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Tools & Resources
UDSIS has a grade roster import tool that allows an instructor to upload grades from a .csv file to their UDSIS grade roster. File format specifications and import instructions are below. Faculty can request access to the grade roster import tool through the UDSIS Student Records Access Request form.
If you already have a spreadsheet with your students and grades for a class section, review the “File format” section below.
If you do not have a spreadsheet with your students and grades:
1. Open UDSIS. Navigate to the Faculty and Advisors Homepage and select the Faculty Center tile.
2. Confirm that you have the correct semester selected and click the Grade Roster icon to the left of a class section.
3. Confirm that you have the correct Grade Roster Type selected (Mid-Term or Final).
4. Click the Download icon at the top the roster to download the list.
a. If prompted with a message about the file format and extension not matching, this is expected. Click Yes to open the file.
5. Remove all columns except for the ID and Roster Grade. Enter grades in the Roster Grade column and follow the File Format specifications below to save the file.
6. The filename format must be the UDSIS term code_UDSIS class number.csv.
a. UDSIS term code information can also be found here.
b. The class number can be found in parentheses next to the subject/catalog/section number at the top of the roster page.
1. The csv file should contain two fields – the Student ID (column A) and the Roster Grade (column B):
2. Column headers are optional and shouldn’t interfere with the process
3. The file can include multiple sections of the same course (so one spreadsheet can include students from multiples sections of the same course and be renamed, as needed).
a. The file cannot include students from more than one course or the same student twice.
4. The filename format must be the UDSIS term code_UDSIS class number.csv (“2213_12345.csv”, for example). Your filename can be found in the blue bar on the top of the upload page (step 1 below). UDSIS term code information can also be found here.
a. For Windows users, the file format should be CSV (Comma Delimited)
i. You will be asked if you want to keep using that format. Select Yes.
ii. When you close the file, you’ll be asked if you want to save it again. Select Save.
b. For Mac users, the file format should be Windows Comma Separated (.csv)
Once you have a spreadsheet that matches the format above, open UDSIS, go to the Faculty and Advisors Homepage and select the Faculty Center tile. Use the Grade Roster Import link on the left hand bar and follow the steps below.
1. Confirm that your .csv filename matches the Filename column for the class section on the ‘Upload Grade to the Roster’ page.
2. Click Upload Grades for the section you are grading.
3. Click the Upload File button then Browse. Select the csv file on your computer and click Upload. You should see a message stating that the upload was successful. Click OK.
a. If you receive an error, review the File Format instructions above to confirm that your csv file is correct.
4. Select the roster type for which you are entering grades – either Mid Term Grades or Final Grades.
5. Click Submit Grades to load the grades from your spreadsheet to the roster page. You should see a message stating that the submission was successful if there are no errors with the file.
a. If there are students missing grades or invalid grades, you will be alerted to that fact but the rest of the students’ grades will be loaded.
b. If you receive an error of any kind, read it carefully and retry the submission.
6. Click Back to Grade Roster to see the grades from your spreadsheet listed on the roster page.
7. Once you have reviewed the grades to confirm that they are ready for posting, change the Approval Status to Approved and click the green Save button. Grades are posted to students’ records nightly.
Registrar Link Center
Student Help
University Visitors Center, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 registrar@udel.edu (302) 831-2131 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.