Transfer & Test Credit FAQ – Interested & Incoming Students

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Transfer & Test Credit FAQ – Interested & Incoming Students
Welcome to all potential and incoming Blue Hens! This page covers the most common questions about Transfer and Test Credit – for interested students, current applicants, incoming first years and transfer students.
Use the “Filter by Topic” to jump to info most relevant to you. Share this page with your family, friends, and others who may find this FAQ helpful.
Transferring Credits (including Dual Enrollment),
Yes! UD considers Dual Enrollment the same as other college-level transfer courses. Be sure to order your official transcript from the college that oversaw the course (not the high school where you took it).
- Order an official transcript from the college/university that taught the course. An official transcript is one that is considered “sealed.” This could mean the college/university sends the transcript electronically directly to UD, or sends us a hard copy by mail. Electronic official transcripts go directly to admissions@udel.edu. Official paper transcripts go to Attn: Undergraduate Admissions, University Visitors Center, 210 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716.
- If you had an official paper transcript sent directly to you, and the school’s envelope is sealed (not opened), send or drop it off at the Undergraduate Admissions address above.
- A forwarded electronic transcript - or a paper copy in an opened envelope - are not considered official.
- If you took courses at an international college/university, see the International Transfer & Test Credit section below.
- Check the Transfer Credit Matrix. If you see the college and course, both have already been reviewed and approved. What’s in the Matrix can change at any time, but it’s a good guide. As of today, what you see there is what you would get.
- If you don’t see the college in the Matrix, email transfercredit@udel.edu with the school’s name/address/website, and our team will research and respond to confirm that it meets UD’s policies.
- If you see the school - but not your course - send the college syllabus to an academic department for review (see Step 3 on this page).
- In general, if you earned a C- or better (not P/F), the course aligns with UD’s curriculum, and the school meets UD’s requirements - you would earn UD credit. The bigger question: credit for what course? It could be a Department Elective or a specific UD class (more likely to help fulfill a requirement).
- You may hear faculty and advisors talking about “equivalencies.” A UD course equivalency takes a previous college/university class and matches it to the “best fit” UD course. If the content of your course overlaps well with a UD class - enough that you would be prepared to succeed in future courses in that department - you may receive a full “UD equivalent.” Or if the content differs in important areas, or if UD does not teach a similar course, elective credit could be the best fit. It’s up to the academic department.
- See here for full instructions and details about How to Transfer Credit to UD.
- There’s a balance here. If you just took a course this past semester, wait to order your transcript until after final grades have been posted (in the other college’s student records system). There must be a final letter grade (C- or better) on the official college transcript for credits to transfer. If you order it too soon, you may need to order it again.
- But it’s also true that the later we receive your official transcript, the later your credits would post. Best advice, check your grade in your college’s record system often. Once you see the official grade, order your official transcript! See #2 above for details.
- Summer is our busiest season, and turnaround time can vary. Credits usually post 3 to 4 weeks after an official transcript arrives at UD. Some post sooner, some take longer. Thanks for your patience, and check My Blue Hen Home or UDSIS for updates (Grades & Transcripts tile, Transfer Credit Report)..
- In the meantime, see the sections below for guidance about how your course would transfer.
- Also be sure to bring any course equivalencies you may have had evaluated, along with an unofficial transcript if you have access to one to your academic advising appointment during NSO.
- Yes, but maybe not in the way you think. UD gives elective credit, not direct credit, for composition courses. But for a limited list of approved transfer courses, UD also gives what’s called “an exemption” from having to take ENGL110. This means that you are exempt from taking the required ENGL110 class.
- You’ll find courses approved for the exemption in the Transfer Credit Matrix, with “ENGL110EX” and “ENGL166DE” Department Elective (on the right hand side of the table), Important to note: if you see two courses on the left hand side of the table, you need to take both to earn the exemption.
- If you’re an incoming first-time, first year student (freshman), and your composition course is not in the Matrix, you’ll earn ENGL166T Transfer Elective (not an exemption).
- If you’re an incoming transfer student, see details in the Transfer Student section below.
- More information on the ENGL110 exemption is available here on the English department’s website.
Bring an unofficial copy of all materials (college transcripts, AP/IB/CLEP scores, course approval emails you’ve received from UD academic departments, etc.) to your NSO academic advising appointment (which will be virtual)l. Show the electronic screenshot to the advisor during your meeting (or email them a copy in advance).
