UDSIS Personal Information Help

Tools & Resources
UDSIS - Personal information Help
The UDSIS Personal Information tile allows you to view and update certain information about yourself in UDSIS. The tile face displays your name and optionally your UD ID, depending on the size of your device.
To add information, click the + button or the Add button, if applicable.
To edit information, click on the item and the system will provide an Edit screen. Be sure to hit the Save button when done.
- Your Primary Name is display-only. If you need to update this, submit the Change of Name form.
- See tile Forms > All Registrar Student forms
- You may add a Preferred Name by clicking the + and choosing Type: Preferred. This preferred name will appear as your name on class rosters and may be used in other University systems/communications.
- To add a Diploma Name, ie. how your name should appear on your diploma, see important information at Diploma Name and Address.
See Update your Emergency Contact information. You must provide at least one personal phone number. It is vital to keep this information up-to-date.
- The Home Address + button allows you to enter a new Home address with an effective start date, or you may edit your current address by clicking on it.
- Use the Add ... Address button to add a new address type.
- To add a Diploma Address, see Diploma Name and Address.
- An emergency contact is someone the University will contact should something happen to YOU. Those contacts with a name ending with (MC) are your "If Missing" contacts.
- See Update information for your Emergency Contacts and If Missing contacts.
- The Privacy Restrictions link allows you to set general restrictions regarding specific types of personal information.
- See Student Privacy Restrictions to view or update restrictions, along with setting Exceptions for Dean's List and/or Graduation publications.
- For a brief review of your rights, privileges, and protections related to your student education records, see the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
See Parent/Guardian Secure Services to discover how to securely share your education information with parents/guardians.
This page lists any Dean's List or General Honors awards you have received.
Your ethnicity information is displayed and may be updated here.
- This page displays your UD ID, personal demographic details, citizenship and Visa/Permit information.
- If any of the information needs to be modified, please contact the Registrar's Office at (302) 831-2131 or registrar@udel.edu.
Other Resources:
- UDSIS Help for Students
- Navigation Help
- Advising Central @ UD (for Undergraduates)
- My UD (find forms or UD Applications)