CGPS Facts & Figures

CGPS Facts & Figures

The Center for Global Programs & Services is proud to share our latest research and statistics. For more information about any of the information on this page, please contact our office at or (302) 831-2115.

23-24 Milestones from UD Study Abroad Program
Image with text that says "In 2023, UD Welcomed 850+ new international students from 75 countries."
500 students graduated this year and 350 worked in the U.S.
Text on an image that says "200+ Global Partners on 6 Continents"
180 international scholars came to UD in 2023 from 30 countries
Top sending countries
*Includes students on OPT
Text on an image that says "Over 100 Years of Study Abroad, UD was the first in 1923"
Text on an image that says "1 million in UD Study Abroad Scholarships"
Student abroad standing on a mountain top.
Study Abroad students looking at the ocean.
Text on an image that says "1,188 Students studied abroad this year."
Text on an image that says "Study Abroad Ambassador Program launched in 2023"
Text on an image that says "124 students participated in the Delaware Diplomats Scholarship Program in 2023."
Freshmen sites or countries for UD's Study Abroad Program.
875 students have particpated in the World Scholars program since 2015
students come from 38 majors, 7 colleges, 13 states and territories and 21 are  honors students
Study Abroad Students pose with a UD flag.
students at spring symposium

This 4-year structured program provides a complementary framework for internationalizing a student’s academic program of study.

International Student Experience Assessment

2024 ISB Rankings

Text on an image that says "2st in the world visa support services."
Text on an image that says "1st in the world overall arrival experience."
Text on an image that says "1st in the world multiple critical aspects of the learning environment."
Text on an image that says "2nd in the world pre-arrival information"
Text on an image that says "Top 5 Rankings in learning support, face-to-face orientation, online tests and exams, etc."
Text on an image that says "Top 10 Rankings in enrollment/academic registration, formal welcome to the university, intro to dampus, online tutorials, etc."

CGPS conducts research to better understand the overall experience of international students in an effort to improve services in various university settings. Data from the International Student Barometer (ISB) Survey has been collected and analyzed for UD multiple times since 2017. The ISB is considered the most widely-used benchmarking tool for tracking the international student experience globally.

We're pleased to share that out of 137 participating institutions and 122,975 responses worldwide in 2023, UD was ranked #1 overall in visa support services, arrival support, and multiple critical aspects of learning. We also ranked in the top 10 in several other categories. View the 2018 report and data. Details about the most recent survey will be shared in spring 2024. 

Impact & Comprehensive Data

The Center for Global Programs & Services compiles and publishes annual statistical reports on the number of international students, visiting scholars, and study abroad students enrolled by and hosted at the University of Delaware. These data sets, developed by CGPS, are also reported to the Institute of International Education (IIE) Open Doors Report each year. CGPS programs and services implemented in support of the University of Delaware’s Global 360 Strategy are described in the annual CGPS impact Impact Report. Comprehensive historical data on international students and scholars can be found in prior year reports.

Comprehensive International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Data

All years listed

CGPS Research & Reporting

Ammigan, Ravichandran & Dennis, John & Jones, Elspeth. (2020). The differential impact of learning experiences on international student satisfaction and institutional recommendation. Journal of International Students. 11 (2)

Laws, K., & Ammigan, R. (2020). International Students in the Trump Era: A Narrative View. Journal of International Students, 10(3), xviii-xxii.

Ammigan, R. (2019). Institutional satisfaction and recommendation: What really matters to international students? Journal of International Students, 9(1), 253–272.

Shadowen, N., Williamson, A., Guerra, N., Ammigan, R., & Drexler, M. (2019). Understanding the prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms among international students: Implications for university support offices. Journal of International Students, 9(1), 130–149.

Ammigan, R., & Jones, E. (2018). Improving the student experience: Learning from a comparative study of international student satisfaction. Journal of Studies in International Education, 22(4), 283-301.

Ammigan, R. & Langton, D (2018). The international student experience in Australia: Implications for administrators and student support staff. International Education Association of Australia (IEAA).

Ammigan, R. & Schreiber, B. (in press). Student mobility in higher education: A mass movement requiring significant involvement from student affairs and services. In Ludeman, R., Schreiber, B., & Wang, H. (Eds.), Student Affairs and Services in Higher Education: Global Foundations, Issues and Best Practices. Paris, France: UNESCO.

Ammigan, R. & Laws, N. (2018). Assessing communications preferences among international students: Strategies for creating optimal engagement. Journal of International Students, 8(3), 1295-1318.

Ammigan, R. & Perez, A. (2017). International student services. In Shin, J. & Teixeira, P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions (pp. 17-32). Springer. ISBN 978-94-017-8904-2.

Briggs, P., & Ammigan, R. (2017). A collaborative programming and outreach model for international student support offices. Journal of International Students, 7(4), 1080-1095.

Perez-Encinas, A., & Ammigan, R. (2016). Support services at Spanish and US institutions: A driver for international student satisfaction. Journal of International Students, 6(4), 984-998.

Wongtrirat, R., Ammigan, R., & Pérez-Encinas, A. (2015). Building an inclusive community for international students. International Higher Education, (83), 17-18.

Chieffo, Lisa & Spaeth, Catherine (Editors) (2020). Guide to Successful Short-Term Programs Abroad, 3rd EdNAFSA.

Chieffo, L & Griffiths, L (2004). Large-scale assessment of student attitudes after a short-term study abroad programFrontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study abroad 10 (1), 165-177.

Cubillos, H, Chieffo, L, & Fan, C (2008) The impact of short-term study abroad programs on L2 listening comprehension skills. Foreign Language Annals 41 (1), 157-186.

Chieffo, L & Griffiths, L. (2009). Here to stay: Increasing acceptance of short-term study abroad programs.

Chieffo, L & Griffiths, L. (2003). What’s a month worth. International Educator, 12 (4), 26-31.


Chieffo, LP (2001). Determinants of student participation in study abroad programs at the University of Delaware: A quantitative study.


Chieffo, LP & Zipser, RA (2001). Integrating study abroad into the foreign language curriculumADFL Bulletin 32 (3), 79-85.

Shadowen, NL, Chieffo, LP & Guerra, NG (2015). The Global Engagement Measurement Scale (GEMS): A New Scale for Assessing the Impact of Education Abroad and Campus Internationalization. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 26, 231-247.

Chieffo, L & Griffiths, L. (2004). Short-Term Study Abroad: It Makes a Difference. IIE Networker, 28-32.

Gleason, M, Chieffo, L & Griffiths, L (2005). Study abroad and McNair scholars: A partnership for success. IIENetworker Magazine: Diversity in International Education. 

Chieffo, L,  Holme Brick, S, Roberts, T & Steinberg, M (2005).
Planning, Budgeting, Implementation. NAFSA’s Guide to Education Abroad for Advisers and Administrators, Third.

Chieffo, L, Lightcap, H & Kuczmarski, M (2017). How to Stay Healthy While Studying Abroad: Development of an Electronic Magazine for College Students. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, S154-S155.

Chieffo, LP, Lightcap, HM & Kuczmarski, MF  (2016). How to Stay Healthy While Studying Abroad: Development of an Electronic Magazine for College Students. Creative Education 7 (15), 2061.

Chiefo, L & Johnson, J (2007). Administrative Processes. The Guide to Successful Short-Term Programs Abroad, Second Edition, 7-28.

Chieffo, L & Griffiths, L (2006). Life Abroad: A Unique Model for Study Abroad. IIE Networker, 49-50.


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