UDSIS Navigation Help for Facutly & Staff

- Academic Advisement
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- Transcripts
Transfer & Test Credit
- How to Transfer Courses to UD
- Transfer Credit Assistant Dean Contacts
- Transfer Credit Contacts by Department
- Test Credit
- Transfer Credit for Military Experience
- Articulation Agreements
- Non-UD Study Abroad Transfer Credit - Recently Reviewed Schools
- Transfer & Test Credit FAQ – Interested & Incoming Students
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Tools & Resources
UDSIS Navigation Help for Faculty & Staff
Please note: UDSIS was updated on 8/18 and users may need to clear their browser's cache before logging in.
Accessing UDSIS
- Click https://udel.edu/udsis to access UDSIS.
- If you see a blank page, your browser spinning, or have unexpected results, clear your browser's cache.
Homepage top bar and icons
- If you have multiple homepages, click on the homepage name to switch to a different one.
- Use the icons in the upper right hand corner to navigate UDSIS
- The Home icon will take you to your default homepage - the one listed first.
- The 3 dots will take you to the Sign Out link. Be sure to Sign Out of UDSIS when done.
- Click the NavBar (compass) icon in the upper right hand corner to access
- Recent Pages
- Favorites
- Menu (all the menus/pages granted by your UDSIS security)
- The Home and NavBar icon may disappear from your top bar if your browser window is too narrow. Enlarge the window size and the icons will reappear.
- Those with a Staff Homepage may change their default homepage.
- If you have a Staff Homepage along with the Faculty & Advisors Homepage and work with students using Stellic, then your Faculty & Advisors Homepage should remain the default to facilitate the connection.
- To change the Homepage default:
- Click the Actions List and then Personalize Homepage.
- On the next screen, the left bar will list all your homepages.
- Click and drag the one you want as your default to the topmost position.
- Click the SAVE button.
- Click the tile to access left-bar links to related UDSIS screens or UD pages. The links under each tile will either open in the right-hand frame, or in a new window.
- If a left-bar link opens a new tab/window, the browser window with the red icon is UDSIS.
- Use the back arrow page link that appears on the top blue bar to return to a previous page OR if not there, use the Home icon to return to your default homepage.
- Some pages, like My Schedules & Rosters and My Advisees may take awhile to load, based on the data to display. You need to wait for the tile's first link to load before clicking other left-bar links.
- If a link opens a .pdf file, depending on your browser setup, check your downloads icon to access the file, OR make sure pop-ups are not blocking the opening of the .pdf file in a new browser window.
How to "Add to Favorites"
- Navigate to the page you want to Add to your Favorites.
- Click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and then select Add to Favorites.
Resources for assisting students
Registrar Link Center
Student Help
University Visitors Center, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 registrar@udel.edu (302) 831-2131 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.