Parent/Guardian Secure Services

Tools & Resources
Parent/Guardian Secure Services
Parent/Guardian Secure Services is a web application that allows UD students to share education information with their parents and guardians. Students set parent/guardian access through UDSIS in the UD Student Homepage tile: Personal Information at the link: Manage Parent/Guardian Access.
Students indicate what specific components of education information they want to share and may change their sharing information at any time. They will also be periodically prompted to review their Parent / Guardian sharing settings before logging into UD secure applications. Please be assured that the privacy and safeguarding of student personal information is a priority for UD, and is accomplished with industry-standard security practices. UD student education records are subject to protection under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Parents who have received an invitation from their student to view information or who have created an account, may login at www.udel.edu/parentservices.
Parent questions regarding the information released to them should first be directed to the student.
Honors/Awards Academic view: This view, available for sharing, will list the following Honors/Awards on a student's record as they are earned:
- Dean's List
- General Honors Award
Frequently Asked Questions
For Students
In order to login, you must have an active program in UDSIS or be attempting to login up to 30 days after a program completion, leave of absence, dismissal or suspension. Contact the Registrar's Office if you have further questions.
Login to UDSIS, click your Personal Information tile, and then Manage Parent/Guardian Access and resend the invitation to your parent.
In UDSIS, click your Personal Information tile, and then Manage Parent/Guardian Access. Check or uncheck the appropriate box in the My parents/guardians section or Pending invitations section to change sharing options to specific information.
Checking My Finances grants a parent or guardian access to billing, payment, financial aid, and 1098T tax information. After you grant access, your parent or guardian can make online payments.
Only those Honors/Awards listed at the top of this page will be displayed on the student's record as they are earned.
Students who have set UDSIS Student Privacy Restrictions to limit information will need to specify an Exception in order to release Dean's List and/or Graduation information. See instructions.
For Parents
- Confirm that your student has specified the email address you are checking.
- The Parent / Guardian emails are sent from the address askit@udel.edu . To ensure these emails are not automatically routed to your Junk Mail folder, please use your email provider's instructions to "whitelist" this address or mark it as "safe". Then, have your student resend the invitation to your email address. Contact the IT Support Center at askit@udel.edu if you have further problems.
Ask your UD student to resend your invitation.
On the left side of the UD Central Authentication Service (CAS) screen, enter the email address that was referenced in your "Welcome to UD Parent/Guardian Services" email, along with the password you created in setting up your account.
If you forgot your password, go to www.udel.edu/pgpasswordreset and follow the instructions. Additional login help is found under the Forgot your Username or Password? link on the CAS screen.
Students can change sharing options at any time. Contact your student directly. University personnel are not permitted to discuss student academic information with anyone other than the student, as UD student education records are subject to protection under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
While Residence Life & Housing is processing room changes and future housing assignments, current housing information is not available. Please check back at a later date.
No. Enrollment Verifications are available to all enrolled students in their UDSIS-Student Center. (Student Directions)
- Financial Questions: Student Financial Services.
- Residence Life & Housing Questions: Residence Life & Housing or email ResLife-Housing@udel.edu.
- Technical Questions: askit@udel.edu.
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