CLSS Modes and Phases

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CLSS Modes and Phases
1. CLSS has two modes: Design mode and Refine mode.
a. During Design mode, all edits to the schedule are held for a scheduling unit and validated at one time by clicking the Validate button. Workflow is also not started until the Validate button is clicked. This is when you are doing most of your scheduling

b. While in Design mode, UDSIS will push any edits out to CLSS on a nightly basis, however, edits you are making in CLSS will not push out to UDSIS until the schedule is validated, and you move into Refine Mode.
c. As soon as a scheduling unit is validated, it moves into Refine Mode.
d. While in Refine mode, UDSIS and CLSS are communicating edits in real time.
2. CLSS has six Phases: Plan, Room Assignment, Publish, Registration, Post-Registration, and Archive
a. Plan phase is the only phase in Design mode. During Plan phase, the scheduling unit is making the most edits to their schedule. There are the least number of rules for editing during the Plan phase.
b. The remaining phases occur in Refine mode and correspond to different periods in our scheduling cycle. Access to making edits is unique during each phase.
c. The Scheduling Office will change the phases in CLSS to correspond with key points in our scheduling and registration cycle.
d. See timeline below for more information on the phases used in the scheduling cycle:

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University Visitors Center, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 registrar@udel.edu (302) 831-2131 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.