Hello from Development and Alumni Relations! We hope that this toolkit provides you with helpful insights about Alumni Weekend, May 31 - June 2, along with marketing resources you can use for your audiences.
In 2024, Alumni Weekend will look a little different as we say farewell to Dela-bration. After a successful 10-year run, we’re excited to reimagine what Alumni Weekend could be for Blue Hens, this year and in future years. While Dela-bration is over, Blue Hens are Forever and we are excited to embark on a new Alumni Weekend adventure with you all!
Instead of Dela-bration, we’re introducing this signature event:
Rock the Roost Concert featuring Kristen & The Noise! Experience the thrill of live music with Kristen & The Noise, creating an unforgettable atmosphere filled with music, food, drinks (cash bar) and games. It's a budget-friendly and unique celebration that captures the essence of Alumni Weekend.
Instead of offering the Alumni Weekend T-shirt and mug through registration:
We are opening up the option to score an Alumni Weekend T-shirt and mug to anyone who wants it through our Swag for Scholarships initiative. For a $30 donation toward the UD General Scholarship Fund, alumni (or anyone) will get an Alumni Weekend T-shirt and mug shipped to their house. Taking this out of the registration process helps to keep costs lower for attendees.
Class Reunions
Classes of 1999, 2004, 2009: Friday, May 31 | 7–9 p.m. | Perkins Student Center, West Lounge
Classes of 2014 and 2019: Friday, May 31 | 8–10 p.m. | Trabant Student Center
5K and Post-Race Party at Kate's
Saturday, June 1 | 8:30 a.m. | Klondike Kate's
Dining Hall Brunch
Saturday, June 1 | 11 a.m. –12:30 p.m. | Caesar Rodney Dining Hall
Drag Show
Saturday, June 1 | Noon–2 p.m. | Bacchus Theater
Double Del Social
Saturday, June 1 | 3–4:30 p.m. | Gore Hall Atrium
Beer Garden with live music by Chorduroy
Saturday, June 1 | 6–8 p.m. | North Green
See full event list, including College, department and affinity events.
If you receive questions about changes to Alumni Weekend this year, here are answers to help guide your responses.
Q: Why is Dela-bration not happening this year?
We've decided to take a different approach this year to create a more budget-friendly experience for our alumni. We're excited to bring you a concert with an “underground” feel in Trabant Student Center that is reminiscent of your college years. With live music by Kristen & The Noise (one of our Blue Hens’ favorite bands), plus food, games, photo booths, a koozie giveaway and more, you’ll still get tons of perks during this event while having fun with your UD classmates, teammates, roommates, best friends and partners. Two bars at the event will also have a large drink selection on hand for purchase. This new direction of Alumni Weekend also allows us to be better stewards of our University’s resources.
Bonus: No one has to worry about the weather!
Q: Why aren’t a T-shirt and mug included in event registration this year?
Instead of tying the Alumni Weekend T-shirt and mug into registration for just one event during Alumni Weekend, these items are now available to anyone. This also helps to keep our registration costs low. Therefore, this year, you may make a donation of $30 to the UD General Scholarship Fund at UD and a T-shirt and mug will be mailed to you! Feel free to sport your T-shirt at Alumni Weekend but please don’t bring your mug to events this year; it will not be filled by catering staff.
View all FAQs.
Alumni Weekend is all about returning to your UD roots and tapping into that nostalgia. This year, we invite alumni to rediscover cherished memories, reconnect with fellow alumni and celebrate how UD has influenced their lives.
Whether it's reminiscing with old friends or forming new connections, Alumni Weekend is about the relationships that define our UD community. Share stories and laughter and create lasting memories.
Come back to the place where you found your best friends, met your life partner and launched your career. It's a time to reconnect with the campus that holds a special place in your heart.
March 26 |
Marketing launch for Alumni Weekend |
April 15 |
Early Hen Pricing Ends (reunion-year alumni can save up to $15 on their reunion packages during Early Hen Pricing; all alumni can save $5 on select paid events during Early Hen Pricing) |
May 21 |
Catering deadline – we try to do the majority of our marketing pushes prior to this date |
Throughout spring, DAR will be including Alumni Weekend banners in campus partner communications, sending emails and running social media ads.
Submit your event via this link to have it included in the main Alumni Weekend registration. This ensures that your event will be seen by alumni and friends beyond your segmented audience.
If you’d like to request data for a communication to alumni about Alumni Weekend, you can fill out the data request form. DAR will provide open dates on the email and print calendar that can help you plan when to send something out without oversaturating your audience.
After you submit your event and a corresponding graphic or photo via this link, DAR will apply the Alumni Weekend overlay to your event’s image and upload to the UD events calendar. This will also get pulled into the Alumni Weekend website.
Got an idea for connecting with your audience, but not sure how to go about it, or if there’s an existing communication you can utilize? Email us at dar-comm@udel.edu to talk it through!
Download and save images for your platforms and feel free to use sample copy to help with your social posts.
Feel free to include this at the top of emails you send via your email platform or via Outlook.
You may upload this graphic to the alumni section of your College’s website.
Sample post copy #1: We’re excited to see all of our alumni back on campus for Alumni Weekend, May 31–June 2! See the full event line-up and more information at udel.edu/alumniweekend
Sample post copy #2: There is something for everyone at Alumni Weekend 2024—family-friendly events, learning workshops and insights into UD programs, social events, a concert, beer garden and so much more! See more details and register at udel.edu/alumniweekend
Sample post copy: Blue Hen alumni: Return to your UD roots at Alumni Weekend, May 31–June 2.
Sample post copy: Blue Hen alumni: Return to your UD roots at Alumni Weekend, May 31–June 2.
For marketing questions, reach out to Megan Maccherone at mmacch@udel.edu.
For registration questions, reach out to aw-registration@udel.edu.
All other inquiries can be directed to Justine Talley-Beck at justinet@udel.edu.