Academic Standing

Students are expected to maintain an overall cumulative grade point average of C (2.0 GPA) to be in Good Standing. Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning. Depending on performance in subsequent semesters, students may be subject to other academic statuses, including Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal. Students should review complete details about the different academic standings which may be found in the Undergraduate Catalog and the FAQs below.
Students who are placed in Academic Warning status will receive a notification from their college Assistant Dean’s office. Students who are subject to Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal will receive a “Suspension Pending” or “Dismissal Pending” notice from the Registrar’s Office. After a review by the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC), students’ academic standing will be confirmed via a final Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal notification sent by the Registrar’s Office. All communications regarding academic standing will be sent to students’ UD email address.
Changes in Academic Standing from Spring 2024 to Fall 2024
If your academic status at the end of the Spring 2024 semester was Academic Probation, Continue on Academic Probation, Special Probation, or Continue on Special Probation, that status will change to Academic Warning 1 at the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester.
If your academic status at the end of the Spring 2024 semester was Academic Dismissal, that status will change to Academic Suspension at the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester.
Academic Warning 1 FAQs
● The Academic Warning 1 status means that your cumulative GPA is below 2.0. The upcoming semester is a time for you to plan for your academic success.
● It is very important for you to use the support resources available to you to improve your academic performance and raise your GPA. It is critical for you to earn at least a 2.0 semester GPA each and every semester you are in Academic Warning 1 status in order to remain a matriculated student. Your GPA in the upcoming semesters could lead to a change in your status to Good Standing or Academic Suspension. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
● While in Academic Warning 1, you will be assigned an Academic Success Coach in the Office of Academic Enrichment. You will also have a registration hold placed on your account, and you will need to meet with your Academic Advisor before registering for the next semester. Academic Success Coaches will help you develop a plan for success; Academic Advisors will help you with course registration and planning. You can find contact information for your Academic Success Coach and Academic Advisor in UDSIS (click on the “Degrees & Advising” tile and then click on “Advisors”).
Your academic status will be updated after each semester. Changes to your status depend on your academic performance in each semester. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
● If you raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, you will return to Good Standing.
● If your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, but your next term GPA is 2.0 or higher, you will remain in Academic Warning 1.
● If your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after the next Fall or Spring semester and your term GPA for that semester is also below 2.0, you will move into Academic Suspension status.
If your cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or higher, you will return to Good Standing status. If your cumulative GPA should fall below 2.0 again in the future, your status would change to Academic Warning 1 again, and the process would start over. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
● If your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, but your next term GPA is 2.0 or higher, you will remain in Academic Warning 1 status.
● If your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after the next Fall or Spring semester and your term GPA for that semester is also below 2.0, you will move into Academic Suspension status.
Academic Warning 1 status is when your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Academic Warning 2 is when you have already progressed through the Academic Warning 1 status, Academic Suspension status, and have been readmitted. If you are in Academic Warning 2 status and both your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after the next Fall or Spring semester and your term GPA for that semester is below 2.0, you will move into Academic Dismissal status.
Students in the Academic Warning 1 status can enroll in a maximum of 14 credits in a Fall or Spring semester. For the Winter term and each Summer term, all students are limited to a maximum of 7 credits.
Your status will be updated after the Fall or Spring semester, as explained above, whether you are enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis.
If you take a leave of absence this semester, your GPA will not be impacted, so your status of Academic Warning 1 will remain the same.
If you withdraw from all courses, your GPA will not be impacted, so your status of Academic Warning 1 will remain the same.
If you audit all courses, your GPA will not be impacted, so your status of Academic Warning 1 will remain the same.
- If your Winter or Summer grades raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, you will return to Good Standing status. If your cumulative GPA should fall below 2.0 again in the future, your status would change to Academic Warning 1 again, and the process would start over. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
- If you earn a 2.0 or higher term GPA in Winter or Summer but your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, you will remain in Academic Warning 1 status.
- If your Winter or Summer term GPA is below 2.0 and your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, you will remain in Academic Warning 1 status. Your status will not change to Academic Suspension after a Winter or Summer term.
There are many resources available at UD to help students with a variety of issues. While in Academic Warning 1, you will be assigned an Academic Success Coach in the Office of Academic Enrichment. You will also have a registration hold placed on your account, requiring you to meet with your Academic Advisor before registering for the next semester. Academic Success Coaches will help you develop a plan for success; Academic Advisors will help you with course registration and planning. You can find contact information for your Academic Success Coach and Academic Advisor in UDSIS (click on the “Degrees & Advising” tile and then click on “Advisors”).
