II. Definitions
- Academic work: Any examination, test, quiz, lab report, paper, or other product (including drafts) that a student submits, or intends to submit, to any faculty member or other University official, including any material required to be submitted as part of a sanction.
- Business day: When computing any time period noted in this Student Guide, weekdays – Monday through Friday – will be counted, unless a weekday is a day on which University offices are closed.
- Class: Any University course of study, including any course, lab, independent study, externship, internship, practicum, or other educational program offered or administered by, or otherwise involving, the University.
- Faculty member: Any professor, teacher, instructor, or other class coordinator at the University, whether full or part time, tenured or untenured, including undergraduate or graduate teaching instructors and teaching assistants.
- End of term: The last day on which final exams are scheduled to take place for a given semester or special session.
- Notice: Any communication/announcement by the University regarding the student conduct process. Notice shall be deemed satisfied upon the sending of the communication/announcement via e-mail to the “udel.edu” e-mail address assigned to the recipient. A notice sent by this method will be presumed to be delivered unless returned as undeliverable. If notice requirements or time periods, as outlined in this Student Guide, are not met by the University, this shall not be cause for dismissal nor grounds for appeal unless this lack of adherence significantly impacted the charged student.
- Preponderance: The standard review used to evaluate information and determine whether a student violated a University policy, unless any University policy includes its own and different standard of review. Preponderance means it is more likely than not, based on all available information, that violation of University policy occurred.
- Student: A student is any individual who is currently enrolled in any class, in any modality (in-person, online, hybrid), in any program, for credit or not; is eligible to enroll for the next upcoming term. Reports of potential violation of University policy against former students may be acted upon at the discretion of the University if there is deemed to be a material reason to investigate. If the University decides to investigate, then any former student shall be considered a “student” for purposes of this Student Guide to University Policies. The word student as used throughout this Student Guide includes student organizations.
- Student conduct advisor: Any University member chosen by a student to provide assistance in understanding and navigating the student conduct process. Names of student conduct advisors familiar with the student conduct process are available upon request through Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.
- Student organization: A student group formed for scholastic, professional, social, or extracurricular activities. These may include, but are not limited to,: registered/recognized: student organizations, other department- or college-recognized clubs, residence hall governments, sports teams (including varsity, club and intramural teams), fraternities and sororities, chartered organizations, and honor societies. For all matters relating to the enforcement of this Student Guide to University Policies, a student organization shall remain a student organization regardless that its status has been rescinded, revoked or suspended by the University.
- Term: An academic period in which classes are offered. This includes traditional semesters (Fall and Spring) as well as Winter and Summer periods.
- University member: Any person who is a student, faculty member, or any other person employed by the University. A person's status in a particular situation shall be determined by Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.
- University official: University officials are all University employees, faculty, administrators, officers, staff, professionals, and any other persons acting on behalf of the University.
- Victim: A victim is anyone who has suffered from any of the following acts:
- Arson;
- Theft;
- Destruction, damage, or vandalism to property;
- Kidnapping/abduction;
- Verbal, written or physical harassment;
- Violence or physical assault; or
- Another act as deemed appropriate.
Any incident involving behavior directed towards a person based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy or parenting, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by applicable law will be referred to the Office of Equity and Inclusion, as directed in the Non-Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy.
Community Standards & Conflict Resolution is part of the Division of Student Life, which advances equity and inclusion, deepens student learning and drives holistic development through education, experiences and communities.