Course Inventory

Tools & Resources
The University's course inventory consists of all courses listed in the current undergraduate/graduate catalog. Part of the Faculty Senate's yearly course approval process, the online course approval is managed through Curriculog.
The course approval cycle begins in July and course proposals are required to be approved through the college level by December. Courses not approved by the college dean by the December deadline will not appear on the Course Inventory challenge list. The Course Inventory challenge list is the list of all course proposals in the current cycle that have received the required approvals. The Challenge Period, which usually falls during the first two weeks of spring classes, is a 10 day period in which all university faculty can review the list of new courses and course revisions and submit electronically any concern or challenge they might have in reference to a particular course. Challenges are routed to the chairperson of the Undergraduate Studies Committee for courses numbered 001-499, and to the Graduate Studies Committee chairperson for courses numbered 500 and above. The respective committees are responsible for determining the validity of the challenge and overseeing it's resolution. All courses approved by the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees become part of the permanent course inventory, effective the following fall.
Course Inventory challenge list (current year):
Course Inventory challenge list (archive):
- Course Inventory 2024-2025
- Course Inventory 2023-2024
- Course Inventory 2022-2023
- Course Inventory 2021-2022
Definitions of course detail terms
For further assistance, please email curriculog@udel.edu.
Course Detail Terms
Indicates the owning department for the course/program. Curriculog is preloaded with the Institution’s hierarchical structure. If importing a current course/program, this field will generate automatically. However, when proposing new courses/programs the drop-down menu in this field is used.
Essentially the longhand version of the Prefix. Curriculog is preloaded with the Institution’s Course Types. If importing a current course, this field will generate automatically. However, when proposing new courses the drop-down menu in this field is used.
Indicates the status of this course/program in the Catalog three ways: Active-Visible, Active- Hidden, and Inactive-Hidden.
The Active-Visible status is used for courses/programs that are active, searchable, and visible on the Catalog’s Gateway (public-facing website). This means that the course/program will filter automatically in the appropriate hierarchical pages.
The Active-Hidden status is used solely for programs that are extensions of other programs like technical electives, area electives, University Breadth, or other long elective lists. The “program” is still active, searchable, and is primarily used as a link in a program page. Active-Hidden programs will not filter automatically into hierarchical pages.
The Inactive-Hidden status is used to deactivate a course/program from the Catalog/UDSIS. If approved, the course/program will still exist in the Catalog but won’t be visible or searchable on the Catalog’s Gateway. All internal Catalog links will also be deactivated.
The subject area code of the course. Curriculog is preloaded with all the Institution’s active subject area codes. If importing a current course, this field will generate automatically. However, when proposing new courses the drop-down menu in this field is used.
Enter a course number as the subject area code and the three-digit number for the course; example ARTH402.
The course numbering scheme used at the University of Delaware is as follows: 001-099 Below baccalaureate degree.
100-199 Introductory-level courses.
200-299 Introductory and intermediate courses, usually requiring some previous knowledge or experience in the discipline.
300-399 Courses with a more concentrated focus on the subject matter in a particular discipline. 400-499 Advanced courses for majors and other qualified students. See Note 3 below.
500-599 Graduate-level courses for the non-specialist. See Note 1 below.
600-699 Graduate-level courses, also open to advanced undergraduates. See Notes 2, 3, and 4 below.
700-799 Graduate-level courses.
800-899 Graduate-level courses.
900-999 Ph.D.-level courses.
X66 Special problems and independent study. X67 Experimental course (may be offered twice).
Note 1: Courses numbered 500 to 599 may not be taken for graduate credit in a student's major. With the approval of the graduate student's major department, 500-level courses taken outside the student's major may be counted toward graduate degree requirements
Note 2: Courses numbered 600 to 699 are graduate-level courses also open to qualified advanced undergraduates with the consent of the instructor. There should be a single standard of expectation and grading for all students registered at this level.
Note 3: In those few cases where the number of either undergraduate students or graduate students does not permit adequate offerings of both a 400-level and a 600-level course, a graduate 600-level course may be combined with a separately numbered 400-level undergraduate course in the same section. The graduate component must then be offered with a graduate standard of expectation and grading.
Note 4: The appropriateness of 600-numbered courses for undergraduate credit is subject to review by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies.
The title that will appear in the Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog is frequently the same as the short title, but should contain no abbreviations.
The Maximum (Max) and Minimum (Min) information must be completed for each course. When determining the number of credit hours for a fixed credit course, you must teach at least 50 minutes class time of lecture for each 1 credit hour and at least 2 hours of laboratory for 1 credit hour for a regular semester.
Fixed courses offered for a certain fixed number of credits every time it is offered. All fixed credit courses must have the Max and Min completed.
Max has the same meaning for all courses, whether it is fixed credit or variable credit. Maximum credits means the maximum credits a student can take in this course (not a section) in a given semester. For most fixed credit courses, students take only one credit bearing section in a semester, in which case the Max equals the Min. In a few cases students may take more than one credit bearing section of some courses, varying topics courses for example, where the Max is greater than the Min.
Min is the minimum number of credit hours for a section of a course.
Variable credit courses must have Max and Min completed.
Max has the same meaning for all courses, whether it is fixed credit or variable credit. Maximum credits means the maximum credits a student can take in this course (not a section) in a given semester. For most courses students register for and take only one section in a semester, but sometimes students take more than one section of some courses, for example, our experimental courses, x67, and special problem or independent study courses, x66.
Min is the least number of credit hours that a student may register for in a variable credit hour course.
Credit(s) for Catalog Display is entered as well to display on the courses’ information. For fixed credit, enter just the fixed number. For variable credit, enter the min and the max credit as followed: #-# (example: 1-12, 0-3, etc.)
