Our Policies
University Policies
Residence Hall Policies
The safety of our residents is of the highest priority to our department, and one of the most important assets at the University is our students who utilize the tools they're provided to keep themselves and their belongings safe. Our policies listed below, which include managing keys and ONEcards, reserving space in our halls or posting a flyer, will help our students do just that.
Residence Hall Regulations
Residence Hall Regulations (RHRs) are the policies designed to ensure the safety and security of residents and guests within our communities. As a branch of the University of Delaware Code of Conduct, RHRs set standards that allow all of our residents to live and thrive in their home away from home.
As one of our residents, you have the right to learn, contribute to the community, feel safe & secure, and achieve your aspirations. You also have a responsibility to uphold these standards so that your neighbors, floormates and fellow community members can succeed too.
If you disrupt the safety and security of the community by violating any of these policies, you will be held accountable through the RHR process. Please note that depending on the severity of the violation, you may be referred to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.
These policies apply to all students living in all UD residence halls, including the University Courtyard Apartments, unless otherwise noted.
If you’re under the age of 21, you cannot possess empty alcohol containers whether for decoration, or leftover from original use. This includes:
- beer bottles/cans/boxes,
- wine bottles/boxes, and/or
- liquor bottles
The possession of any apparatus used for the rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g. funnels, pong tables, other simulated drinking games, etc.) is not permitted in the residence halls.
We take safety of our residential facilities seriously here at UD. As such, you cannot:
- Park any item with a combustible motor engine within 10 feet of the residence hall.
- Block stairways or hallways with your personal belongings.
- None of your items should be stored outside of your room. This includes the hallways, bathrooms, lounges, laundry facilities, kitchen facilities and any other space shared with other residents.
- Refuse to allow University personnel into a room for the purpose of health, fire, safety, housekeeping, or maintenance inspection or to perform maintenance or other job duties.
- Block or disassemble smoke detectors and/or sprinkler heads.
- Use, store or charge electric skateboards, including hoverboards and other similar types of equipment (e.g. Segways).
- Remove window screens, storm windows, or opening security screens (except for an emergency exit).
You must exit all residence hall facilities when fire safety equipment is sounding.
- Possession of candles and/or incense (lit or unlit) or electric candle warmers are prohibited. If you would like to burn candles and/or incense in your room for religious purposes, please fill out the request form from Environmental Health and Safety. It must be signed by your Residence Hall Coordinator before submitting.
- The University of Delaware is a Tobacco-Free campus, which means you cannot use any tobacco products or tobacco related products, or smoke (including E-cigarettes and vaporizers) on University property including residence hall rooms, apartments, University grounds and public areas.
Appliance Usage
- You must not use or possess the appliances/items listed below in the residence hall:
- Appliances containing exposed heating elements (e.g. rice cookers, crockpots and air fryers)
- Space heaters
- Immersion coils for cups and mugs
- Hot plates
- Electric frying pans
- Toasters & Toaster Ovens (only exceptions are University Courtyard Apartments)
- Griddles
- Dishwashers (except those installed by the university)
- Indoor/outdoor grills of any kind including electric, gas or coal
- Microwaves that exceed 700 watts
- Large refrigerators (capacity greater than 4.5 cubic feet) and more than one refrigerator per room are not permitted
- Halogen lamps
- Extension cords without internal circuit breaker
- Portable or free standing air conditioning or dehumidifier units
- 3D Printers (3D printers may only be used in academic spaces)
- Connecting multiple strands of holiday lights together is prohibited.
- Hanging items on ceilings is prohibited.
- The use of nails, screws, hooks, etc. to hang any pictures, posters, or any fixture that would damage walls is prohibited.
- Electronic skateboards, including hoverboards and other similar types of equipment (e.g. Segways) are banned for use, storage and charging.
Refrigerator and Microwave Use Guide
- Appliances must carry the approval label of Underwriters' Laboratories and be connected directly into a wall socket or power strip with an internal circuit breaker.
- If you are bringing your own refrigerator, consider using one that is energy efficient to assist in the University of Delaware’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.
- Refrigerators, microwaves or combination microwave/refrigerator units should be positioned to allow ventilation and should never be placed in closets.
- Wiring on refrigerators and microwaves cannot be covered.
- Refrigerators should be kept free of excessive frost, mold and mildew. Food should be kept in airtight containers.
Power Strip Use Guide
- When you need more outlets than you have, power strips with multi-plugs may be used (not extension cords). They must contain an internal circuit breaker and have the approval label of Underwriters' Laboratories.
