Registration FAQs

Tools & Resources
Wait List Questions
If you receive a message that a course is full in Webreg, please click the Add to Waitlist button for the desired section in order to add yourself to the Waitlist. By adding yourself to a Waitlist, you accept the financial and academic responsibilities that arise, should you be enrolled in the course.
After you click the Add to Waitlist button, you will receive a pop up message confirming you have been added to the Waitlist. You will also see the course on your WebReg schedule with the Waitlist designation (WL). In UDSIS, waitlisted sections have a status of Waiting on your class schedule.
No, being on a Waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the course.
- Seats have not become available
- You are already enrolled in another section of the course
- You have a time conflict between an enrolled course and the Waitlisted course
- Enrolling in the course would exceed your maximum credit load for the term
- The seats are reserved for a specific population
- There are other students waiting
Please reach out to the department offering the course if you have questions about your chances of being enrolled into a section.
No. If you are enrolled in a course and select to swap to a full course, you will lose your enrolled seat and will be placed on the waitlist. If classes have not started yet, and you are already enrolled in a different section of the course, and wish to swap to another section, you must work with the offering department. After classes start, you can use the Course Permit form to request a change of section.
No, you will not be enrolled if there is a time conflict. Time conflicts between classes are typically not permitted, the exception generally being for common exams. Please work with the offering department to see if you can be enrolled despite the time conflict.
Yes, however, if you are waitlisted and then later enrolled in any section of the desired course, you will be dropped from all waitlists for that course.
Yes, simply click the Drop button next to the waitlisted section.
You must drop the course before drop/add to avoid receiving a fee or a W on your transcript.
If the Waitlist for the course is full, you may want to consider another section of the course (if there are additional offerings), or another course. You may contact the offering department to request that they add you to a full waitlist, however, it is unlikely that you will be enrolled from a full waitlist and you should consider alternative options.
During the registration cycle, an automated job enrolls eligible students into open seats, provided they do not have any conflicts (for example a time conflict). See Question #4 for factors that prevent enrollment from the Waitlist. The automated job will not run from July to August (due to New Student Orientation).
This usually means that there are still open seats in the course. You cannot add yourself to a Waitlist until all seats are full.
This means there are students currently waiting on the Waitlist. You must add yourself to the Waitlist.
The last day to add yourself to a waitlist is the day before classes start. From the first day of classes forward, you will need to use the Course Permit form to request to be added to a full course.
If you were on the waitlist and have not been enrolled, the waitlist has been purged, please submit a course permit form if you still want to request enrollment.
Please contact the department offering the course if you have questions about enrollment. For technical difficulties, please contact the Registrar’s Office at grading-registration@udel.edu .
Registration Time Periods
Registration appointments are assigned to current matriculated undergraduate students for all terms. The appointment is the earliest day and time a student can begin registering for courses, so meet with your advisor and have your schedule and alternate course information ready to go when your appointment begins. Registration appointments are assigned based on earned credits. Each semester you attend and successfully complete credits at UD, your appointment will be at an earlier day/time during the registration appointment period.
Each semester/term has a free drop/add period in which students can drop or add courses with no financial obligation or entry on their academic record. The free drop/add period runs from the time of your registration appointment until the published deadline, which is normally a few days after classes start. The free drop/add deadlines for each semester are published in advance on the Academic Calendar.
After free drop/add has ended, there is a period of each semester in which students can still withdraw from a course or make changes to grading basis, up until the Registration Change Deadline (8th week of the semester). After free drop/add, a one time (per semester/term) fee of $25 is charged for changes to registration. If students wish to withdraw from a course before this deadline, a grade of W will remain on the academic record, and financial obligations must still be met. A grade of W does not negatively impact a student's grade point average, and no credits are earned for the course. Students wishing to add a course after free drop/add must use the Course Permit WebForm.
With Assistant Dean's approval, a student will be allowed to withdraw from a course or change registration after the Registration Change Deadline only for circumstances beyond the student's control. These may include illness, death of a relative, family problems or emotional difficulties. Less than desirable academic performance is not an approved reason for withdrawing from courses or changing registration status after the Registration Change Deadline. More details are available on the Registration Timeline.
Registration Basics
Our short WebReg help video will teach you the basics. Students can log into WebReg from any internet connection. WebReg is best used with Internet Explorer or Firefox.