Courses with variable credit hours can be offered in a semester in one of two ways. When scheduling a course in a term you may choose to have a range of credit hours between the maximum and minimum. The student then registers for credits within this range. The second way is to schedule it as a fixed credit hour course, in which case a student can only register for the minimum credit in a section.
Enter the maximum number of credits for this course that will be allowed to count towards graduation
Indicate whether the course is to be graded as a letter grade (standard) or pass/fail only.
If this course is a NEW course and you would like it to be evaluated for multicultural status, or if the course is currently approved as multicultural and course changes are being proposed, select "Yes." You will be prompted to complete the required Multicultural Course Approval Supplement form.
Courses certified to meet the multicultural requirement must meet three of the four criteria. On the web form, upload the assignment this course uses to satisfy each of the three criteria (this could be a reading, project, essay, etc.) in the appropriate space below that criteria. You may also offer a brief explanation of the assignment in the text box, but this is not required.
1. Diversity Self-Awareness and Perspective Taking: Students can articulate their own individual identity in relation to key concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and religious affiliation, and can also reflect on how their social position differs from, and impacts, their relationships in diverse environments. In other words, students will learn to locate themselves within larger structures of difference and understand how their own position shapes their identity and/or worldview, as well as how that identity and/or worldview may differ from others.
2. Cultural Difference: Students gain in-depth knowledge of the history, lived experience, artistic production, identity and/or worldview of one or more underrepresented groups in the West (i.e., the US, Great Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) and/or of a non-
Western culture (or cultures). Students can articulate particular aspects and experiences of these cultures as well as how they may be similar to or different than the students’ own.
3. Personal and Social Responsibility: Students analyze the ethical, social, and/or environmental consequences of policies, ideologies, or actions on marginalized communities/groups within the US or internationally. Based on this analysis, students identify a range of potential personal and civic responses to these issues. A service learning version of this course may allow students to directly take informed and responsible action to address these challenges.
4. Understanding Global Systems: Students gain and apply the tools to think systematically about how institutions, ideologies, rhetoric, and/or cultural representations shape a people’s culture and identity, which may include their role in perpetuating inequality, whether historically or in the present day.
These guidelines are based in part on the diversity competence rubric developed by James Jones and J.M. Lee. See Jones, J.M. & Lee, J.M. (2016). Conceptualizing and measuring diversity competence: Psychometric properties of the Diversity Competence Scale. Unpublished manuscript, Center for the Study of Diversity. University of Delaware.
If this is a NEW course or a REVISED current course and you would like it to be evaluated for the First Year Seminar requirement designation, then click the YES radio button. As you progress through the course proposal form, you will be prompted to complete the FYE justification form prior to the submission of your course. Additional information is available at http://www.udel.edu/fye/.
If this is a NEW course or a REVISED current course and you would like it to be evaluated for the Discovery Learning Experience requirement designation, then click the YES, all sections or YES, some sections radio button. As you progress through the course proposal form, you will be prompted to complete the DLE justification form prior to the submission of your course.
Additional information is available at General Education website, under DLE, "For Students" or "For Faculty".
If this is a NEW course or a REVISED current course and you would like it to be evaluated for the University Breadth requirement designation, then click the YES radio button. As you progress through the course proposal form, you will be prompted to complete the University Breadth justification form prior to the submission of your course.
If this course is proposed as a course that is replacing another course, enter the Course ID of the course being deactivated. Use the form to "Propose a new course".
Instructional format information is required for all courses. If you have two instructional formats for a course, then indicate the combination of activities that includes more than one activity. For example, if some of your sections meet as three one-hour lectures per week, and others meet with two one-hour lectures and one recitation period, use the latter by entering 2 for Lecture, and 1 for Discussion. A 50-minute period is counted as one hour for this purpose.
For courses that meet only in Winter or Summer sessions, the contact hours should be calculated as if they meet in a fall or spring semester.
For variable credit courses, you must choose at least one instructional format, but you can indicate "0" for the contact hours. Actual contact hours will vary depending on how many credits for which a student enrolls.
Lecture, Discussion, and Independent Study meet one hour per week per credit. Laboratory meets two hours per week per credit.
Cross-listed definition – a course with different subject areas and the same course level. (HIST/JWST 254) For cross-listed courses, only one form should be sent forward from the primary department. This is achieved by clicking on the cross-list icon, , in the upper right- hand margin on the proposal. The secondary subject area codes and numbers should be entered in the boxes provided. While the number of the secondary need not be the same as the primary, the course level must be the same as the primary. Only one form should be sent forward from the primary department with all the appropriate approvals on the one form.
Dual Listed definition – two courses (400 and 600-level) with the same subject area. (ECON420 and ECON620) For dual listed courses, two forms should be sent forward from the primary department with the identical course title, course description, grading basis and credits.
Enter the short title (limited to 30 characters), as it will appear in the registration booklet and on students' transcripts. Every effort should be made to make this title meaningful by avoiding long titles with many abbreviations.
The Description is the body of the course description that appears in the catalog. This narrative should be brief and concise, using phrases or short sentences, and not exceed 45 words. Do not begin with "This course is..."
Courses that should be taken prior to this course.
Courses that are taken along with this course.
Requirements other than specific courses. Included here are such statements as: "Not open to freshmen" or "Required of all senior majors."
The Department Committee, Department Chair, College Committee, and College Dean's approvals are required on all forms before they are forwarded to the Registrar's Office.
If the course is cross-listed, then all department chairs involved must approve the form. Again, only one form should be forwarded for cross-listed courses, initiated in the primary department.
The Instructor Reference is generally the name of the faculty member who is proposing the new course or revision. This field is optional.
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