How to Transfer Courses to UD

Mentor Circle

How to Transfer UNDERGRADUATE Courses to UD

Be taken at an approved institution which issues college-level degrees
  • U.S. institutions should be regionally accredited.
  • U.S. degree-granting colleges/universities with other accreditation may be eligible for transfer credit. Contact for additional information.
  • International institutions must be approved by their country’s Ministry of Education to issue college-level degrees.

Be taken for a standard letter grade and earn the equivalent grade noted at the right or better

  • Students admitted Fall 2022 and after: Minimum grade to transfer = “C-“ (1.7 on a 4.0 scale).
  • Students admitted prior to Fall 2022: Courses taken Summer 2022 and after, minimum grade to transfer = “C-“ (1.7 on a 4.0 scale). Courses taken Spring 2022 and earlier, minimum grade to transfer = “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale).
  • UD does not award transfer credit for courses receiving a grade of “P” or “CR” except for the special timeframe below.
  • All students, courses taken during Spring 2020 (or potentially subsequent terms), at a school that adopted a special COVID-19 pandemic grading policy: Grade of “P” or “CR” may be eligible for transfer to UD if it meets all of the following requirements: The course is usually taken for a letter grade; The “P” or “CR” must be equivalent to a “C-“ (1.7 on a 4.0 scale) or better, with this policy clearly stated in the transcript legend, on the institution’s website, or in a letter that accompanies the official transcript. Note: If the “P” or “CR” represents a course that may have earned a grade below a C-, it will not transfer.

Be college-level and cover material & subjects that align with UD’s academic curriculum

  • UD does not transfer remedial courses nor most basic/introductory computer classes.
  • UD does not transfer courses in English language instruction, religious study, nor with political content mandated by an international government.
Be recorded on an official transcript
  • Courses must be recorded on an official transcript issued by the unit at the school (registrar or grading office) that confirms and issues the school’s undergraduate degrees. 
Be a part of the school’s undergraduate curriculum (i.e. “their courses”)
  • Syllabi must be official, from the school itself, not a high school or third party.
  • Courses should count towards the school’s approved college-level degrees.
  • Courses that appear on a college transcript as “transfer credit” from another school are not eligible to transfer to UD.  If those credits were originally earned at an accredited, college-degree-granting school,  request an official transcript from that school.   
  • Courses that appear on a college transcript as “credit by exam” are also not eligible to transfer to UD.
  • If another school has approved that an AP/IB/etc. test will earn specific college credits at their institution, these will not transfer to UD. UD uses our own interpretation of test programs and scores. See information and instructions on our Test Credit page to request an official test score report sent to UD.

Cover material & subjects that align with UD’s academic curriculum

  • UD does not transfer courses in English language instruction, religious study, nor with political content mandated by an international government.

Note: UD uses its own transfer & conversion policies

  • Even if another school recommends different conversions, UD’s policies prevail.
  • Courses taken under a different credit system will be converted to UD semester hours, ex: quarter hours x 2/3 (or .67) = semester hours.
  • Grades and quality points for courses transferred from other schools are not included in the UD GPA.
  • Transfer courses will not automatically fulfill UD's Second Writing Requirement, even if the equivalent UD class is a Second Writing course in the UD catalog. This requirement is tied to timing, and must be taken after completion of 60 cr. at UD. Second Writing for transfer credit is approved on a case-by-case basis. Discuss with your advisor or College Asst. Dean's Office whether the transfer course would fullfill your requirement.
For English composition courses only – taken BEFORE starting your first full-time term at UD

Read below for information about whether your college-level transferrable composition course may qualify for an ENGL 110 exemption (fulfilling the UD requirement without having to take the UD course).

If you are transferring a COMPLETED ASSOCIATE DEGREE to UD, your English comp. course will automatically earn ENGL 166T elective credit and an exemption for ENGL110.

If you are NOT transferring an associate degree and are admitted SPRING 2024 AND BEYOND:

  • Transfer student: Check UD’s Matrix. If your English comp. course is in the Matrix, you will earn ENGL166DE elective credit and an exemption for ENGL110. If your course is not in the Matrix, you will receive 166T elective credit. Follow these specific instructions from the English dept. to have your comp. syllabus considered for an ENGL110 exemption.
  • Freshman: Check UD’s Matrix. If your English comp. course (taken while in high school) is in the Matrix, you will earn ENGL166DE elective credit and an exemption for ENGL110. If your course is not in the Matrix, you will only earn ENGL166T elective credit, and not an exemption (for the reasons outlined in the pre-2024 policy).

If you were admitted BEFORE SPRING 2024 and are NOT transferring an associate degree:

  • Transfer student: You will receive 166T elective credit. Follow these specific instructions from the English dept. to have your comp. syllabus considered for an ENGL110 exemption. Even if your course is currently approved for the exemption in the Matrix, this applies effective for Spring 2024 admitted students. Do the process linked above.

Freshman: Your English comp. course (taken while in high school) will only earn ENGL166T elective credit. It will not be considered for an ENGL110 exemption per this policy from the English dept.

