EHD97 1996Gretchen Kohl Shahan, HS96, AS01M 1995Heather Patton-Graham, AS95 1994Jennifer A. Johnson, AS94 1993Kathleen P. Makowski, AS93 1992Kieran Gorgonne King, AS92 1991April M. Jackson-James, AS91 1990Colleen O'Neill Van Dyke, HS90 1989Heather Bell Margolin, BE89 1988Anne E. Beall, AS88 |
1987Carol Lanning Crispin, HS87 1986Alison Farrance Del Rossi, AS86 1985Suzanne S. McGovern, AS85 1984Carol Renfrew Haft, AS84 1983Sheila McLoughlin Lam, HS83 1982Allyson Blaine Haenlein, AS82 1981Margaret M. Phelan, AS81 1980Susan Scott Ashman, EHD80, EHD81M 1979Stephanie Bonino Weidman, BE79 1978Lynn Frankel Thompson, AS78 1977Margaret Lee Pickering, BE77 1976Amy Gier Bland, BE76, AS82, AS92M 1975Barbara E. Verble, AS75 1974Catharine Marshall Lemieux, ANR74 1973Charis Dunlap Dike, EHD73 1972Renee Rochelle Weer, HS72 1971Susan Ross Cover, EG71 1970M. Kathleen Trickey, AS70 1969Dee Lafferty Pugh, AS69 1968Patricia Tate Quinn, EHD68 1967Paula Lance Gavin, AS67 1966Patricia Macky Fisher, EHD66 1965Patricia Bedwell Kuswa, AS65 1964Carol McNamara Bartlett, AS64 1963Jacqueline Harding Van Grofski, BE63 1962Thelma Baldwin Zener, EHD62 1961Patricia A. Craven, EHD61 1960Amy McNulty Hiller, AS60, AS65M 1959Katherine Hammond Lewis, EHD59 1958Jean Ashe Crompton, AS58 1957Loretta Wagner Smith, AS57, AS68M 1956Joan Russell Metz, HS56 1955Virginia Larson Appleby, EHD55 1954Mary Ann Lindale Hall, AS54, EHD94M 1953Doris Simon Ritchie, EHD53 1952Ann B. Catts, AS52 1951Lois Deiss Davidheiser, BE51 1950Margaret Brosius Jones, AS50, EHD70M, EHD74PhD

Walter Stark Scholar Award
This award is presented annually to a University of Delaware first-year student or sophomore in any major who is a Delaware resident and the first in their immediate family to attend a four-year college or university.
Walter Stark was an accomplished attorney and parent of UD graduate Leonard P. Stark, AS91, AS91M. Len was the University's first Rhodes Scholar in 30 years and is currently a U.S. District Judge for the District of Delaware.
The application deadline is March 31, 2024.

Career Networking
UD offers an array of opportunities to learn from fellow alumni, connect with students and hone your professional skills.

Young Alumni
Calling all recent UD graduates! Stay connected with UD and each other.