Unofficial Transcripts

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Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are available to all students and alumni from their UD Student Homepage.
Unofficial transcripts are different from official transcripts in the information they display and in their appearance.
- Unofficial transcripts include additional advisement information, such as deficiency points (for terms prior to Fall 2024), repeat codes and test scores (SAT, ACT, PRAXIS, etc.) that do not display on official transcripts.
- Unofficial transcripts display current and in-progress courses and final grades as they are submitted. Official transcripts do not display any pending coursework until after the fully-graded date for a particular term.
- Unofficial transcripts display transfer course details such as the prior letter grade earned. Official transcripts do not display external institutions’ grades and only show transferred coursework as "T" ‑ Transfer Credits Accepted.
- There are numerous other display differences between the unofficial and official transcripts. The unofficial transcript includes extra academic details for advisement purposes only.
- Log into your UD Student Homepage in UDSIS
- In the Grades & Transcripts tile, go to the View Unofficial Transcript menu.
- Your unofficial transcript will load in another browser window.
- For questions about what is displayed on your unofficial transcript, see 'Reading Unofficial Transcripts' below.
Unofficial Transcripts are intended for internal University of Delaware use only, and are available self-service to students, faculty, and staff through UDSIS. These are provided for faculty/staff use on a need to know basis. The following screenshots are intended for illustration purposes only. Individual transcripts will vary. Please be aware of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) regulations – this policy restricts the information that the University may divulge to a third party concerning a student, which includes transcript information. Should you encounter problems interpreting information on an Unofficial Transcript, contact the Registrar's Office.
Terms and Definitions
Term | Definition |
Program | College |
Plan | Major, minor, certificate, course of study |
Subplan | concentration (within a major) |
Hrs (Hours) | Credit, units (these terms are interchangeable) |
Quality Pts (Points) | The quality points for each course are obtained by multiplying the quality point value for each grade by the credits for that course: e.g., a grade of A in a three-credit course would earn 12 quality points (4 quality points x 3 credits). See the “Delaware’s Grading System” page in the Academic Catalog for further information concerning grades, GPA calculation, and academic standing. |
Quality Hours | The credits associated with completed coursework. This includes coursework completed with grades of F, X, and Z. |
GPA | Grade point average, grade point index (these terms are interchangeable). Calculated by dividing quality points by quality hours. |
Term GPA | The grade point average for the term displayed immediately above this statistic. |
Cum GPA | Cumulative/overall GPA |
N or R | Residency status. Appears next to the Academic Level in each term. N = Non Resident, R = Resident. |
T | Transfer. This appears as the “grade” associated with coursework transferred to UD from another institution. Credit is granted, but no grade factors into the GPA. Transfer credit information is found at the beginning of the Unofficial Transcript. |
CR | Credit. This appears as the “grade” associated with test credit. This includes credit from Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exams (CAPE), and A-level Cambridge credit. Credit is granted, but no grade factors into the GPA. Test credit information is found at the beginning of the Unofficial Transcript, immediately after any transfer credit. |
Structure and Layout
The Unofficial Transcript displays in landscape orientation, with two columns per page. The following is a summary of the sections that can potentially appear in a student’s Unofficial Transcript, in the order that they typically appear. For students with both an Undergraduate and Graduate career, the Undergraduate record will appear in its entirety before displaying the Graduate career information. Graduate level coursework taken as a Continuing Education student will appear as part of the Undergraduate record.
The heading appears on each page and contains the University of Delaware logo, the text “Unofficial Academic Record”, the student’s name and ID, the page number, and the date the transcript was generated. There is also an “UNOFFICIAL” watermark in the background of each page.
Degrees Awarded
For students who have completed a degree, the Degrees Awarded section will appear at the beginning. It includes the degree(s) earned, the date conferred, any degree (latin) honors, and the plans/subplans associated with that degree.
Transfer Credits
If a student has transfer credit posted to their record, it will appear at the beginning of the Unofficial Transcript. Transfer credit is grouped by the external institution that the coursework was transferred from. The external institution is listed as well as the external course and associated information (credits, grade, term taken). Below that, the equivalent UD course and associated information is found (term transferred, credits).
Test Credits
If a student has test credit posted to their record, it will appear at the beginning of the Unofficial Transcript beneath any posted transfer credit. All test credit instances applied to the student record appear in this section, even if UD credit is not earned as a result. The name of the test, the date it was taken, and the score earned are included. Any credit earned at UD as a result of that test credit will appear immediately below the test information for each instance. SAT, ACT, Scholastic Assessment, and UD Math Placement information may also be found in this section.
Term-by-Term Enrollment and Statistics
The term-by-term section of the transcript begins with either “Beginning of Undergraduate Record” or “Beginning of Graduate Record”, depending on the level of the student. For students with both an Undergraduate and Graduate career, both careers will be reflected in the Unofficial Transcript, separated by these headings.
The Unofficial Transcript will display a section for each term that a student has enrolled, including the currently in-progress term, when applicable. At the top of each term section, the term (e.g. 2019 Spr), Academic Level (e.g. Senior), and Residency Status (e.g. R) appear. Beneath that, the student’s program/plan information as of the beginning of that term is listed. All course enrollment and associated credits, grades, and statistics for the term are listed after that.
Other Features
Course Topic - Variable topics courses will have a note directly beneath the course listing with the words “Course Topic:” and the specific topic listed to the right.
Requirement Designation - Courses with a requirement designation applied will have that designation listed immediately beneath the course to the right of the “REQ DES:” note.
Repeated Course - Coursework that has been repeated, and is subject to the repeat for credit policy, will have a “Repeated:” note beneath the course. To the right of the note, the impact to the record will be listed.
Email registrar@udel.edu or call 302-831-2131.