
Mentor Circle

Grading Information for Students

 See Delaware's Grading System from the Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog for information on:

  • How we grade you
  • How your GPA is calculated
  • Academic Standing, Warning, Suspension, and Dismissal

Use the GPA Calculator to predict what your GPA will be for the semester.

Listener/Withdrawal Clarification

The University grading policy applies the same to integrated courses and labs as it does to all other courses.

A student has the option to be enrolled in a course for standard grading (letter graded), on a pass/fail basis, an audit (listener) basis or he/she may withdraw from the course. The enrollment/grading basis may be changed by the student through the last day to change registration or withdraw from courses, which occurs in the eleventh week of a semester. No credit is earned if a student is enrolled in a course on a listener basis or withdraws from the course. A course taken on a pass/fail basis does not normally count toward degree requirements, except as an elective.

The difference between the listener and withdrawn status is attendance which is expected for listeners and not permitted for withdrawn students. The course instructor may assign a grade of “LW” if a listener does not attend sufficient class meetings. Only grades of “L” or “LW” can be assigned if a student is enrolled on a listener basis.

University policy permits students to enroll in labs and integrated courses on a listener basis. A student may have a different enrollment basis for each course component of an integrated course in which the student is enrolled. If enrolled in a lab or lecture on a listener basis, a student may be required to attend but cannot be required to participate in the lab or any assignment.

In the case of co-requisites, if a withdrawal is initiated for one course, the system will also automatically drop the course for which it is a co-requisite. To remain enrolled in this course, the student would need the permission of the offering department prior to withdrawing from the other course.

Mid-Term Grades

Undergraduates who are in their first or second UD semester, both freshmen and new transfer students, have a mid-term grading period during the seventh week of the Fall and Spring semesters. See the Academic Calendar for dates.

Final Grades

Final grades are typically submitted 72 hours after the Final exam. To view your grades:

  1. Login to your UD Student Homepage.
  2. Click the Grades & Transcripts tile.
  3. Click the menu item View Grades and select the term.

Incomplete Work

Students unable to complete course requirements - with the approval of the instructor - have a limited amount of time to finish the course. Generally, coursework for undergraduate students must be completed by the end of drop/add in the following full semester (i.e. Incomplete deadline is in Spring for Fall or Winter course work and in Fall for Spring or Summer course work). Graduate Students also have incomplete deadlines set in next full semester, but it is later in the semester. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates/deadlines. 


Remedial courses, e.g., MATH 010,  are courses for which students do not receive credit. A final grade will be recorded for remedial courses, but they are not factored into the GPA. 

Grade change requests

Should it be necessary, students can petition for a change of grade with the instructor. See the Grade Grievance policy in the Student Guide to University Policies.

For further questions, undergraduates should contact their Student Service/Assistant Dean's Office. Graduate students should contact the Office of Graduate and Professional Education at (302) 831-8745.

CURC - Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification

This committee reviews student academic records at the end of fall and spring semesters and considers requests for changes to the academic record. See CURC details for what the Committee can and cannot do, how to submit requests, and information on understanding grade point average.

Please direct general questions to the Registrar's Office at or call (302) 831-2131, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.