
Tools & Resources
Students are responsible for ensuring that their names are listed correctly in UDSIS PRIOR to GRADUATION. The diploma is printed using the Primary name that appears in your UDSIS Personal Information tile > Personal Details, unless a Diploma Name is provided. See How to Update Diploma Name section below.
The University of Delaware considers the diploma to be a ceremonial document. We recognize there may be circumstances in which a degree candidate may want their diploma to reflect a name that is different from the legal name on their student record. Please consider whether any of the following circumstances apply to you before establishing a Diploma Name that is different from your legal name. Doing so may result in unexpected delays and/or complications as described below.
- Degree Verification
Degree candidates may select to have a Diploma Name that is different from their legal name on their student record (noted as the "Primary Name" in UDSIS). Your Primary Name/legal name will be printed on official transcripts and other educational records. - Professional Licensure (Law, Medicine, Nursing, etc)
Before adding a Diploma Name, please take into consideration that you may need to use your diploma in conjunction with your official transcript for employment, licensure [Law, Medicine, Nursing, etc.], credentialing, visa applications, and/or other processes that require verification of your education records and the use of your legal name. Third parties using the Diploma Name as it appears on your diploma will not be able to verify your education credentials through the National Student Clearinghouse because your legal name is provided for enrollment/degree verification purposes. - Graduates that plan to live and work abroad
For students and those who plan to live, study, or work outside of the United States, please be aware that some countries consider the diploma a credential document. This means you may be asked to show your Diploma to confirm your educational credential. If your Diploma Name is different from your legal name you may experience unforeseen complications, including rejected or delayed education verifications.
A student who needs to order a replacement diploma, either because theirs was lost/damaged or because they are required to show a copy with their legal name for verification purposes, may submit a Diploma Replacement request form. Please note that there is a fee for this service.
How to Update Diploma Name
To specify a Diploma Name, go to your Personal Information tile, and on the Personal Details screen click the + sign to add a Name with type: Diploma. Do not specify Prefix; this will not be used. Click Save. After you add a diploma name, its display will convert to a "Firstname Lastname" format, but your diploma will appear as you entered it.
Students who have already changed their name legally but have not yet updated their Primary Name in UDIS, should do so using the Change of Name Request Form.
How to Update Diploma Address
Students are responsible for ensuring that their Home or Diploma address is listed correctly in UDSIS PRIOR to GRADUATION. If a diploma address is not specified, the Home Address will be used for diploma mailing. Please ensure either your Home address or Diploma address is correct for at least 6-8 weeks following graduation, which is when the diploma typically arrives.
To specify a Diploma Address, go to your Personal Information tile, and on the Addresses screen click the "Add Diploma Address" button to add an address for diploma mailing. Click Save.
Do not use a campus or temporary address for Diploma shipping. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to ship the diploma within the United States. International shipping is possible, but often takes 10+ weeks to arrive.
Diplomas are shipped by United States Postal Service in protective tubes. Upon receiving your diploma please open the tube carefully. Remove the shipping label to expose the seam of the tube. Twist the tube at the seam to remove the top and gently pull out your diploma. DO NOT punch in the end of the shipping tube, as this will likely damage your diploma.
The actual size of the diploma is 16 inches by 12 inches. Consistent with policy set forth by the Board of Trustees, it lists the degree earned at the University of Delaware, for example, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy.
There is one diploma issued per degree type, for example, students simultaneously pursing two Bachelor of Arts majors will be issued one Bachelor of Arts diploma. Certificates earned not in conjunction with a degree program will not receive a diploma.
The Official Academic Transcript provides details concerning majors, concentrations and minors.
NOTE: Recent graduates who have not yet received their complimentary diploma should not fill out this form but, rather, first contact Registrar@udel.edu to determine the status of their order.
Paper diplomas are provided to graduates at the time of degree conferral, assuming they have cleared all financial obligations to the university. Beyond that point, graduates must submit a diploma application and fee.
Diplomas, measuring 16 inches by 12 inches, are available and can be ordered for a cost of $25. No diploma will be furnished to any graduate whose financial obligations to the University have not been met. Diplomas may only be ordered by the graduate. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Upon receiving your diploma please open the tube carefully. Remove the shipping label to expose the seam of the tube. Twist the tube at the seam to remove the top and gently pull out your diploma. DO NOT punch in the end of the shipping tube, as this will likely damage your diploma.
Submit the Paper Diploma Replacement Form.
If you have any questions about completing this form, contact the Registrar's Office at Registrar@udel.edu.