Research Resources

The Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Cardiovascular Health Request For Proposals for Pilot Projects

Intent to Submit a Proposal Due to Freddie Patterson,, on or before September 1st, 2024

Due 5pm EST October 7th, 2024

The COBRE in Cardiovascular Health is pleased to announce a call for pilot research proposals to expand and enhance the scientific goals of the center. Pilot projects will be awarded for 1 year, have a budget of up to $50,000 in direct costs and have an estimated start date of February 1, 2025 (pending NIH approval). Pilot Project Goals: We are seeking proposals that have applications to cardiovascular health in the broadest sense. Investigators have the opportunity to study a wide range of cardiovascular related topics that may be in the form of technology development, basic, translational, clinical or community-engaged research and could occur at the level of the cell or at higher levels up to and including the community. Eligibility: NIH defined Early Stage and New Investigators are eligible to apply and are required to have a mentor. Faculty who have previously been awarded NIH funding may also apply. Full details are included in this funding announcement.

CHS investigators can apply any time for up to $300 to assist with external peer review of developed large extramural proposals. For more details please contact Freda Patterson (

The CHS Research Advisory Committee will now facilitate the scientific review of your specific aims pages. This is a voluntary program aimed to provide rapid feedback to early-draft aims pages. The guidelines and link to upload your aims page are below. 


If you want feedback on your aims page, simply upload the document to the form linked below, and provide some additional information to help us secure ~2 reviewers. Please continue to have colleagues in your own networks review your work - this program is not intended to supplant any other review. 

Specific Aims Review Service: Guidelines for Submitting Investigator and Reviewer


Guidelines for Submitting Investigator

  • Submit your aims page in MS word format along with your name, department, and 1-4 key words to characterize content expertise the reviewer should have.
  • It is recommended that you submit your aims for review 2-3 months prior to the proposal deadline, but earlier or later submissions will be accepted.
  • You can expect to receive comments approximately 2-3 weeks following the submission.
  • All reviewers will be instructed to maintain confidentiality. The review process may or may not be blinded, depending on reviewer preference.
  • Submitting investigators are encouraged to solicit feedback on their aims and all aspects of their proposal from a variety of trusted sources.


Guidelines for Reviewer

  • You have been invited to review the aims page because of your content expertise and because you have demonstrated experience writing and securing grant funding.
  • Please use the track changes function in MS Word to provide comments and suggested edits to the aims page you are being asked to review.
  • A speedy turnaround time is most useful and appreciated to the submitting investigator; please complete your review within 7-10 business days.
  • Please maintain confidentiality.
  • You have the option of doing this in a blinded fashion, but this is not required.
  • Review of an aims page can include (but not limited to) a critique of the following:
    • quality of messaging, presentation issues, organization of introductory material
    • quality of the formulations of the Specific Aims
    • writing adequacy, tone, and reviewer-friendliness
    • guidance on whether these features are working together to clearly and convincingly reveal and highlight the novelty, innovation and significance of the proposal--and how to improve these aspects
    • guidance on whether the Aims form a cohesive, strong, well-organized attack on a significant problem that appears likely to advance the field
    • any evident limitations in approach

For more information, visit the biostatistics page.

The College of Health Sciences can make funds available on a rolling basis to support the acquisition, repair and/or replacement of shared equipment located and maintained in CHS departments. Please reach out to Freda Patterson ( for more details.

CHS Equipment Fund Information

Below is the Spring 2022 CHS Facilities Template page to use for NIH grants. Modify the template to suit your specific grant proposal needs. 


CHS Facilities Template Document

Karin Silbernagel, associate professor of physical therapy, has been appointed director of the Center for Human Research Coordination. The new core facility will assist researchers across UD with the recruitment of study participants. Read more on UDaily.

What we do and how we can help with your HS research:
  • Research Subject Recruitment
  • Research Subject Logistics (screening, scheduling, transportation, reimbursement)
  • Patient Registries
  • REDCap Database construction, maintenance, and support
  • REDCap education and training
  • Data server maintenance, hardening and security