Excused Absence Notification Web Form

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Excused Absence Notification Web Form - Instructions
The Excused Absence Notification Web Form is used by designated AA Dean staff to record an approved excused absence for the student and notify all interested parties.
Access to Submit the Webform
AA deans contact the Registrar's office at registrar@udel.edu and request that a staff person be given access to submit the Excused Absence webform.
Webforms Processing
Designated staff can access the web form by logging into www.udel.edu/webforms. Click the Blanks tab and then the link for Excused Absence Notification Form.
Complete the form as follows:
- Student: Click the Search magnifier icon to lookup the person by the search fields provided
OR alternatively,
Enter the last name. The Student field will automatically search and display a list of students below the field. Click the desired student.
NOTE: The search may take a few seconds to process; please allow for that after entering information in the box - Term: Enter the term in which the absence will occur. Only terms the student is enrolled in are listed. Note that their previous academic term is also an option.
- Date(s) of absence: Enter the date(s) within the term by choosing them from the calendar.
- Click Next step.
- This screen displays the notification text and the student's term schedule.
- In the notification text, you may optionally add information on lines:
This message comes to you on behalf of [ ].
Reason for Absence: - An attachment may be added; however, do not attach documents that contain private medical information.
- Click Next step.
- The Routing screen allows the submitter to enter comments and attachments.
- An optional approver or copy email may be provided.
- Click Finish & Submit.
- The form is directed to approver(s) if specified. If no approvers are needed, the form completion will immediately email the form submitter, the student, the student's instructors, advisors and any copy staff, notifying them of the approved excused absence.
Registrar Link Center
Student Help
University Visitors Center, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 registrar@udel.edu (302) 831-2131 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.