Undergraduate Students

Exploring Costs and Aid
We encourage you to review information on educational costs and to learn about applying for, finalizing, and maintaining financial aid eligibility. The FAFSA is the only application UD requires to consider students for need-based financial aid.
The University of Delaware is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.
Students are responsible for all educational costs on their student accounts after the free drop/add period, and financial aid cannot exceed those costs.
How to fill out the FAFSA form: youtube.com/watch?v=9apxxQrx-WY

UD Federal School Code
Apply for Financial Aid
Types of Aid
Finalize Aid
Maintain Aid
Traditional, University merit scholarships and need-based grant funding is offered only for first-time, full-time, fall undergraduate students. In order to be considered for need-based, institutional funds, students must file a FAFSA prior to the end of free drop/add on September 10, 2024. Students starting in the 2025 Spring Semester can submit FAFSA's through February 14, 2025 to be considered for need-based institutional aid.
Type of Aid
Terms* |
Minimum GPA |
Progress |
University Scholarship |
- Fall/Spring |
12 credit hours
3.0 |
Limited to 8 semesters
University Grant |
- Fall/Spring |
12 credit hours
2.0 |
Limited to 8 semesters
Federal Work-Study |
- Fall/Spring |
6 credit hours
2.0 |
67% completion rate
Federal Pell Grant |
- Fall/Spring |
3 credit hours (2023-24 only) | 2.0 |
67% completion rate
Federal Student Loans | - Fall/Spring
6 credit hours
67% completion rate
Private Education Loans | - Any
May vary by lender
May vary by lender
May vary by lender
*Those marked "Any" require enrollment in winter/summer sessions and remaining funding eligibility
**Must earn/successfully complete number of credit hours
Educational loans typically only apply to traditional terms (fall/spring). Separate loan applications may be required for winter/summer sessions.
Students may qualify for one or more federal, state, or institutional grants as part of their need-based financial aid. Grants do not require repayment. They are offered to undergraduate students (working on first bachelor's degree) who file the FAFSA and demonstrate financial need. SFS automatically considers a student's federal grant funds when reviewing financial aid applications.
UD and federal grant funds are paid directly to the student account at the start of each term. State grant funds received after the start of the term are posted upon receipt of funds from the originating state.
University Grants
The University of Delaware offers a number of scholarships and grants based on a student's financial need, as well as academic performance. Eligible students will see these reflected in the financial aid notice. University funds offered are designed for tuition and mandatory fee charges, unless specified otherwise.
Some students may also be eligible for the UD Blue Hen Success Grant, which is designed to ensure unforeseen small financial circumstances do not become barriers to degree completion.
Federal Pell Grant
Pell Grants are offered based strictly on the student's Student Aid Index (SAI). Students eligible for these funds will see them reflected on the financial aid notice.
Federal SEOG
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) funds are offered on a first-come basis to Pell eligible undergraduate students based on their overall financial need. These funds are disbursed to students directly by the University and are limited to the funds allocated to the University by the U.S. Department of Education. Students eligible for these funds will see them reflected on the financial aid notice.
State Grants
Delaware provides grant information for Delaware resident students at delawarestudentsuccess.org. Non-resident students are encouraged to check their home states' higher education agencies or authorities for available state grant funding.
A Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is different from other federal student grants because it requires you to take courses needed to begin a career in teaching, and then perform a qualifying teacher role in order to keep the grant from turning into a loan. Interested students should visit Federal Student Aid's TEACH Grant information site for eligibility criteria.
The University of Delaware automatically considers admitted students for a range of academic merit scholarships, with no separate application required. Returning students who file the FAFSA are evaluated each year for endowment (donor) scholarships. Other scholarships may be available through non-University resources.
UD scholarship funds are paid directly to the student account at the start of each term and are designed to offset tuition and mandatory fee costs, unless specified otherwise. External scholarship funds received after the start of the term are posted to the student account upon receipt of the funds from the paying entity.
Information on UD endowments and external scholarships:
Merit Scholarships
UD applicants are reviewed for merit scholarships upon admittance. Merit scholarship guidelines can be found on Admissions' Financing Your Degree page.
