Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity
Students at University of Delaware are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. It is the official policy of the University that all acts or attempted acts of alleged academic dishonesty be reported to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution (CSCR).
Following is an explanation of the University's policy and general procedures for handling undergraduate student cases of academic dishonesty. All graduate student infractions should be referred to the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies. For additional information, refer to the Student Guide to University Policies.
Academic Integrity Seminar
Students who are found responsible for violating the Academic Honesty Policy and receive as an academic penalty a course grade of "X" (a failure of the course with a transcript notation) may enroll in the non-credit Academic Integrity Seminar, coordinated by CSCR. Upon completion of the seminar, the "X" will be replaced with an "F."
Students are typically invited at the start of each semester to enroll in the seminar. They may do so during the semester of their choice, but must complete the seminar before graduating. Transcripts cannot be altered after a degree has been conferred.
For further information about the seminar, please email CSCR at communitystandards@udel.edu or call us at 302-831-2117.
Academic Integrity Quiz
Test your knowledge and understanding of academic dishonesty by answering the following questions. Read each scenario below and the possible choices, then choose the most appropriate answer.
If you have questions about academic integrity, please email CSCR at communitystandards@udel.edu.
You are given a take-home exam with instructions not to use your notes, textbook or any other outside sources while completing the exam. You are having difficulty figuring out the answer to a couple of problems. Your roommate is in the class as well and you discuss the topic with her, but do not discuss specific questions.
A. There is no problem with this scenario.
B. You and your roommate are responsible for cheating for collaborating with another person without authorization.
C. Your roommate is responsible for cheating because she started the conversation about the exam. You are not responsible.
D. The exam was extremely difficult, and you know that everyone else worked on the test together so you feel that your actions are justified.
You are working on an exam in class when the professor says the exam is finished. You continue to work on the exam.
A. You are responsible for academic misconduct for continuing to work on an assignment after the allotted time has elapsed.
B. You arrived to class 10 minutes late and plan to continue to work for an extra 10 minutes so that you have the same amount of time as everyone else. After all, this is only fair!
C. The person next to you continued to work so you felt entitled to do the same. What is good for one should be good for all.
D. This is not academic misconduct.
You are working on a paper and the majority of the research you've done is from the internet. You find a paper that is very similar to the one you are working on and decide to use a few paragraphs from the internet paper, word-for-word. You include a reference to the work on your Works Cited page, but on in-text citation in your paper.
A. Technically this is plagiarism but since it is only one page, it is not that big of a deal.
B. This is not academic dishonesty.
C. You are responsible for plagiarism.
D. You included a reference on the Works Cited page, so that’s enough.
You are preparing a lab report and are not coming up with what you know to be the correct answers. You continue to figure out your calculations, hoping that you have just made a calculation mistake. After a few tries, you determine that the problem just isn't working out. You decide to fudge some of the numbers so that you get what you know to be the correct answer.
A. You are responsible for academic misconduct.
B. You believe that if the professor realizes that you falsified the numbers to get the correct answer, he will understand that you at least tried and that is all that counts.
C. You are responsible for fabrication.
D. This course has nothing to do with your future career goals so what is the sense of mastering the course.
Your professor allows you to bring in one sheet of paper (8.5"x11", one-sided only) with formulae, notes, etc., which you may use during an exam. You type of four pages of information, then print them four-to-a-page, ending up with only one sheet of paper. This would be an example of which of the following?
A. This is an example of cheating.
B. This is an example of academic misconduct.
C. This is an example of fabrication.
D. This is not a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy because the faculty member did not mention how large (or small) the print could to be.
Question | 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. |
Correct Answer | B | A | C | C | D |
Community Standards & Conflict Resolution is part of the Division of Student Life, which advances equity and inclusion, deepens student learning and drives holistic development through education, experiences and communities.