
This section provides information and links to the pertinent systems and tools that are used by advisors in their role supporting students.
Use Courses Search to browse courses for current or future semesters to learn more about what courses are being offered, course times, course descriptions, instructor information, pre-requisites and more.
Students may use the Blue Hen Planner to generate multiple scenarios of their course schedule prior to their individual registration appointment time. Students can save preferred schedules as favorites and import the best one through WebReg at their appointment time.
It’s important to note that this tool is for Fall/Spring semester schedule planning only. In comparison, the Stellic Planner is a multi-term/long-term planning tool. Course sections saved in Blue Hen Planner schedules may no longer have open seats at the time of the student’s registration appointment. The Blue Hen Planner is made available approximately two weeks prior to the opening of registration.
Need help? View the Blue Hen Planner guide here.
Faculty and Staff can access UDSIS to use tools needed to support UDSIS course management, registration and UDSIS advisement. UDSIS is the University’s Student Records system.
The UDSIS Advisor Center is a way to view student details on advisees, such as test/transfer credits, academics, course enrollment, and more.
Need help with the UDSIS Advisor Center? View the information about the UDSIS Advisor Center here.
Students who have an advising registration hold must meet with an advisor prior to registering for the next term’s courses. After the meeting, the advisor must follow the steps to release the service indicator from the student’s record.
Unofficial transcripts are an unofficial record of a student's academic performance intended for internal use only.
Standard Data Reports are for internal use only.
Advisors have access to various advising reports, such as “Students Active for Term by Major/Minor with all plans and plan advisor”, “Students Enrolled in more than one Pass/Fail Course”, and “Students with Incomplete grades”, among others.
Slate is a system used by Admissions to maintain student information prior to a student’s matriculation. Advisors use Slate during New Student Orientation to review student information and to submit the NSO Advisement Worksheet.