
North Green

Glossary of UDSIS Terms

Academic Institution

  • University of Delaware (UOD01)
  • English Language Institute (UOD02)

Academic Careers

  • Undergraduate (UGRD)
  • Graduate (GRAD)

Academic Level

  • The student’s year, based on total earned cumulative units (credit hours).  See Academic Catalog.
    • Freshmen – 27 or fewer credits 
    • Sophomore – 28 to 59 credits 
    • Junior – 60-89 credits 
    • Senior – 90 or more credits 

Academic Program

Academic Plan

  • Major / minor, certificate, course of study or graduate area of study
  • See Academic Plan code translation lists

Academic Subplan

Advisor Center

  • The tile on the “Faculty & Advisors Homepage” designed for Advisors (faculty or staff). It includes a “My Advisees” list and allows access to corresponding student data.

Articulation Term

  • The term to which transfer credits are posted. This determines when the transferred credits begin to factor into the student’s statistics.

Bio Demo Data

  • Basic biographic and demographic information about a student (name, gender, birth date, address, etc.)

Campus Community

  • The central repository of biographical and demographical information on people and organizations, known as Bio/Demo data. The UDSIS portal at Campus Community > Student Services Center displays this data.

Class Component

  • The format of the section (i.e. lecture, lab, discussion)

Effective Date

  • The date UDSIS uses to determine when a row of information becomes active. Automatically defaults to the system date (today's date). It may be overridden to reflect a prior or future date.

Faculty Center

  • The tile on the “Faculty & Advisors Homepage” designed for faculty. It includes their teaching schedule, class, grade and photo roster(s) and other helpful links.

National ID

  • Social Security Number
  • No longer the student identifier but stored in UDSIS for federal reporting purposes

Privacy Settings

Requirement Term

  • The Catalog year/term that specifies the set of requirements for the student’s Academic Career(s), Academic Program(s), Academic Plan(s), and Academic Sub-Plan(s), based on when the student matriculated. Note that the requirement terms for each of these categories do not need to match for a particular student, and it is possible for a student to move to a more recent requirement term if to their benefit.

Service Indicator

  • A tag placed on a student to indicate a block of service or a special designation. Negative service indicators indicate holds that can, for example, prevent registration for classes or release of a transcript. Positive service indicators can designate special services or unique processing for the student.


  • An enrollment period within a term


  • The academic semester is a 4-digit code with the naming convention:
    • 1st digit = millennium (1 for 19xx, 2 for 20xx)
    • 2nd & 3rd digits = last two digits of calendar year
    • 4th digit:
      • 1 = Winter
      • 3 = Spring
      • 5 = Summer
      • 8 = Fall
  • See term code translation list.

Transfer Credit Report

  • A summary report listing details about transferred courses, along with test and other credit posted to the student’s record. Available to students in the “Degrees & Advisement” tile of their UD Student Homepage, and to advisors through their “Advisor Center” tile.


  • A unique numeric identifier; also known as Student ID number and Empl ID. UD ID’s can be 5 or 9 digits. Nine digit UD ID's start with 70. This is a system-generated number.


  • Credits