Check UD's Transfer Credit Matrix.

  • The Matrix shows courses that have been recently reviewed for another student, and how they transfer as of today.

    Note that Matrix equivalencies may change at any time, as curricula can change at UD and other schools. Use the Matrix as a guide, not a guarantee.

How to read the Matrix course table

  • The year listed on the left is when the course was most recently reviewed, and approvals usually last for 7 years. Any course you see in the Matrix is currently approved to transfer as of today.
  • If a row lists more than one course on the left (from the other school), you must take both/all to earn the UD course(s) approved on the right. The combination of courses is required.
  • INTL-US or INTL-SA courses are taught outside the U.S. on a study abroad program.

If your school or course are not in the Matrix, no need to worry! UD just needs to review them to confirm if credits will transfer. See instructions to the right.

  • New school: email the name/address/website to We’ll research if the school meets UD’s requirements, then email you to confirm. After you hear back, see below for instructions to send your courses to a UD department.

  • New course: See below to have your course evaluated by a UD department.

For English composition courses only

  • See the table at the top of this page for details about UD’s policy regarding exemptions for ENGL110. If your course is NOT in the Matrix, and you took the course while a high school student, also read the Course Goals from the English dept. If you took the class after high school, use this form to have your syllabus reviewed.

For all other academic courses

  • Find an official syllabus (preferred) or course description as a web link, PDF, or scanned copy.  Course information must be from the college or university, not a high school or third party.
  • Choose the best academic department to match your course. Note for incoming new students: If the transfer course is already on your record as “166T Transfer Elective,” send your course to the department noted (i.e. a course in Astronomy that initially transferred as PHYS166T should be reviewed by the Physics department, because Physics teaches Astronomy courses at UD).
  • Some departments ask that you submit your courses via a web form (for these, you’ll see the link on the department list).
  • But for most departments, download this email template (version for newly incoming studentscurrent matriculated students, or students with military credit). Copy/paste the template into an email, add your information, attach the syllabus (or course description, or course/occupation exhibits), and send it to the department.

What happens next

  • Most departments respond to course requests within 1-2 weeks. But some take longer, due to high demand. If you haven’t heard back within 2 weeks, email the department contact a friendly reminder. It is your responsibility to follow-up with the department for course approval.
  • The department will review your course and determine the best UD equivalent, then email you and Save a copy of these emails for future reference.
  • If the course has already transferred as a 166T transfer elective, we’ll update the equivalency within about 2-4 weeks after the department has reviewed the syllabus.
  • If your course has not yet been transferred, see instructions below for what to do next.

Course at a U.S. institution

  • Ask the school to send an official transcript directly to UD Admissions.  For Dual Enrollment courses, transcripts should come from the college or university, not the high school.
  • After arriving at UD, transcripts take roughly 5-7 business days to route to the transfer credit team.
  • Electronic transcripts (sent via companies such as Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse): must be password protected & requested directly through the school, sent to
  • Paper transcripts: ask the school to send directly to: UD Office of Admissions, Univ. Visitors Center, 210 South College Ave., Newark, DE 19716 U.S.A.
  • If the school sends a paper transcript directly to you, do NOT open it. Send the transcript in the original, sealed school envelope to the UD Admissions address above.
  • Do not email a PDF transcript or opened paper transcript issued by the school. This would be considered unofficial, and you would need to order a new one.

Course at an international institution

  • Follow the steps outlined on IERF’s website to order a Standard Application Detail Report. IERF is UD’s partner for credential evaluations.
  • Due to high volume, the Registrar’s Office cannot confirm when your transcript arrives to our office, nor when your credits have posted. Please check with UD Admissions to confirm the current turn-around timeline.
Course on a Joint Services Transcript (JST)
  • Courses appearing on a JST initially transfer to UD as 166T electives. Although they do not appear in the Transfer Matrix, JST courses may be equivalent to existing UD classes. We strongly encourage you to follow the steps above, sending JST course descriptions to academic departments for review. Contact for additional guidance.

To see your credits

  • Login to your My Blue Hen Home student portal. Closer to registration, your credits will also be visible in UD’s Student Information System (UDSIS).


