Our People
We are a key academic health partner in the state of Delaware. Led by Dean Bill Farquhar, the College of Health Sciences is home to talented faculty and staff internationally recognized for their research, teaching and service to their specific fields. Above all, we are dedicated to being the embodiment of a new direction in health, which our students, faculty and staff are forging now through education, research, care and innovation.
charles buz swanik
Deputy Dean, College of Health Sciences
Freda Patterson
Associate Dean of Research, College of Health Sciences
Jillian Trabulsi
Department Chair, Health Behavior & Nutrition Sciences
Jennifer Horney
Professor and Founding Director, Epidemiology
Interim Director, Partnership for Healthy Communities
David G. Edwards
Chair, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology
Unidel Katherine L. Esterly Chair in Health Sciences
Elizabeth Speakman
Senior Associate Dean, Nursing
Chief Nurse Administrator
Esther Biswas-Fiss
Department Chair, Medical and Molecular Sciences
regina sims wright
Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
catherine stoner
Senior Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Student Services
Name | Association | ||
Jason Carter | Jason_Carter1@baylor.edu | Dean of the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences at Baylor University | |
Timothy J. Constantine | timothy.constantine@highmark.com | United Concordia Dental | |
Bob Dayton | robertdayton2@yahoo.com | Delaware BioScience Association | |
Theodore J. Foltyn | tjfoltyn@udel.edu | Foltyn Consulting | |
Michael J. Fosina | mfosina@nyp.org | NYP Lawrence Hospital | |
Martha S. Gilman | marthag@gildevco.com | Gilman Development Company & Cornell Property Management Corporation |
Richard Heffron | Oleowl_2001@yahoo.com | DE State Chamber of Commerce | |
Linda Laskowski-Jones | lindalj2622@comcast.net | Nursing, the Journal of Clinical Excellence | |
Alan M. Levin | all9045@nyp.org | New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Queens | |
Nancy Malatesta | malatestan3@gmail.com | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Dade Behring, Dupont Medical Division |
Carolyn M. McNeice | mcneicelaw@comcast.net | Family Practice Attorney | |
Andy Stern | andy@cluboaksconsulting.com | Club Oaks Consulting | |
David A. Tam | dtam@beebehealthcare.org | Beebe Healthcare |
Jennifer Horney
Professor and Founding Director, Epidemiology
Interim Director, Partnership for Healthy Communities
Christine Sowinski
Program Coordinator, H.E.A.L.T.H. for All Initiative, Partnerships for Healthy Communities
Kate DuPont Phillips
Director, Healthy Communities Delaware Initiative, Partnerships for Healthy Communities
TamunoTonye “Nemi” Nemi
IT Support Consultant II, IT-Client Support & Services