- Power strips that have cracked or exposed wires, burn marks, loose connections or other damage present a safety hazard, may not be used, and will result in an RHR documentation if found in the residence hall.
- Unplug power strips when leaving the room for five or more days.
- Do not connect power strips together.
- Do not use power strips in bathrooms.
- Do not staple, tack or tape power strips to the floor, walls, or ceiling.
- Do not cover power strips or cord with carpet, furniture, clothing or other objects that could prevent air circulation.
Air Filtration and Purification Unit Guide
- Air conditioners do not filter or purify air. You can purchase an air filtration/purification unit if you’d like and we recommend keeping doors and windows closed to provide the maximum benefit. Medical documentation is not required to operate an air filtration/purification unit.
In addition to these policies, students who live in the University Courtyard Apartments must also adhere to the following:
- In the 400 & 600 buildings, balcony/patio areas must be clear of trash and furniture, as things of this nature blocks egresses and pathways to exit in the event of an emergency.
- The volume of music being playing in the balcony areas should be kept to a minimum as to not disrupt other residents in the area.
By being present in a situation where policy violations are occurring, you demonstrate to the community you condone this behavior and therefore are complicit with the policy violation. You should avoid, remove yourself from, report, or make a reasonable effort to stop the behaviors related to or involving policy violations.
Residence hall facilities are to be completely free of commercial enterprise and/or personal gain. This means that you cannot go around from door to door soliciting business or distributing any kind of materials unless you have gotten permission from a Residence Life professional staff member. This also means that you cannot sell goods or services out of any residence hall space.
Door-to-door solicitation or distribution of materials or information is only permitted by Facilities, Residence Life & Housing staff, or other designated individuals/groups within the parameters of their official duties.
Solicitation of information like surveys, polls, etc. are only permitted by our staff or other designated individuals/groups in the performance of their duties.
Any concerns regarding unauthorized door knocking should be directed to a Residence Life & Housing staff member.
When hosting a guest in your space, you are responsible for the actions of your guest, which means that you have an elevated responsibility to ensure that your guests are following our policies.
- Guests should be accompanied by their hosts at all times.
All residents in a shared space must agree to host guests in the space in order for you to have them over. Ensure you talk with your roommates about expectations and comfort levels before hosting guest - with extra consideration given for overnight guests.
Overnight guests are permitted, at maximum, for three nights within a 7 day timespan.
Contracted services including, but not limited to, cleaning services, general contractors or other surveyors are not permitted to be in campus residence halls at the request/employment of a student. Any student found violating this policy will be referred to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution under consideration of trespassing.
Fish are the only pets allowed in the residence halls. They must be kept in an aquarium with a maximum 20-gallon capacity and there is a limit of one tank per room.
Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) and Service Animals must be approved by the Office of Disability Support Services, prior to the animal entering the residence hall.
Residents who want to raise or puppy-sit an animal through Puppy Raisers of the University of Delaware (PROUD) or Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) must receive approval from our staff prior to the animal entering the residence hall. Contact your Residence Hall Coordinator for the steps of this process.
Community members should make every effort to keep their shared spaces (lounges, community bathrooms, hallways, lobbies, etc.) clean, so all residents feel comfortable and safe and so custodial staff can maintain their daily routine.
Lounge furniture is intended for the public use of all residents and must remain in its designated spaces at all times. You are not allowed to move lounge furniture outside of their assigned areas (this includes other lounges and personal residence hall rooms).
Yelling between buildings, and placing speakers in windows facing outward is prohibited.
Noise amplifying equipment must be used responsibly, including but not limited to: speakers, video game equipment, car sound systems, and guitar amps.
Courtesy Hours are always in effect.
- Music, voices, or noise should not be disruptive to your community.
- If someone requests a reduction in noise levels, those involved are expected to discuss and comply with the request in a respectful manner.
Quiet Hours - times when noise from a resident's current room or study area should not be heard from another room, the hallway, or another study area.
They are as follows:
- Sunday through Thursday, Quiet Hours start at 8 p.m. and end at 8 a.m. the next day;
- Friday and Saturday, Quiet Hours start at 11:59 p.m. and end at 8 a.m. the next day;
- During final exam periods, including Reading Day, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect.
The destruction, damage, misuse, defacing, or littering of any University building, property, or private property on the campus is considered vandalism. To respect the space and property of our community and its members, you are prohibited from committing vandalism.