- If a course hasn’t recently been reviewed for another student, it receives credit for 166T Transfer Elective. This automatically counts as free elective credit. Free electives are built into programs and help students meet the minimum number of credits required for graduation (or transfer credit residency requirements - 30 of your last 38 credits, unless otherwise noted by the college).
- To see if a 166T course matches with a specific UD class, you would need to send a syllabus (and/or other course materials) to an academic department for review. The process can take a little time (3-4 weeks to hear back during the summer), but it’s worth it - especially if the course may help you complete a degree requirement. The academic department is the one who will approve this. See Step 3 here for instructions.
Test Credit
Yes! UD awards credit for these tests (and others). Go to our Test Credit page and click the link for the specific test. You’ll find details about how to order official score reports, and the scores needed to earn specific UD courses.
- Short answer: order them now if you haven’t already done so.
- Longer answer specific to AP: If you took an AP exam this spring (your senior high school year), and you ordered your scores by June 19, your credits should post in mid-July. Or if you ordered your official scores after June 19, your credits may take significantly more time to post (because they won’t arrive to UD until August or later).
- For IB, we receive test scores mid-July to early August, and they’ll post in 2-4 weeks upon receipt.
- Be sure to communicate with your academic advisor the tests you did take, as it can impact the courses you would take this fall. Schedules are not written in stone, and can change. So once your scores are in and posted, you can always reach out to your academic advisor and adapt accordingly.
- Feel free to check your My Blue Hen Home Page or UDSIS to see if credits have been posted (Grades & Transcript tile, Transfer Credit report). If it has been longer than 4 weeks, reach out to transfercredit@udel.edu.
- Have patience. Bring an unofficial copy of your test scores to your NSO academic advising appointment (which will be virtual). Show the electronic screenshot to the advisor during your meeting (or email them a copy in advance).
- If you took the exam this spring (your senior high school year), and you ordered your scores by June 19, your credits should post in mid-July. You could self-register for the fall class as of August 1st.
- Or if you ordered your official scores after June 19, your credits may take time to post. If they’re not on your record by the start of the semester, reach out to your academic advisor for guidance.
Transfer Students
- In a nutshell, you will order an official transcript and check the Transfer Credit Matrix to see if your courses have been recently approved. If a course hasn’t recently been reviewed, you’ll send it to an academic department for review. See the FAQ sections in the Transfer & Test Credit section above, or see here for full instructions.
- You may hear faculty and advisors talking about “equivalencies.” A UD course equivalency takes a previous college/university class and matches it to the “best fit” UD course. If the content of your course overlaps well with a UD class - enough that you would be prepared to succeed in future courses in that department - you may receive a full “UD equivalent.” Or if the content differs in important areas, or if UD does not teach a similar course, elective credit could be the best fit. It’s up to the academic department.
- An official transcript is one that is considered “sealed.” This could mean the college/university sends the transcript electronically directly to UD, or sends us a hard copy by mail. Electronic official transcripts go directly to admissions@udel.edu. Official paper transcripts go to Attn: Undergraduate Admissions, University Visitors Center, 210 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716.
- If you had an official paper transcript sent directly to you, and the school’s envelope is sealed (not opened), send or drop it off at the Undergraduate Admissions address above.
- A forwarded electronic transcript - or a paper copy in an opened envelope - are not considered official.
- Yes, but maybe not in the way you think. UD gives elective credit, not direct credit, for composition courses. But for a limited list of approved transfer courses, UD also gives what’s called “an exemption” from having to take ENGL110. This means that you are exempt from taking the required ENGL110 class.
- If you are transferring a COMPLETED ASSOCIATE DEGREE to UD, your English comp. course will automatically earn ENGL 166T elective credit and an exemption for ENGL110.
- If you are a transfer student, but are NOT transferring a completed associate degree, check the Transfer Credit Matrix. Courses automatically approved to earn the exemption will show “ENGL110EX” and “ENGL166DE” Department Elective (on the right hand side of the table), Important to note: if you see two courses on the left hand side of the table, you need to take both to earn the exemption. If your composition course is not in the Matrix, you will receive 166T elective credit. Follow these specific instructions from the English dept. to have your comp. syllabus considered for an ENGL110 exemption.