Academic Suspension FAQs
● The Academic Suspension status means that you were in Academic Warning 1 in your most recently enrolled Fall or Spring semester, and your term GPA and cumulative GPA remained below 2.0 after that semester.
● While in Academic Suspension, you will not be able to enroll in UD courses as a matriculated student for a minimum of one Fall or Spring semester.
● You are encouraged to take this time to take a break, take action to address the issues that impeded your academic success, and create a plan for achieving success in the future.
● This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
If you are in Academic Suspension status, you will not be able to enroll in UD courses as a matriculated student for a minimum of one Fall or Spring semester. If desired, you can choose to extend that break and take more than one semester away. During your time away, you must complete an Academic Success Plan with an Academic Success Coach in the Office of Academic Enrichment. After the required time away and completion of your Academic Success Plan, you will be eligible to apply for readmission. Once readmitted, you will then need to meet with your Academic Advisor to register for classes.
You can still continue with those Winter or Summer courses. Students in Academic Suspension may take up to 7 credits of coursework through UD's Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS). Please note that although the grades you earn in a Winter or Summer term at UD will not affect your academic status, they will factor into your GPA.
Your UD courses for the next Fall or Spring semester will be canceled. If you choose to enroll as a Continuing Education (CEND) student through UD's Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS), you will need to re-register for courses.
As a student who is not currently a matriculated, full-time UD student, you are not eligible to live in University housing, so your contract will be canceled. Please contact UD’s Office of Residence Life and Housing for more information.
Eligibility for financial aid normally requires students to be matriculated. If you are in Academic Suspension, you would not be eligible for federal financial aid. For any questions about finances, including scholarships, financial aid, repayment of loans, etc., please contact UD’s Office of Student Financial Services.
Yes, you can take up to 7 UD credits per term, as a non-matriculated, continuing education student, through UD's Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS).
Grades earned from UD courses taken through UD's Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS) would be included in your cumulative UD GPA. Courses taken at another institution may be able to be transferred to UD if you are eventually readmitted, but the grades would not factor into your UD GPA.
Students who are placed on Academic Suspension are no longer in degree-seeking (matriculated) status and must take at least a one-semester break from enrolling full-time at UD. Suspension and Ban from Campus is a conduct sanction assigned by UD's Office of Community Standards and Conflict Resolution. This is a result of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and has different consequences.
Yes, you might be able to submit a petition to UD's Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC), to request a retroactive withdrawal from courses in a specific semester or semesters, if you have documentation of extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance during that time. Please contact your college’s office of the Assistant Dean for more information about this process.
After you have spent a minimum of one Fall or Spring semester as a non-matriculated student, and after completing an Academic Success Plan with an Academic Success Coach, you can apply for readmission. It is recommended that you meet with an Academic Success Coach at least 4-6 weeks before the beginning of the semester that you would like to return. Please note that readmission to your former major is not guaranteed. If your readmission is approved, you would return to UD in the Academic Warning 2 status. Once readmitted, you would need to meet with your Academic Advisor to register for classes.
Once you have met the requirements (minimum of one semester away, met with an Academic Success Coach, created an Academic Success Plan) as noted above you can apply for readmission by submitting the readmission webform which may be found on the Registrar’s Office website.
During this time, you are encouraged to create a plan for achieving success in the future. Your Academic Success Coach in the Office of Academic Enrichment can help you develop a plan for success.
Academic Warning 2 FAQs
The Academic Warning 2 status means that you have been readmitted as a degree-seeking (matriculated) student after a period of time in Academic Suspension status. It is very important for you to use your Academic Success Plan and all the support resources available to you to improve your academic performance and raise your GPA. It is critical for you to earn at least a 2.0 semester GPA each and every semester you are in Academic Warning 2 status. Your GPA in the upcoming semesters could lead to a change in your status to Good Standing or Academic Dismissal. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
If you raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, you will return to Good Standing status. If your cumulative GPA should fall below 2.0 again in the future, your status would change to Academic Warning 1 again, and the process would start over. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
● If your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, but your next term GPA is 2.0 or higher, you will remain in Academic Warning 2 status.
● If your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after the next Fall or Spring semester and your term GPA for that semester is also below 2.0, you will move into Academic Dismissal status.
