International Visiting Delegations

International Visiting Delegations
As a premier academic institution with over 200 global partnerships, the University of Delaware welcomes guests from around the world as visiting delegations. These meetings help expand UD's global engagement and deepen our commitment to campus internationalization; making it vital that visits are well planned, purposeful and leave our guests with a positive impression of our institution. The Center for Global Programs & Services (CGPS) provides guidance and support to members of the University community who wish to host an international delegation.
Any campus unit or college can host a visiting delegation, but please contact CGPS through this online form at least one month in advance of the visit so that CGPS can offer guidance and suggestions on proper etiquette and protocol.
Please note that any visit requests that involve the Provost or other senior UD administrators and/or signing ceremonies for international agreements must be coordinated through CGPS. Academic units and Colleges should not contact the Provost's Office directly regarding visiting delegations.
Please also note that due to recent a recent U.S. Department of State determination, all members of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) foreign missions in the United States (including PRC embassy and consulate personnel, those on temporary assignments conducting official business for the PRC government, AND/OR accompanying Chinese dependents/members of PRC foreign mission households) must submit notification to the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Foreign Missions prior to visiting the University of Delaware. While the aforementioned personnel do not need the State Department’s permission or prior approval, it is their responsibility to inform the State Department of their intent to visit UD. Any campus unit or college intending to host PRC foreign mission personnel and/or their families should immediately contact CGPS to ensure compliance with this determination. See the determination here.
For more information, contact globalagreements@udel.edu.
Guidelines for Hosting Visiting Delegations
When agreeing to host international visitors, the following guidelines help ensure the visit is a success:
- Cleary identify the visit date(s), members of the delegation visiting, their purpose for coming to campus, expected outcomes of the visit and anticipated meetings while on campus.
- Determine if there will be an incurred cost for the visit (meals, housing, transportation, gifts, etc.) as well as the funding source(s) used to pay for these costs.
- Identify a visit coordinator who will be making logistical arrangements for the visit.
- Decide if you want the visit to be publicized and in what forum. Especially important topics you should be familiar with include:
- Greetings, titles/forms of address;
- Business card etiquette;
- Order of speaking;
- Proper seating arrangements;
- Dining do's and don'ts;
- Gift expectations;
- Meeting expectations; and
- Conversation topics to avoid.
- Research the visiting delegation’s home country/culture to avoid cultural faux pas during the visit.
- Share a brief with all meeting participants no less than 48 hours before the delegation visit that communicates:
- The overall purpose of the visit and expected outcomes;
- Dates and times of all activities;
- Locations of all activities;
- Brief descriptions and sequencing (e.g. welcome introductions, concluding remarks, etc.) for all activities;
- List of gifts to be given to the visitors with instructions on who will be giving the gifts and in what order;
- Names and titles of delegation members;
- Background information on the delegation's home institution, country and cultural expectations
- After the delegation leaves, send thank you notes to all meeting participants, debrief the visit to determine if expected outcomes were met, and decide next steps.