Report and Request

Aerial view of Hullihen Hall

Report an Incident or Concern

Please choose the appropriate form below, based on the type of incident you wish to report.

For an emergency or immediate concern regarding health or safety, please contact police at 911. If calling while on or near campus, you will be routed to UDPD.

Report an incident of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence or stalking), discrimination or harassment based on a protected class which you experienced. This report will be submitted to the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

Report an incident of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence or stalking), discrimination or harassment based on a protected class involving a person other than yourself. This report will be submitted to the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

Report acts of dishonesty in a course. This report will be submitted to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.

Report an incident involving hazing by a student organization (including fraternities, sororities, sports teams or RSOs.) This report will be submitted to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution and may be reviewed by University Student Centers, Athletics or other appropriate office.

Report an incident involving student groups (including fraternities, sororities, sports teams and RSOs) that does not involve hazing. This report will be submitted to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution and may be reviewed by University Student Centers or other appropriate office.

Please use this form if you observe a situation or behavior that gives you concern for a student or campus safety. Once submitted, this form will be reviewed by Student Advocacy & Support.

Report an incident involving someone other than a student or student group and is not related to sexual misconduct, discrimination or Title IX. This form will be submitted to the Office of Risk Management for review and may be re-routed as appropriate.

Report a conflict you are having with another member of the University community that does not potentially violate policy, This report will be submitted to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution, who will reach out to schedule a meeting to discuss options.

Community Standards & Conflict Resolution is part of the Division of Student Life, which advances equity and inclusion, deepens student learning and drives holistic development through education, experiences and communities.