Current students enrolled less than full-time (12 earned credit hours) a semester will not be eligible for university-based aid unless they are a) seniors in their final fall or spring semester and b) have not already exceeded the 8 semester maximum term allotment. For seniors who otherwise meet the aid renewal requirements and are enrolled at least half time, university funds will be pro-rated based on the following scale:
6-8 credit hours = 50%
9-11 credit hours = 75%
Endowed Scholarships
UD's generous donors provide over 200 scholarships and grants for eligible students. Many endowments are offered based on specific criteria (e.g., college or major, merit, and/or financial qualifications). Typical amounts are $2000 per year.
All students who file the FAFSA are automatically evaluated each June for these scholarships, and selected recipients are notified in late July as financial aid packages are prepared.
A limited number of UD endowments with special criteria can be found on our Additional Scholarship Resources page.
Music Scholarships
Students who audition to be accepted as music majors are considered for music scholarships during their auditions. These funds are competitive and are offered by recommendation after all auditions have been heard. All music majors who receive Department of Music talent-based scholarships may be required to participate in more than one ensemble.
In addition, students who participate in the Fightin' Blue Hen Marching Band are eligible for a scholarship. Visit the Department of Music for additional information.
Athletic Scholarships
The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics grants performance-based scholarships in all sports in compliance with NCAA Division I regulations and guidelines. Amounts vary. For more information, contact the Athletics Department, at (302) 831-4006, or complete the Prospective Student Athlete Questionnaire.
ROTC Scholarships
U.S. Army: Two and three-year scholarships are available for enrolled and non-enrolled on-campus students. For more information on scholarships or anything related to Army ROTC, contact the Recruiting Officer at 1-800-830-ROTC.
U.S. Air Force: There are three different types of scholarships. For questions on scholarships or anything related to U.S. Air Force ROTC, contact the Recruiting Flight Commander at (302) 831-2863.
UD's Center for Global Programs and Services has a limited number of funds which it offers to qualified students. Students applying to a study abroad program are automatically considered for these need-based scholarships and are notified of any offers upon being accepted to a study abroad program. More information on study abroad funding may be found on the CGPS website.
Educational loans are a form of financial aid which require repayment upon the student's exit from school. Loans can help a student meet the cost of attendance not covered by grant and scholarship funding or personal resources.
Loan funds are paid directly to the student account at the start of each term. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours per term) to be eligible for federal and most alternative loans.
Federal Direct Subsidized & Unsubsidized Student Loans
Students who submit a FAFSA and meet other eligibility requirements will be offered Federal Direct Student Loans. A portion of these loans may be subsidized, meaning they are interest-free while the student is enrolled in college.
Interest rates and origination fee information can be found at studentaid.gov.
First-time borrowers must complete entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Federal Perkins Loans
The federal government is discontinuing the Federal Perkins Loan Program and those loans are no longer available for origination. Students who have existing Perkin loans can review information on the Federal Student Aid website.
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
The Federal Direct PLUS Program is a popular financing option for parents of undergraduate students. A FAFSA and a credit check are required. Students whose parents are denied the PLUS loan based on credit will receive an additional $4,000 (freshman/sophomore) or $5,000 (junior/senior) in Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan eligibility.
Interest rates and origination fee information can be found at studentaid.gov.
First-time borrowers must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Alternative Loans
Alternative (private) educational loans are offered from a variety of lenders. These loans require a credit check. Generally, students will apply for these loans using a credit-worthy U.S. co-signer. Alternative loans should be used only after students have exhausted federal loan eligibility.
Students who wish to learn more about alternative loans can find a list of lenders that are frequently used by our students on our alternative lender information site.
The lenders are presented for informational purposes only. Lenders appearing on the list were chosen based on the lender's ability to receive electronic loan certifications, send Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), and fee structure. Most loans have zero fees for all borrowers. A few lenders may charge fees for borrowers with poorer credit and/or require that some payments be made while in school. Please read all fee and interest rate information carefully before AND after approval.
New Jersey residents may be interested in taking advantage of the NJ Class loan. More information can be found at the NJ Class website. A FAFSA is required.