UNIV120/ARSC120 is the Transfer Transition Seminar. It is designed specifically for transfer students to introduce them to UD’s resources, policies, and of course fellow transfer students. Students can earn one academic credit by completing the course successfully. Note that ARSC 120 is the College of Arts and Sciences specific course, but is similar to UNIV120. These courses are not required, but are encouraged if they’ll fit into your schedule.
Prospective Transfer Student
Are you considering UD? Not quite decided on submitting an application? Have questions about the application? Want to ask about majors, career outcomes, admission criteria? Undergraduate Admissions has transfer admission counselors to assist.
Email: Transfers@udel.edu Phone: 302-831-8123
Admitted Transfer Student
Congratulations on your admission to UD!
Lori Moss, Assistant Registrar – Transfer Services is here to help answer your questions or connect you with other UD offices & departments.
Email: lamoss@udel.edu Phone: 302-831-1551
Deposited Transfer Student
Congratulations on becoming a Blue Hen! You’ve deposited, maybe even set up your UDEL email account, and likely have questions about next steps.
Lori Moss, Assistant Registrar – Transfer Services is here to help answer your questions, or connect you with other UD offices, departments, and an advisor in your college.
Email: lamoss@udel.edu Phone: 302-831-1551
International Transfer & Test Credit
- UD requires something called a “credential evaluation” from our partner evaluator, IERF. See this instruction page on IERF’s website specifically for UD students. Follow the steps outlined to order a Standard Application Detail Report.
- The same transfer credit rules apply for international credit as for U.S. credit. Courses need to be college-level, align with our curriculum, be eligible to count toward a college-level degree at that school, and earn what IERF considers a C- or better (not pass/fail). International courses (taken before starting a UD degree) are not in the Transfer Credit Matrix. They’ll initially transfer as 166T Transfer Electives. See Step 3 here for what to do next.
- *Note* If the primary language of your previous institution was not English, you may need a certified translation of any syllabi to send to academic departments. If you are a transfer student, reach out to Lori Moss at lamoss@udel.edu for questions about this process. For first-time first year (freshmen), email transfercredit@udel.edu.
- The answer depends on who issued the official transcript for your study abroad courses. If the transcript is from an international college/university, order a Standard Application Detail Report from IERF ( #16 above).
- If the transcript is from a U.S. School of Record, follow the normal process of sending an official transcript to UD Admissions (#2 above).
- Each international college-level exam has its own separate process. This usually involves scheduling a meeting to bring your official, original exam certificate to the Registrar’s Office for authentication. After verifying the document, we would scan an official copy to your student record and return the original to you. See detailed information on the Test Credit page of our website.
- You would also send official exam syllabi (course/test content information - in English) to an academic department. Follow the same process as having a transfer course reviewed (Step 3 here).
- We strongly encourage you to do this process a.s.a.p. (before you begin your first semester at UD). Your exams could earn required courses for your degree. Having the tests reviewed before you take those classes can be a big time saver!
My question about Transfer/Test Credit isn’t answered above, help?
After reviewing the How To Transfer Credit and Test Credit pages on our website, send more detailed questions about Dual Enrollment, AP/IB/CLEP, etc. to transfercredit@udel.edu. Summer is our busiest season - emails will usually receive a response within 3-5 business days. The website may get you an answer more quickly.
Feel free to reach out to Lori Moss, Assistant Registrar for Transfer Services at lamoss@udel.edu.
Wait, I have questions about Registration too!
It’s available via the NSO Canvas module. The Registrar’s Office also has registration information posted online. Please contact your advisor for assistance in determining which classes to take.
This training is meant for new Transfer students, to provide them with a brief overview of registration actions in Webreg. Join us on June 10th at 1 PM via Zoom: https://udel.zoom.us/j/95962737479 (Password: NSO)
This training is meant for new freshmen students, to provide them with a brief overview of registration actions in Webreg. Join us on July 30th at 3 PM via Zoom: https://udel.zoom.us/j/95456974776
This session is meant for questions about registration. Students should view information available online (including the Webreg demo video) in advance, and only drop in if they have a question about utilizing Webreg or the Planner. Join us August 1st at 11 AM via Zoom: https://udel.zoom.us/j/94545133671
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