Damage billing fines may be assessed to individuals or communities in response to vandalism.
Moving Lounge Furniture to Individual Rooms or other Areas
In a shared community space, all residents need to have equal opportunity to use the lounge furniture at all times. Lounge furniture is intended for the public use of all residents and must remain in its designated spaces at all times.
Moving University furniture from assigned areas to other areas of the building, including student rooms, is prohibited.
Hall Sports
You must use athletic equipment outside of the residence halls. To prevent injury, damage to University property, or disruption of community living, using any of the following inside buildings is prohibited:
- footballs,
- basketballs,
- frisbees,
- skateboards,
- bicycles,
- rollerblades,
- and more.
Playing athletic games such as floor hockey, lacrosse, frisbee, football and soccer are also not permitted indoors.
Common bathrooms are designated for use by a specific gender. You should only use the bathroom designated for your self-identified gender to respect the personal rights of others. You should direct your guests to the restroom facilities designated for the guest's gender, or to a gender neutral private guest bathroom (where applicable).
Prohibited Items List
The appliances and items listed below are prohibited in residence halls. Health and Safety inspections are conducted three times a year. This list is developed with University of Delaware Environmental Health and Safety. All appliances in residences must be electrically NRTL Certified.
Email fire-safe@udel.edu with questions about items that may or may not be allowed.
For more details on prohibited items, please see the Maintenance, Health and Fire Safety section of the Residence Hall Regulations.
Candles or incense
Extension cords without surge protectors
Toasters/toaster ovens *
E-mobility devices including hover boards, e-scooters, e-bikes and e-skateboards
Space heaters
Microwaves that exceed 700 watts
Large refrigerators (capacity greater than 4.5 cubic feet) and more than one refrigerator
Lava lamps
Appliances with exposed heating elements (Coffee makers and water boilers are allowed)
Electric frying pans
Air fryers or rice cookers *
Any air conditioners or dehumidifiers not provided by UD
Indoor/outdoor grills of any kind, including electric, gas or coal
Hot plates
Candle warmers
Immersion coils for cups and mugs
*The only exception is for apartment residences. Cooking in apartments is only permitted in the kitchen.
Keys and ONEcards
At check-in, you'll receive a key to your room/mailbox. Copying any University keys, including room keys, is prohibited by the code of conduct. For security reasons, we recommend that you not carry your University ID card (ONEcard) together with your room key, in case you lose them. Loss of keys and University ONEcard should be reported immediately to our staff or the University of Delaware Police Department.
Use your University-provided ONEcard identification to access your residence hall building.
If you lose your ONEcard, you can sign out a spare access card from the RA staff office in your building during office hours. If it's before or after office hours, contact your RA directly.
Spare access cards must be returned within five (5) business days or you will be charged $25 for a replacement spare card.
You can get a new ONEcard by visiting the ONEcard Office in the Student Services building on Lovett Ave, or you can disable a lost ONEcard here.
If you lose or misplace your key, you can sign out a spare key from your RA during office hours, which must be returned within 48 hours. If your key is permanently lost, the lock on your door will be changed and you'll be charged $93. If you live in UCA and lose your fob, you'll be charged $33.
For personal safety, when keys and ONEcard are lost together, an emergency lock core change may be initiated.
Please contact our staff or University Police if you want to initiate this lock core change. If you don't return your key within 48 hours or need an emergency core change, your student account will be charged by Facilities. Emergency core changes are calculated on an individual basis.
Mailbox Keys
Every student receives a key to their on-campus mailbox at check-in. If you lose this key, you'll be charged $23 for a replacement.
You must return your room key to the residence hall staff in your building at the end of fall, winter and spring semesters, or if you move out of your room during the semester.
For security reasons, if you don't return your key within the required time frame, the lock on your door will be changed, and you'll be billed ($93 for a key; $33 for a fob at UCA).
Hold onto your ONEcard through breaks. If you lose your ONEcard, you will be required to purchase a new card.
Repetitive use of spare keys is an unsafe practice. Any student who checks out more than four spares a semester may face student conduct action.
Space Reservation Requests & Policy
Students may request to reserve available spaces in any of our Residents Halls for events, study groups or meetings. Residence Life & Housing does not provide setup, technology support or AV equipment. Students reserving the space are responsible for all cleanup, trash removal and resetting the space to its original setup. If you would like to request space in one of our Residence Halls, fill out the reservation form linked below.