Outside Funding
Outside funding includes financial assistance from sources such as employers (of student or parent/guardian) or third-party payers, veterans benefits, and scholarships through various organizations unaffiliated with UD. Students generally explore these resources independently. Outside funding could impact financial aid eligibility, and funding not known at the point of initial aid eligibility can result in a change to that eligibility. See below for additional information.
External (outside) scholarships are gifts that are offered by external businesses or entities. Outside scholarships are similar to grants as they do not generally need to be repaid or earned through work. Offer amounts, eligibility criteria, and application procedures will vary by scholarship program.
Students can seek additional funding through external organizations that offer scholarships. These organizations may include local and national civic or business organizations. In most cases, the offering agency selects the recipient and determines the value of the scholarship.
External scholarship checks should be mailed to:
University of Delaware
UD Cashier's Office
413 Academy Street, Rm 250
Newark, DE 19716
External scholarships are applied directly to student accounts and evenly split between Fall and Spring Semesters, unless UD is expressly instructed otherwise by the offering agency.
Outside scholarships will be applied to the student account in the following manner:
Reduce unmet need
Reduce self help (student loan/work-study)
Reduce institutional aid to stay within need*
*If supporting organization indicates institutional aid should not be reduced, aid will be returned to the organization.
More information, including scholarship search engines, can be found on our Additional Scholarship Resources page.
Tuition benefits are educational assistance benefits paid by an employer for an employee’s spouse or dependents. These funds may be offered through a parent’s or guardian’s employment. Usually, these funds are designed to offset tuition costs, though sometimes the employer may allow them to help cover mandatory fees as well.
Students who receive tuition benefits will see their aid eligibility updated based on the following:
For students receiving a full tuition benefit from an employer, all University funding (merit and need-based grant) will be replaced with the tuition benefit.
If a student receives a partial tuition benefit and has University need-based grant, that grant will be replaced with the tuition benefit. Any University merit funds up to 50% of the original amount offered will be allowed to remain provided the combination of funds does not exceed tuition*.
Dependents of University of Delaware employees receiving University tuition benefits are not eligible for University merit scholarships.
The combination of funds may not exceed University of Delaware tuition and mandatory fees if the employer stipulates the benefit may also cover mandatory fees.
Veterans benefits include financial and other forms of assistance made available by the Veterans Benefits Administration to veterans and their dependents. The University of Delaware is committed to helping student veterans and military service members in their transition from military to college life. Student veterans can find information and dedicated support at the Student Veterans website.
For non-resident students receiving a residency credit as a result of veterans benefits, federal monies are not adjusted. However, University merit scholarships will be removed and University need-based grants will be adjusted, and possibly removed entirely, based on existing need.
Students no longer eligible for veterans benefits may request a review of University aid eligibility by contacting Student Financial Services.
Employer Funding (Student)
Students eligible for tuition reimbursement from an employer upon submission of grades may defer payment of covered tuition and fees.
- Financially clear the student account by selecting the relevant deferred option under Report Additional Credits. Provide dollar amount of employee benefit in the Amount box and the employer's name in Comment box.
- Make payment for remaining balance due by the term due date.
SFS will verify the tuition agreement and adjust the account due date to 30 days after final grades are published.
Third-Party Sponsorship
An organization that funds all or part of a student's education and wishes to be billed directly by the University is considered a third-party sponsor. The sponsor provides the student with a sponsor-approved voucher or letter of credit authorizing the University to invoice the organization for any applicable tuition/fees.
- Submit all sponsor authorization documents, including sponsor-approved voucher or letter of credit, and the completed Third Party Sponsor Billing Agreement form to third-party@udel.edu.
- Financially clear the student account.
- In My Finances, click the pencil icon to Report Additional Credits.
- Select "Third Party" from the Type dropdown.
- Enter amount.
- Enter comment explaining source of funding.
- Click "Save credits."
- In order to record credits, you must click "Submit" (if no additional payment is due) or complete payment (if there is a remaining balance due).