Students in the Academic Warning 2 status can enroll in a maximum of 14 credits in a Fall or Spring semester. For the Winter term and each Summer term, students may enroll in a maximum of 7 credits.
Your status will be updated after the Fall or Spring semester, as explained above, whether you are enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis.
If you take a leave of absence this semester, your GPA will not be impacted, so your status of Academic Warning 2 will remain the same.
If you withdraw from all courses, your GPA will not be impacted, so your status of Academic Warning 2 will remain the same.
If you audit all courses, your GPA will not be impacted, so your status of Academic Warning 2 will remain the same.
- If your Winter or Summer grades raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, you will return to Good Standing status. If your cumulative GPA should fall below 2.0 again in the future, your status would change to Academic Warning 1 again, and the process would start over. This chart explains the different academic standing statuses.
- If you earn a 2.0 or higher term GPA in Winter or Summer but your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, you will remain in Academic Warning 2 status.
- If your Winter or Summer term GPA is below 2.0 and your cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, you will remain in Academic Warning 2 status. Your status will not change to Academic Dismissal after a Winter or Summer term.
There are many resources available at UD to help students with a variety of issues. While in Academic Warning 2, you will be assigned an Academic Success Coach in the Office of Academic Enrichment. You will also have a registration hold placed on your account, requiring you to meet with your Academic Advisor before registering for the next semester. Academic Success Coaches will help you develop a plan for success; Academic Advisors will help you with course registration and planning. You can find the contact information for your Academic Success Coach and Academic Advisor in UDSIS (click on the “Degrees & Advising” tile and then click on “Advisors”).
Academic Dismissal FAQs
● The Academic Dismissal status means that you were in Academic Warning 2 for your most recent Fall or Spring semester and earned a term GPA below 2.0 for that semester.
● While in Academic Dismissal, you will not be able to enroll in any classes at UD for a period of at least 5 calendar years. This includes classes through the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS).
● You are encouraged to take this time to take a break, take action to address the issues that impeded your academic success, and create a plan for achieving success in the future.
● This chart explains the various academic standing statuses.
While in Academic Dismissal, you will not be able to enroll in any classes at UD. This includes classes through the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS). To return to UD, you would need to be away from UD for at least five calendar years. Once that time has passed, you may return and take classes through the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies and, if you meet the criteria outlined, you may apply for Academic Renewal and readmission.
If you have already enrolled in Winter or Summer courses, and they have begun before the dismissal notification, then you can still continue with those Winter or Summer courses. After the dismissal notification, you will not be able to enroll in or begin new Winter or Summer courses. The grades you earn in a Winter or Summer term at UD will factor into your GPA, but your dismissal status will not change at the end of the Winter or Summer term.
Your UD courses for the next Fall or Spring semester will be canceled.
While in Academic Dismissal, you are not eligible to enroll in classes at UD, including through the Division of Processional and Continuing Studies (PCS). Students who are not enrolled are not eligible to live in University housing so your housing contract will be canceled. Please contact UD’s Office of Residence Life and Housing for more information.
While in Academic Dismissal, you are not eligible to enroll in classes at UD, including through the Division of Processional and Continuing Studies (PCS). Students who are not enrolled are not eligible to receive federal financial aid. For any questions about finances, including scholarships, financial aid, loan repayment, etc., please contact UD’s Office of Student Financial Services.
No. While in Academic Dismissal, you will not be able to enroll in any classes at UD. This includes classes through UD’s Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS).
No. Grades from courses taken at another institution would not factor into your UD GPA. However, if you are later readmitted, you may be able to transfer those credits to UD.
Yes, you might be able to submit a petition to UD's Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC), to request a retroactive withdrawal from courses in a specific semester or semesters, if you have documentation of extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance during that time. Please contact your college’s office of the Assistant Dean for more information about this process.
You may be eligible to apply for Academic Renewal and readmission after being away from UD for at least five calendar years (see the question below).
Students returning to UD after a separation of at least 5 calendar years (whether because of Academic Dismissal or other reasons) are eligible for academic renewal if they earn a “C” or better in each course for 12 credit hours after their return. The student’s GPA will be calculated from this point on, excluding grades from previously completed coursework. You can find more information on Academic Renewal here.
Advisors in UD's Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS) can answer questions about your academic status, answer questions about the Academic Renewal process, help you consider your options, and connect you to resources.
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