In WebReg, you will see an Edit button next to your courses. Simply click Edit to change your credits (for variable credit courses only) or grading basis. For more information on changing registration during certain timeframes, see questions regarding Free Drop/Add and Academic Penalty deadlines.
New freshman are scheduled for courses by the Registrar's Office based on information from academic advisors. It is strongly recommended that any new freshman wishing to make changes to their schedule speak to their advisor before doing so. The Registrar's Office is not able to assist with academic advisement, but we are happy to refer you to your Advisor or Assistant Dean's Office. More information on advisement can be found on UD's Advisement page.
In addition to communicating meeting days/time and instructors, section numbers are used to identify campus locations, special programs, independent studies, etc. For more information, see General Guidelines for Course Section Numbering.
Students must be officially registered for a course to attend, earn a grade, and receive applicable credit. It is the student's responsibility to verify that applicable courses are reflected in their current UDSIS schedule of classes. Faculty do not normally register students for courses.
Any student who thinks he/she may need an accommodation based on a disability should contact the Disability Support Service (DSS) office as soon as possible. The DSS office is located at 119 Alison Hall, 240 Academy Street, Phone: 302-831-4643, fax: 302-831-3261
Registration Problems
The academic departments determine which courses will be offered in their respective areas. Some courses are only offered in certain semesters, and that information may be found in course descriptions. Additionally, you can contact the department to inquire about future offerings. It is very important to work closely with your academic advisor to stay on track to complete your degree requirements.
Keep checking! Students are dropping/adding throughout the free drop/add period and seats may become available. If a seat does not open up, you can contact the academic department that is offering the course, or once the semester has started, you can complete a Course Permit Webform. Some departments are keeping waitlists; see questions related to waitlist below. It is also imperative that you meet with your academic advisor regularly to determine what course choices are best for your degree program and career goals.
The Courses Search webpage is updated every 15 minutes during registration periods. The last update date/time can be viewed in the top right of the Courses Search page. Since WebReg is a live system, sometimes seats are taken before Courses Search is updated.
A prerequisite is a course/requirement that must be completed prior to another course and a corequisite must be completed concurrently. Not all courses have requisites. Catalog course descriptions include prerequisite and corequisite information. You can view requisites by clicking a course hyperlink on the Courses Search webpage. If you receive this message in error, you can contact the offering academic department to discuss options.
The academic departments sometimes restrict course seats to certain majors, minors, etc. If you want to inquire about adding a course after receiving this error, contact the academic department.
The academic departments sometimes place restrictions on registration requiring approval before dropping or adding a course. If you want to inquire about adding a course after receiving this error, contact the academic department.
Registration holds are placed by a number of offices on campus. For example, holds are placed due to Student Financial Services (Billing), Alcohol EDU, Immunization and Academic Standing issues. Most holds cannot be removed by the Registrar's Office, and students should contact Student Financial Services, Student Wellness, Student Health Services or their Academic Advisor, etc. as applicable. See the Holds & To-Do List tile on your UDSIS Student Homepage for more information.
When this occurs, it means that there is more than one discussion or lecture associated with the lab the student is enrolled in. Therefore, when trying to swap just the lab or discussion, but not the associated lecture, UDSIS fails to understand. It sees that the student is already enrolled in the lecture and fails. The only way to make this happen is to drop the student from the lab/discussion and associated lecture and then add it again in a separate enrollment request. This is a UDSIS set-up issue and not a Web-Req issue. However, students can take the risk of dropping the course and re-adding in Web-Reg to self-add.
You are welcome to contact the Registrar's Office anytime with technical registration problems or policy questions at registrar@udel.edu.
Common Exams and Registration
Out of Class Common Exams are exams that are held for multiple sections of the same course at one common date and time which is at an additional meeting time than your normal class schedule.
Out of Class Common Exams are generally offered in the evening or on Saturdays.
In most cases, Out of Class Common Exams show up on your schedule as an additional meeting day and time in the evening or on Saturdays.
Out of Class Common Exams are generally only required 2 or 3 times a semester.
On your WebReg schedule, your exam dates are listed as meeting patterns. Also, Out of Class Common Exam dates for each course each semester are listed at the Registrar's Course Information & Class Registration - Exams page.
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