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Edward Ratledge
Director, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR)
Associate Professor282 Graham Hall
ratledge@udel.eduEdward Ratledge is the director of the Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR).
Yuliya Brel-Fournier
Assistant Policy Scientist, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research
286 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
ulenka@udel.edu -
Rebecca Gross
Associate Director, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR)
Associate Policy Scientist287 Graham Hall
rbedford@udel.edu -
John Laznik
Associate Policy Specialist, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR)
289 Graham Hall
jlaz@udel.edu -
David Racca
Policy Scientist, Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research (CADSR)
284 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716