The Federal Work-study Program provides federal funding to subsidize wages, providing on- and near-campus employment opportunities to undergraduate students with financial need. Note that work-study funding displayed in a financial aid package represent potential earnings, not an amount to be disbursed with other aid to the student account. Work-study is earned as an hourly wage and paid via direct deposit into the selected checking/savings account on a bi-weekly basis, according to UD Payroll schedules.
Students receive work-study in their financial aid package, but other students may be eligible. If you do not already have work-study eligibility, you can request an eligibility check at askSFS.
Find a Job
To search for and apply to UD work-study job postings, visit the Student Employment Office page. For further information you can contact UD's Career Center at 302-831-2392.
Having Trouble Finding a Work-Study Job?
Students can also visit UD Classifieds to view more UD community job opportunities, including those in the childcare and elder care fields.
UD employees, their spouses, and their dependent children can use tuition remission, course fee waivers, or certain tuition exchange options to cover tuition costs. Find details on UD's Human Resources website.
To apply the waiver, employees should complete the relevant Web Form for the waiver and term.
Fostering Independence Through Education Tuition Waiver
Delaware youth who have spent all or some of their teenage years in Delaware foster care will be eligible to have their college tuition waived at public Delaware in-state schools (University of Delaware, Delaware State University, and Delaware Technical Community College).
Full-time and part-time students are eligible for the tuition waiver if they are a current resident of the state of Delaware, under 26 years of age and one of the following:
- Eligible for Delaware Chafee Education and Training Voucher program
- Spent 12 or more months in custody of the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families between the ages of 14-18.
Eligible students must apply for all financial aid before being granted the tuition waiver for any leftover tuition and fees. Students may use the tuition waiver until they turn 26.
Covered Costs
The tuition waiver covers total eligible costs of attending less any grants or scholarships the student receive including winter and summer sessions. It also covers year-round, traditional on-campus housing and dining (if enrolled full-time)
- If continuously enrolled full-time, the student is eligible for the waiver for up to 5 years, until the student earns a bachelor's degree, or until the student reaches the age of 26, whichever occurs first.
- If at any time the student is enrolled part-time, the student is eligible for the waiver until the student reaches the age of 26 or the student earns a bachelor's degree, whichever occurs first.
How to Apply
Once accepted to UD (or other participating school), or if currently enrolled, email Delaware's Department of Children, Youth, and their Families (DSCYF) to obtain a letter verifying eligibility. Provide this letter to the school, according to its procedures.
In the email to DSCYF, students should include proof of enrollment or admission, such as a screenshot of class schedule or scanned acceptance letter.
Upon receiving the eligibility letter from DSCYF, students should email the UD Tuition Waiver Program contact; Tevin Williams.
Under the laws of Delaware Volume 83, Chapter 255, HB 123 was enacted by the 151st General Assembly of the State of Delaware on October 21, 2021. This act is an amendment to Title 14 of the Delaware Code relating to financial assistance for higher education for youth who have been in foster care. Subchapter XVII is known as The Fostering Independence Through Education Tuition Waiver.
The waiver is intended to ensure that young adults who experienced instability in their childhood and were in the state's foster care system are provided the opportunity to improve their lives and pursue higher education, regardless of financial circumstances (Delaware General Assembly).
Yes. If you are already attending UD, you can still benefit from the tuition waiver during the fall and spring semesters.
Eligible recipients may use the tuition waiver at any point until the age of 26, and that does not require attending immediately after high school.
Recipients must submit a FAFSA annually and apply for all available financial aid and scholarships, including Inspire at UD, Chafee Education and Training Vouchers, and the Ivyane D. F. Davis Memorial Scholarship administered by the Office of the Child Advocate (OCA). Those application processes can be found on the Delaware Child Advocate website.
Yes, the waiver covers winter and summer sessions offered by the University.
There is no minimum GPA requirement to receive the waiver.
A criminal background does not impact eligibility for the tuition waiver.
Covered Costs
This tuition waiver program covers the standard costs of UD on-campus housing and food plans for students enrolled full-time. Recipients are responsible for paying the difference of suite-style housing or apartments and higher food plans.
If you wish to pursue additional loans, up to the cost of attendance, you may explore our alternative lender information site.
