Code of Conduct
The conduct standards listed below have been established to ensure the University community is safe, supportive of all members and conducive to learning and student success. The policies are based on the primary principle of respect—for oneself, for others and the Blue Hen community.
Respect for Community
- Alcohol
- The unauthorized possession, use, manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol is prohibited.
- Student health and safety are of primary importance at the University of Delaware. As such, in cases of intoxication or overdose due to the use of alcohol or drugs, the University encourages individuals to seek assistance for themselves or others. Medical amnesty may apply. Students are encouraged to read the complete Amnesty Protocol.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Complicity
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not, through act or omission, assist another student, individual or group in committing or attempting to commit a violation of this Code of Conduct. Students who have knowledge of another committing or attempting to commit a violation of the Code of Conduct are required to remove themselves from the situation and report the behavior to the appropriate University official. Failure to do so when reasonable may be the basis for a violation of this policy.
- Harassment
- Standard of Behavior: Any verbal, written or physical conduct toward another, regardless of location, that unreasonably creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning, living or working environment; or unreasonably interferes with an individual’s academic or work performance is prohibited.
- If the conduct is directed toward a person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy or parenting, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by applicable law, the incident will be resolved through the University's Non-Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy. See the policy for further details regarding investigation, hearing and appeal processes.
- Disruptive Conduct
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, process, or function of the University or any of its members or guests or the surrounding community.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Drugs
- Standard of Behavior: The unauthorized possession, use, manufacture, sale, or distribution of drugs and drug paraphernalia is prohibited.
- Student health and safety are of primary importance at the University of Delaware. As such, in cases of intoxication or overdose due to the use of drugs, the University encourages individuals to seek assistance for themselves or others. Medical amnesty may apply. Students are encouraged to read the complete Amnesty Protocol.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Failure to Comply
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not ignore, disobey, disregard or otherwise violate any University policy.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Guests
- Standard of Behavior: Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests (defined as any non-University member) and must ensure that guests comply with all University policies.
- Residence Hall Regulations
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall comply with all policies and procedures related to residence hall communities. In addition to the Residence Hall Regulations, students should review the Housing Agreements, Residence Hall Prohibited Items and Actions, and Residence Hall Appliance Use.
- See the Residence Hall Regulations for further details.
- Responsible Computing
- Standard of Behavior: Students must act responsibly and in accordance with University policies related to Information Technologies.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Student Organizations
- Standard of Behavior: Student organizations must adhere to this Code of Conduct.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Violations of Law
- Statement of Behavior: Students who violate local, state or federal law and have pleaded guilty to or otherwise accepted responsibility for a violation (e.g. Probation Before Judgment or no lo contendere) or been adjudicated as guilty of such a violation should be aware that the University may also sanction the student.
- See Appendix A for further details.
Respect for Integrity
- Academic Honesty
- Standard of Behavior: Students must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. Students are expected to do their own work and must give proper credit for any work not their own. Students may neither give nor receive unauthorized assistance. Engaging in academic dishonesty, or allowing other students to do the same, corrupts the educational process and diminishes the quality of a University of Delaware degree.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- False Information
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not provide false or misleading information.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Hazing
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not engage in hazing activities, as defined in the Delaware Code, Title 14, Chapter 93.
- Student health and safety are of primary importance at the University of Delaware. The University encourages students to report any hazing activities to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution, the University of Delaware Police or any other University office (e.g. University Student Centers or Fraternity and Sorority Leadership & Learning.) Students reporting hazing activities (or plans for the same) may qualify for amnesty. Students are encouraged to review the complete Amnesty Protocol.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Misuse of Materials, Services or Property
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not misuse any University material, service or property.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Theft
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not take or possess the property of another without permission.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
Respect for Safety
- Endangering Campus or Community Safety
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not endanger the safety of the campus or surrounding community or the safety or life of any person.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Fire Safety
- Standard of Behavior: Students shall not engage in any behavior that creates a fire hazard, nor shall students inhibit or impede another person who is responding to a fire hazard.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
- Sexual Misconduct
- Standard of Behavior is set forth in the Non-Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy.
- Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
- Standard of Behavior: Students are prohibited from possessing, using or threatening to use any object that may reasonably be believed to cause physical injury to another person.
- See Appendix A for further details, including examples of behavior which would not uphold this standard.
Community Standards & Conflict Resolution is part of the Division of Student Life, which advances equity and inclusion, deepens student learning and drives holistic development through education, experiences and communities.