Mentor Circle


“Dual counted” courses for 4+1 students

  • Every 4+1 program allows a certain number of credits, taken while an Undergraduate, to be “dual counted” for both the undergraduate and graduate degree.

  • This is set in the academic catalog for the year the student is admitted to the 4+1 (select the correct year from the dropdown at the top). 

  • The minimum grade must be a B-, but may be higher for your specific program.

Non-dual-counted courses  must

  • Earn a minimum grade of B- (or a higher minimum if stated in the catalog).

  • Taken no more than 5 years before matriculation to the graduate program. 

  • Taken at the 600-level or above, with the student performing at the graduate level.

  • Not used to satisfy requirements for a UD undergraduate degree (major/minor/breadth nor total # of credits needed to earn the Bachelor’s).

  • Usually limited to no more than 9 cr.

Internal transfer credits/grades

  • Credits, grades and quality points will transfer, counting in the graduate GPA.

For more information

  • Graduate transfer credit policies are outlined in the current catalog: Academic Regulations for Graduate Students >> Courses and Credits >> Transfer of Credits. Also check detailed requirements in the College sections for each 4+1 program.

Timing for submitting the form

  • For students in a 4+1 program: do this at the beginning of your final undergraduate semester (last semester before completing your undergrad degree).

  • For non-4+1 students: do this during your first graduate semester.

Meet with your graduate program coordinator

  • Discuss which graduate-level courses you have taken (or are now taking) as an undergraduate which you would like to have counted toward your graduate degree.

  • For 4+1s: Review the # of credits which may be  “dual-counted” toward both degrees, outlined in the catalog for the year you were admitted to the 4+1. 

  • For all students: Review any non-dual-count courses you would like to count toward your graduate degree. Make sure these meet the UD policies outlined above.

Submit the Internal Graduate Transfer Credit (IGTC) form

  • Complete and save the fillable PDF IGTC form

  • Email it to your graduate program coordinator.

  • In the subject line, include your full name, UDID, and “Request to Internally Transfer Graduate Credit”.

Next steps - In your department

  • Your graduate program coordinator will review your IGTC form.

  • If you are requesting to transfer non-dual-counted courses, your coordinator will email the Asst. Dean’s Office for your undergraduate degree(s) to confirm that the credits are not being used to satisfy Bachelor’s requirements.

  • If they have questions or need additional information, they may return your form for editing. Please reattach and resend when responding.

  • If they approve of your request, they will forward the form (and Asst. Dean confirmation if needed) to the Graduate College with their approval.

Next steps - Graduate College

  • The Graduate College will review your IGTC form/materials, ask questions if needed, and then add it to a queue for processing by the Registrar’s Office.

  • For courses you have already completed, your transfer credit should appear on your UD record approximately 2-3 weeks after your approved form has arrived at the Graduate College.

  • For courses you are currently taking, the credits will appear on your UD record approximately 1-2 weeks after your final grade is posted at the end of the semester. 

  • Due to high volume, the Registrar’s Office cannot confirm when your credits have posted. Please check UDSIS and/or Stellic regularly.

  • If credits have not posted within 4 weeks of your form’s approval - or 3 weeks after your final grade at the end of the semester - email