Registration Timeline

Mentor Circle


This timeline lists the tools students must use at various time periods to register or make changes to registered classes. See the term's Academic Calendar for Free Drop/Add and the Registration Change deadlines.

Students with a hold on their academic record affecting enrollment may not use WebReg or process a Course Permit form. Access your UD Student Homepage > Holds & To Do List tile > Holds menu item for an explanation.

When can I register?

The Academic Calendar lists all important dates regarding class registration.

Registration for the Fall, Winter Session and Spring terms occur at scheduled times. 

Summer Session registration does not require appointments. Open Registration begins in early April.


Early Registration (by appointment)

Degree-seeking students receive Registration Appointments approximately 10 days before registration begins. The appointment day/time signals when you may FIRST BEGIN registration for the term. Students can continue to revise their class schedules through the end of the free drop/add period without charge or penalty.

Open Enrollment (called the Free Drop/Add period)

This period follows appointment dates and runs through the Tenth Day of Spring and Fall semesters or the Fourth Day of Winter or Summer.

Students can make changes to their class schedules during this time without charge or penalty.

Professional & Continuing Education registration begins

Day following end of Free Drop/Add through the Registration Change Deadline

During this time, class withdrawals incur a processing fee, a grade of "W" on the student's record and tuition is charged (no refunds).

After the Registration Change Deadline, class withdrawals must be approved by your Student Services Assistant Dean's Office.


Where should I go to register?


Student wants to...

Until Free Drop/Add ends

After Free Drop/Add

After Registration Change Deadline

Register for an open course


Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Student > Dept** > Dean >Registrar

Contact Student Service/Asst. Dean's Office of Student's Program to initiate a Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Dean > Registrar

Drop a Course



$25 fee charged

No Tuition Refund

Student receives "W" grade

Contact Student Service/Asst. Dean's Office of Student's Program to initiate a Course Permit webform.

$25 fee charged

If approved, student will receive a grade of "W" on permanent record.

No Tuition Refund

Form routing: Dean > Registrar


Add a Course that is Full,
has Seats Reserved or
Permission Required

Course Permit webform
(Form becomes available on 1st day of term)

Form routing: Student > Dept**

Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Student > Dept** > Dean >Registrar

Contact Student Service/Asst. Dean's Office of Student's Program to initiate a Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Dean > Registrar



Change Course's Grading Basis

(i.e. Standard grading to Pass/Fail)





$25 fee charged

Contact Student Service/Asst. Dean's Office of Student's Program to initiate a Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Dean > Registrar

Change Course Credits on Variable-Credit Courses



$25 fee charged

Contact Student Service/Asst. Dean's Office of Student's Program to initiate a written request

$25 fee charged

Change Section


Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Student > Dept** > Dean >Registrar

Contact Student Service/Asst. Dean's Office of Student's Program to initiate a Course Permit webform

$25 fee charged

Form routing: Dean > Registrar

*:  International students and athletes must use the Course Permit webform after Free Drop/Add.

**:  Some academic departments also forward course permit webforms to instructors for approval.

***: International students and athletes must e-mail to request the update. The Registrar's Office will confer with the appropriate decision makers to determine if the credits may be updated.