  • Is there a fee to transfer courses you’ve taken before coming to UD? No. There is only a fee to transfer courses taken after you’ve matriculated to UD.
  • What should you do if you’re currently taking a course that you’d like to transfer? Once you’ve completed the course, and grades have posted, follow the steps at the top of this table to request an updated official transcript. We will post the credits to your student record (usually within 2-4 weeks).
  • If UNIV166DE is in your transferred courses – what does this mean? This is General Elective credit. It could mean that a course aligns with UD’s curriculum, but the material is significantly different from what is taught in one academic department. UNIV166DE is also used for First Year Seminars, Study Skills courses, etc. In either case, UNIV166DE courses have already been evaluated. No need to send a syllabus to a UD department. Talk with your advisor about how these would count towards your degree.
  • If transferred courses have the number 166T – what does this mean? These courses have not yet been reviewed by a UD academic department. See above for how to send it to a department for review.
  • If, after a department reviews a course, you believe that the subject matter requires re-consideration, please read and follow the process to Appeal the Evaluation.
  • What documents should you take with you to New Student Orientation (NSO)? It’s a good idea to take an unofficial copy of college transcripts and AP/IB/other test scores. If your credits haven’t yet posted to your student record, your advisor can review the unofficial copies to help you enroll in courses that best fit your academic plan.
  • Whom should you contact for questions or guidance? Incoming transfer students would contact UD’s Assoc. Registrar for Transfer Services. Incoming first year students and ELI-AT students may reach out to their academic advisor (or College) for guidance.
To make sure a course will transfer to UD
  • Read and do the steps below before registering for and taking the course at another school.
  • The only way to guarantee a course will transfer is if it meets all of the policy requirements in Step 1 above, you have submitted a TCE form, and it has been approved by your Assistant Dean’s office. See below for detailed instructions..
  • Although you can complete the process below after taking the course, it may not transfer as you had hoped (nor be eligible to transfer for credit). We strongly recommend doing this in advance. 

If you’re graduating this term

  • Make sure to complete the steps below at least 6 weeks before your expected graduation.

If you take courses on a non-UD study abroad program or at an international university

  • Ask your non-UD program what school will issue your official transcript. Check this list to see if UD has reviewed the school recently, whether credits will transfer, and the minimum grade required.
  • If the school is on the list, continue with the process below.
  • If the school is not on the list submit an online Transfer Institution (TIPA) form. Within 5-10 business days, our team will review the school and email you to confirm whether it meets UD’s transfer credit requirements. Once you hear back, continue with the process below.

Touch base with your Advisor to see

  • How your transfer courses may count toward your degree, and whether your transfer plans may conflict with UD’s Residency Requirement.
  • If you are studying away from UD for a full semester or year, they’ll review how to complete a Leave of Absence request.

If you have UD institutional financial aid

  • If you’ll be away from UD for a full semester or year, you are not eligible for institutional aid during your leave. Students can apply for Federal Aid through a consortium agreement (PDF).
  • When you return, to regain eligibility for institutional scholarships & grants, you must transfer back at least 12 UD credits per semester. Before your leave, make an appointment with Student Financial Services to discuss your plans and how a Leave of Absence may impact your UD financial aid package. ( or 302-831-2126)

If you may be using Veterans Benefits

  • When submitting your TCE form (steps outlined in the next section), copy the Asst. Dean for Veterans in the Student Advocacy & Support.  If submitting a webform, add as a “copy.” OR if submitting a PDF, email your approved final TCE form to Consult with for guidance.

Submit a Transfer Credit Evaluation (TCE) form

  • We strongly recommend that you submit the form before taking the course.
  • If all of the courses you plan to take are in the Matrix today, submit an electronic TCE webform. This form requires CAS authentication. If you are a recently deferred student, not yet currently matriculated to UD, follow the paper process below.
  • If only some (or none) of your courses are currently in the Matrix, submit a PDF version of the TCE form – see instructions below.
  • PDF process instructions: Complete and save the fillable PDF TCE form. For any course(s) not in the Matrix, save a PDF of the approval email(s) you received from the department. Send an email to your Asst. Dean's Office, attaching both the completed TCE form & dept. approvals. Note that PDFs are strongly preferred to screenshots. If saving as a screenshot is your only option, use a higher level of resolution, and confirm that the information is clearly legible before sending the files to your Asst. Dean.
  • Your Asst. Dean will review the form, route it to our office if they approve, or return to it to you if they have questions/concerns.

After completing the course

  • Ask the school to send an official transcript directly to UD’s Registrar’s Office. After arriving at UD, transcripts take roughly 5-7 business days to route to the transfer credit team.
  • Electronic transcripts: (sent via companies such as Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse): must be password protected & requested directly through the school, sent to
  • Paper transcripts: ask the school to send directly to: 

Office of the Registrar – Transfer Credit

University Visitors Center, 210 South College Ave., Newark, DE 19716 U.S.A.

  • If the school sends a paper transcript directly to you, do NOT open it. Send the transcript in the original, sealed school envelope to the address above.
  • Due to high volume, the Registrar’s Office cannot confirm when your transcript arrives to our office. Please check UDSIS per the timeline noted below.
  • Do not email a PDF transcript or opened paper transcript issued by the school. This would be considered unofficial, and you would need to order a new one.

After your transcript arrives to the Registrar’s Office

  • Credits post within 2-4 weeks after we’ve received both your official transcript & an approved TCE form from your Asst. Dean.
  • Transfer Credit Fee will appear on your UD student account roughly 1-2 weeks after your credits have posted to your UD academic record. The fee is currently $75 per institution per term (2 or more schools, or 2 or more terms = multiple fees).

To see your credits

  • Check UDSIS > Grades & Transcripts tile > Transfer Credit report.
  • Due to high volume, the Registrar’s Office cannot confirm when your credits post. Please check UDSIS per the timeline outlined above.