Finalize Financial Aid

What's Next after the FAFSA?
The FAFSA is the only application a student needs to be considered for federal and University need-based aid, but some additional steps may be required to finalize the disbursement of aid to the student account. Any further requirements will be listed on the student's To Do List in UDSIS and in My Finances.
UD uses My SFS Docs to collect documents from students and their families. Registration with My SFS Docs is mandatory for UD students selected for verification and some other tasks necessary for finalizing financial aid. This is the only way to upload required documents and complete tasks.
Finalize Financial Aid
Students may confirm financial aid offers out on My Finances. Aid information is posted starting in early July for the upcoming Fall/Spring Semesters. Students starting in the Spring Semester will see financial aid offers beginning in mid-December. As a reminder, any consideration for need-based financial aid requires submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
To Do List
Students receiving merit scholarships generally are not required to do anything to accept those funds, but must maintain the academic standards associated with those offers to have the funding renewed from one year to the next.
Need-based financial aid (including federal, state, and University aid) may have requirements students complete before the University can pay these funds to the student account. These items can be found on the To Do List, located in My Finances or UDSIS.
As a general rule, students must complete all additional requirements during the enrollment period, i.e., before the end of the semester.
What a Student May See on the To Do List
- Federal student loan requirements
- Master Promissory Note
- Entrance Counseling
- FACT Treatment
- Exit Counseling
- FAFSA clarifications or corrections
- Marital status
- Dependency status
- Citizenship
- Federal verification
- Academic progress
- Federal Parent PLUS Loan
- Master Promissory Note
Note: Loan requirements for private educational lenders are not displayed on the To Do List. A student borrowing a private loan should make sure all steps are completed with the lender.
Federal Verification
Verification is the federally regulated process used to confirm students' FAFSA data is correct. This process will require students to provide additional documentation.
What to Do
Students selected for verification should review the UDSIS To Do List then create a My SFS Docs account. Students should take care to submit the specific document(s) and complete the specific tasks requested. Select forms can be found on the SFS Self-Service page. Please allow processing time for SFS to complete the review once all tasks are completed. Also note that SFS may follow up for additional documentation after reviewing the initially required information.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Institutional scholarships and grants have academic requirements (e.g., a minimum GPA and/or credits earned towards degree) that must be maintained. These can be found on the My Finances Aid Notice.
In addition, federal and state regulations require UD to monitor each student's Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to disburse federal and state funds. Aid recipients must meet certain standards (GPA, minimum/maximum credit hour completion).
Students who fail to meet any of the terms and conditions of their aid may be required to submit an appeal.
Federal Grants & Loans
Students who have experienced extenuating circumstances which impacted progress may submit an appeal to determine whether aid can be reinstated. The appeal form is located in My SFS Docs.
Institutional Grants & Scholarships
Student Financial Services annually reviews recipients of University scholarships for renewability, based upon criteria including, but not limited to, enrollment status, grade point average, and student aid index (for need-based aid).
In some extenuating circumstances students may be able to appeal the loss of a scholarship by completing the Scholarship Renewal Appeal form.
Private (Alternative) Educational Lenders
Private educational lenders may have academic requirements as part of their lending criteria as well. Students should check with individual lenders to determine the lenders' academic progress policies.
FAFSA Adjustment Appeal
The University of Delaware strives to offer its families the best financial aid packages possible within the limitations of federal, state, and University regulations and funding levels. Certain circumstances may present unique financial challenges not captured by the FAFSA, and families may choose to submit a FAFSA adjustment appeal to determine whether these circumstances have any effect on the student aid index (SAI) and subsequent financial need calculated by the FAFSA.
For more information about qualifications for a FAFSA adjustment appeal, and instructions on filing one, please visit SFS's Explore Financial Aid page.