To make sure a course will transfer to UD |
- Read and do the steps below before registering for and taking the course at another school.
- The only way to guarantee a course will transfer is if it meets all of the policy requirements in Step 1 above, you have submitted a TCE form, and it has been approved by your Assistant Dean’s office. See below for detailed instructions..
- Although you can complete the process below after taking the course, it may not transfer as you had hoped (nor be eligible to transfer for credit). We strongly recommend doing this in advance.
If you’re graduating this term
- Make sure to complete the steps below at least 6 weeks before your expected graduation.
If you take courses on a non-UD study abroad program or at an international university
- Ask your non-UD program what school will issue your official transcript. Check this list to see if UD has reviewed the school recently, whether credits will transfer, and the minimum grade required.
- If the school is on the list, continue with the process below.
- If the school is not on the list submit an online Transfer Institution (TIPA) form. Within 5-10 business days, our team will review the school and email you to confirm whether it meets UD’s transfer credit requirements. Once you hear back, continue with the process below.
Touch base with your Advisor to see
- How your transfer courses may count toward your degree, and whether your transfer plans may conflict with UD’s Residency Requirement.
- If you are studying away from UD for a full semester or year, they’ll review how to complete a Leave of Absence request.
If you have UD institutional financial aid
- If you’ll be away from UD for a full semester or year, you are not eligible for institutional aid during your leave. Students can apply for Federal Aid through a consortium agreement (PDF).
- When you return, to regain eligibility for institutional scholarships & grants, you must transfer back at least 12 UD credits per semester. Before your leave, make an appointment with Student Financial Services to discuss your plans and how a Leave of Absence may impact your UD financial aid package. ( or 302-831-2126)
If you may be using Veterans Benefits
- When submitting your TCE form (steps outlined in the next section), copy the Asst. Dean for Veterans in the Student Advocacy & Support. If submitting a webform, add as a “copy.” OR if submitting a PDF, email your approved final TCE form to Consult with for guidance.
Submit a Transfer Credit Evaluation (TCE) form
- We strongly recommend that you submit the form before taking the course.
- If all of the courses you plan to take are in the Matrix today, submit an electronic TCE webform. This form requires CAS authentication. If you are a recently deferred student, not yet currently matriculated to UD, follow the paper process below.
- If only some (or none) of your courses are currently in the Matrix, submit a PDF version of the TCE form – see instructions below.
- PDF process instructions: Complete and save the fillable PDF TCE form. For any course(s) not in the Matrix, save a PDF of the approval email(s) you received from the department. Send an email to your Asst. Dean's Office, attaching both the completed TCE form & dept. approvals. Note that PDFs are strongly preferred to screenshots. If saving as a screenshot is your only option, use a higher level of resolution, and confirm that the information is clearly legible before sending the files to your Asst. Dean.
- Your Asst. Dean will review the form, route it to our office if they approve, or return to it to you if they have questions/concerns.
After completing the course
- Ask the school to send an official transcript directly to UD’s Registrar’s Office. After arriving at UD, transcripts take roughly 5-7 business days to route to the transfer credit team.
- Electronic transcripts: (sent via companies such as Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse): must be password protected & requested directly through the school, sent to
- Paper transcripts: ask the school to send directly to:
Office of the Registrar – Transfer Credit
University Visitors Center, 210 South College Ave., Newark, DE 19716 U.S.A.
- If the school sends a paper transcript directly to you, do NOT open it. Send the transcript in the original, sealed school envelope to the address above.
- Due to high volume, the Registrar’s Office cannot confirm when your transcript arrives to our office. Please check UDSIS per the timeline noted below.
- Do not email a PDF transcript or opened paper transcript issued by the school. This would be considered unofficial, and you would need to order a new one.
After your transcript arrives to the Registrar’s Office
- Credits post within 2-4 weeks after we’ve received both your official transcript & an approved TCE form from your Asst. Dean.
- A Transfer Credit Fee will appear on your UD student account roughly 1-2 weeks after your credits have posted to your UD academic record. The fee is currently $75 per institution per term (2 or more schools, or 2 or more terms = multiple fees).
To see your credits
- Check UDSIS > Grades & Transcripts tile > Transfer Credit report.
- Due to high volume, the Registrar’s Office cannot confirm when your credits post. Please check UDSIS per the timeline outlined above.