No, the tuition waiver covers tuition, standard housing and food (with full-time enrollment).
Yes, this waiver covers eligible costs in winter and summer sessions. It will also cover housing during winter/summer sessions for students enrolled in at least one class that session.
If you transfer from one public, in-state school to another (e.g., DSU to UD), you can use the waiver at each school while you are enrolled there.
Applying for and Renewing the Tuition Waiver
Recipients must submit a FAFSA annually and apply for all available financial aid and scholarships, including Inspire at UD, Chafee Education and Training Vouchers, and the Ivyane D. F. Davis Memorial Scholarship administered by the Office of the Child Advocate (OCA). Those application processes can be found on the Delaware Child Advocate website.
You can apply for the waiver once you are admitted to the school or enrolled in classes. You must have proof of enrollment in order to receive the waiver.
If you transfer from one public, in-state school to another (e.g., DSU to UD), you can use the waiver at each school while you are enrolled there.
You must meet satisfactory academic progress to retain aid and enrollment eligibility with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0, and satisfactorily complete at least 67% of all attempted coursework.
Sorry, no results found.
Delaware HB 123 Tuition Waiver Legistation: youtube.com/watch?v=oi-wie84WXs
Finalize Aid
Registration with My SFS Docs is mandatory for UD students selected for verification and some other tasks necessary for finalizing financial aid. This is the only way to upload required documents and complete tasks.
Students may confirm their financial aid out on My Finances. Aid information is posted staring in late July for the upcoming Fall/Spring Semesters. Students starting in the Spring Semester will see aid notices beginning in mid-December. As a reminder, any consideration for need-based financial aid requires submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
To Do List
Students receiving merit scholarships generally are not required to do anything to accept those funds, but must maintain the academic standards associated with their aid to have the funding renewed from one year to the next.
Need-based financial aid (including federal, state, and University aid) may have requirements students complete before the University can pay these funds to the student account. These items can be found on the To Do List, located in My Finances or UDSIS.
As a general rule, students must complete all additional requirements during the enrollment period, i.e., before the end of the semester.
What a Student May See on the To Do List
- Federal student loan requirements
- Master Promissory Note
- Entrance Counseling
- FACT Treatment
- Exit Counseling
- FAFSA clarifications or corrections
- Marital status
- Dependency status
- Citizenship
- Federal verification (ISIR)
- Academic progress
- Federal Parent PLUS Loan
- Master Promissory Note
Note: Loan requirements for private educational lenders are not displayed on the To Do List. A student borrowing a private loan should make sure all steps are completed with the lender.
Federal Verification
Verification is the federally regulated process used to confirm students' FAFSA data is correct. This process will require students to provide additional documentation.
What to Do
Selected students should review their UDSIS To Do List then create a My SFS Docs account, as instructed in the blue box above. Students should take care to submit the specific document(s) and complete the specific tasks requested, and allow processing time for SFS to complete the review once all tasks are completed.
Academic Progress
Most types of financial aid have some form of academic requirement (e.g., certain minimum GPA and/or credits earned towards degree) the student must meet for those funds to be offered/retained. Institutional scholarship and grant criteria can be found on the My Finances Aid Notice.
In addition, federal and state regulations require UD to monitor each student's academic progress in order to disburse federal and state funds. Aid recipients must meet certain standards that include both GPA and course completion requirements.
Students who fail to meet any of the terms and conditions of their aid are notified via email and may be required to submit an appeal.
Students who have experienced extenuating circumstances which impacted progress may submit an appeal to determine whether aid can be reinstated. The appeal form is located in My SFS Docs.
Student Financial Services annually reviews recipients of University scholarships for renewability, based upon criteria including, but not limited to, enrollment status, grade point average, and student aid index (for need-based aid).
In some extenuating circumstances students may be able to appeal the loss of a scholarship by completing the Scholarship Renewal Appeal form.
FAFSA Adjustment Appeal
The University of Delaware strives to offer its families the best financial aid packages possible within the limitations of federal, state, and University regulations and funding levels. Certain circumstances may present unique financial challenges not captured by the FAFSA, and families may choose to submit a FAFSA adjustment appeal to determine whether these circumstances have any effect on the 2024-2025 student aid index (SAI) and subsequent financial need calculated by the FAFSA.
