Course Offering Rules

North Green

Course Offering Rules

  1. A course will not be publicized in the University Course Catalog unless it has been approved by the appropriate University Faculty Senate Committee (Undergraduate or Graduate Studies). Additionally, a course will not be listed in Courses Search (except on an experimental basis as described below in 2) unless it has been submitted for challenge and final approval.
  2. Courses may be offered for two terms on an experimental basis. These courses are given a temporary X67 number.
  3. The Supplemental Course Descriptions will include narratives of all offerings not contained in the University Course Catalog. These will include experimental and topic courses.
  4. A course may not be cross-listed unless the cross-listing is approved by all departments and colleges concerned and by the appropriate Faculty Senate Committee (Undergraduate or Graduate Studies).
  5. There is only one record for a course; therefore, cross-listed courses have the same title, description, grade type, prerequisites, co-requisites and credit hours. They must be numbered at the same level and wherever possible, carry the same course number.
  6. An experimental course may not be cross-listed with an approved course.
  7. Courses are approved for either "letter grade" or "pass/fail only grade" type. If a course is approved for "letter grade" type, faculty must submit a letter grade. If a course is approved for "pass/fail only grade" type, faculty must submit P or F. The student's choice to take a course on a pass/fail basis does not change the method of grading.
  8. Course numbers, when deactivated, may not be reused for five years.
  9. Dual listing will be permitted only between 400 and 600 level courses. Care shall be exercised wherever possible to see that the two course numbers are symmetrical (e.g. QU407-QU607). The registration booklet will clearly inform students that courses are dual listed.
  10. More course rules can be found in the Faculty Handbook, Section 3.1.6


Combined, Cross-Listed, and Dual-Listed Offerings

A cross-listed course is a single course that is offered for registration under two or more subject areas (e.g. CISC481/CGSC481). Each of the cross-listed sections must have the same title, description, grade type, prerequisites, co-requisites and credit hours. In most cases, the course is identical for everyone participating. The course is taught as one course (same meeting place, time and instructor) despite students being enrolled under multiple subjects.

A dual-listed course is a single course that is offered at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Undergraduate courses are numbered at the 400 level; graduate at the 600 level (e.g. CISC481/CISC681). The courses are the same except that students enrolled in the graduate level course have additional assignments, assessments and activities.

Combined sections: Honors sections are sometimes offered with a non-honors section. The two sections of the course are the same except that students enrolled in the honors section have additional assignments.


A single course can be cross-listed, dual-listed and have combined sections of the same course. Any offering that is combined in UDSIS will be combined in Canvas. If sections are not combined in UDSIS, they will not be combined in Canvas, due to FERPA regulations. Review FERPA Regulations for Faculty for more information.