Neural Methods for Optimization

We are often dealing with decision-making tasks associated with models subject to environment uncertainties. In this project, we develop algorithmic and learning foundations for data-driven optimization.

Selected publications:
PAKDD 2024. Guangmo Tong, Peng Zhao, and Mina Samizadeh. "Query-Decision Regression Between Shortest Path and Minimum Steiner Tree." ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2023
CIKM 2023. Guangmo Tong and Mina Samizadeh. "VN-Solver: Vision-based Neural Solver for Combinatorial Optimization over Graphs." Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024
NeurIPS 2021. Guangmo Tong. "USCO-Solver: Solving Undetermined Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021): 1646-1659.
NeurIPS 2020. Guangmo Tong. "StratLearner: learning a strategy for misinformation prevention in social networks." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (2020): 15546-15555.

(Created by Conor Jurewicz)

Social Influence Analysis

Dynamics of opinions, epidemics, and behaviors are fundamental phenomena. In this project, we develop learning and algorithmic techniques for modeling and managing social influence.

Selected publications:
CSoNet 2024 (Best Paper Award). Siqi Wang, Jiahao Xie, Yifan Wang, and Guangmo Tong. "Query-Decision Regression for Misinformation Prevention in Social Networks" 13th International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks, 2024.
NeurIPS 2022. Guangmo Tong. "Social-Inverse: Inverse Decision-making of Social Contagion Management with Task Migrations" Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2019.
IJCAI 2022. Yifan Wang and Guangmo Tong. "Learnability of Competitive Threshold Models." the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022
INFOCOM 2019. Guangmo Tong and Ding-Zhu Du. "Beyond uniform reverse sampling: A hybrid sampling technique for misinformation prevention." IEEE conference on computer communications, 2019.
NeurIPS 2018. Guangmo Tong, Ding-Zhu Du, and Weili Wu. "On misinformation containment in online social networks." Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018.
INFOCOM 2017. Guangmo Tong, Weili Wu, Ling Guo, Deying Li, Cong Liu, Bin Liu, and Ding-Zhu Du. "An efficient randomized algorithm for rumor blocking in online social networks." IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2017.

Cyber-Physical Systems

In collaboration with other research labs, our research aims to provide algorithmic and machine learning solutions to applications in various cyber-physical systems, including connected autonomous vehicles, wireless networks, real-time systems, and point cloud based sensing technologies.

Selected publications:
TIOT 2022. Zheng Dong, Yan Lu, Guangmo Tong, Yuanchao Shu, Shuai Wang, and Weisong Shi. "Watchdog: Real-time vehicle tracking on geo-distributed edge nodes." ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2022.
IoT-J 2020. Mozi Chen, Kezhong Liu, Jie Ma, Xuming Zeng, Zheng Dong, Guangmo Tong, and Cong Liu. "MoLoc: Unsupervised fingerprint roaming for device-free indoor localization in a mobile ship environment." IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.
MetroCAD 2020. Zheng Dong, Weisong Shi, Guangmo Tong, and Kecheng Yang. "Collaborative autonomous driving: Vision and challenges." IEEE International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving, 2020.

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