After SFS reviews FAFSA adjustment appeals, financial aid packages may remain the same, be increased, or be reduced, according to the financial information provided. Submitting a FAFSA adjustment appeal does not guarantee an adjustment will be made to the financial aid eligibility. Decisions are final and will be communicated directly to the student.
For All Appeals
- Student must have a 2024-2025 FAFSA on file. An appeal cannot be reviewed until a FAFSA is filed.
- 2022 Tax Return Transcript or IRS 1040 Tax Return must be provided even if the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) was used. All 2022 W-2 forms must be submitted as well.
- All documentation must be uploaded into My SFS Docs.
- Additional information may be requested.
- Appeals will no longer be accepted after 4/15 of the current academic year.
Required Documentation:
- Verification letter from attorney or divorce decree which confirms date of divorce/separation. All pages of divorce decree should be included:
- Order of spousal support
- Child custody
- Child support
- For a separation, provide proof of separate addresses for each parent (e.g., rental agreement, lease or mortgage statement, utility bills)
- Documentation of any child support/alimony to be received per month
- 2024-2025 Income Expense Worksheet
Required Documentation:
- Death certificate
- Verification of benefits that will be received as a result of the wage earner's death (life insurance, social security benefits, etc.)
- 2024-2025 Income Expense Worksheet
Required Documentation:
- Child support must have been reported on the 2024-2025 FAFSA
- Verification of court-ordered child support, which states dollar amount of support and date the support will cease (e.g., separation/divorce decree)
- 2024-2025 Income Expense Worksheet
Required Documentation:
- Letter from employer, on company letterhead, stating effective date of separation
- Copies of last two paystubs from former employer, showing gross year-to-date earnings
- Documentation of any severance pay received, IRAs, stocks, bonds, pension, etc, that have been converted to cash
- Documentation of unemployment benefits from state agency stating start and end date, weekly amount, and total amount of benefits
- Alternatively, letter of denial of unemployment benefits, if applicable
- If the parent has become re-employed, letter of job offer and copies of the two most recent paystubs, indicating pay frequency (eg, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)
- 2024-2025 Income Expense Worksheet
Required Documentation:
- Pension plan and retirement benefits documentation, including retirement start date, benefits start date, and amount of benefits
- Letter from Social Security Administration describing change in benefits
- Official documentation indicating the taxable amount of benefit
- 2024-2025 Income Expense Worksheet
Required Documentation:
- Signed statement from a physician indicating start date of the disability and the expected length of time of inability to work
- Documentation of any disability benefits expected in 2024-2025
- Official documentation indicating the taxable amount of benefit
- 2024-2025 Income Expense Worksheet
Required Documentation:
- Copy of the 2024 1099R
- Letter explaining the reason for the withdrawal
- Appeals will be considered for withdrawals made for purposes of covering living expenses due to loss of employment
Consortium Agreement
A consortium agreement is a written contract between two eligible schools enabling a student to take coursework at a different institution for the purpose of completing a degree at the University of Delaware. The agreement allows a student to receive the same amount of financial aid he or she would normally receive for classes taken at UD. If a credit balance is created by financial aid funds, then a refund can be requested and released to the student. Students should review and complete the consortium guidelines and checklist to finalize the relevant financial aid.
It is the student's responsibility to understand the terms and conditions of all financial aid. Students are expected to review the full list of financial aid terms and conditions each year.
Academic requirements for most aid can be found on the Aid Notice in My Finances. Students who fail to meet these requirements may need to submit an appeal to retain their financial aid eligibility.
Academic Progress
Federal regulations require UD to monitor each student's Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to disburse federal and state funds. Aid recipients must meet certain standards (GPA, minimum/maximum credit hour completion).
Students who fail to meet any of the terms and conditions of their aid may be required to submit an appeal.
Students who have experienced extenuating circumstances which impacted progress may submit an appeal to determine whether aid can be reinstated. The appeal form is located in My SFS Docs.