Study Abroad Pre-Departure Checklist

UD students stand around a fellow classmate holding a sea urchin in Martinique.
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Study Abroad Pre-Departure Checklist 

Congratulations on your admittance to a UD Study Abroad program! Select the button below for your session to learn about the next steps toward your journey: 

Short-Term Programs: Winter & Summer Sessions


  • Login to your application and follow your program specific Acceptance and Flight Instructions. Read up on what the U.S. Department of State and the Center for Disease Control have to say about your host destination.
  • Apply for a Passport or, if you already have one, make sure it is valid for at least 6 months after your return to the United States. The application and renewal process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks, but can be expedited at an additional cost.
  • Complete visa paperwork. If you are on a program which requires visas for U.S. citizens, any visa requirements will be detailed in the program’s Acceptance Instructions.

    Non U.S. citizens who are studying at UD on a visa should consult with their CGPS Immigration Advisor about their U.S. visa status before committing to their study abroad program. It is the student’s responsibility to research and complete necessary paperwork. CGPS is available to provide guidance and supporting documentation. 

  •  Complete the mandatory online student orientation via your change link to Study Abroad database
  • Follow Student Financial Services deadlines for all payments due. SFS handles the billing for all study abroad programs so students must work with them to arrange financial aid or payment plans. 
  • Attend the mandatory orientation meetings for your program.  Your orientation meetings require a total commitment of 4 to 5 hours. The meetings are required, as they prepare you for your program and include details related to expectations, conduct, housing, food, weather and travel.
  • Attend any Student Health Orientation Meeting required for your destination country. Students who do not attend one of these meetings are ineligible to receive travel immunizations at Student Health Services
  • Prepare now to be healthy later. Make a plan for your physical and mental health before you depart. See your doctor and dentist to get any vaccinations you need and copies of all prescriptions (including chemical composition). Review your Health & Accident insurance.
  • The Center for Global Programs & Services will register you for courses, which, when taken abroad, must be for full credit and a grade. Courses may not be taken as an auditor/listener or on a pass/fail basis.

Semester Programs: Fall & Spring Semesters


  • Login to your application and follow your program specific Acceptance and Flight Instructions. 
  • Read up on what the U.S. Department of State and the Center for Disease Control have to say about your host destination.
  • Apply for a Passport or, if you already have one, make sure it is valid for at least 6 months after your return to the United States. The application and renewal process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks, but can be expedited at an additional cost. 
  • Complete visa paperwork. If you are on a program which requires visas for U.S. citizens, any visa requirements will be detailed in the program’s Acceptance Instructions.

    Non U.S. citizens who are studying at UD on a visa should consult with their CGPS Immigration Advisor about their U.S. visa status before committing to their study abroad program. It is the student’s responsibility to research and complete necessary paperwork. CGPS is available to provide guidance and supporting documentation. 

  •  Complete the mandatory online student orientation via your change link to Study Abroad database

  • Follow Student Financial Services deadlines for all payments due. SFS handles the billing for all study abroad programs so students must work with them to arrange financial aid or payment plans. 
  • Attend the mandatory orientation meetings for your program.  Your orientation meetings require a total commitment of 4 to 5 hours. The meetings are required, as they prepare you for your program and include details related to expectations, conduct, housing, food, weather and travel.
  • Attend any Student Health Orientation Meeting required for your destination country. Students who do not attend one of these meetings are ineligible to receive travel immunizations at Student Health Services
  • Prepare now to be healthy later. Make a plan for your physical and mental health before you depart. See your doctor and dentist to get any vaccinations you need and copies of all prescriptions (including chemical composition). Review your Health & Accident insurance.
  • Students will register for courses via WebReg, which, when taken abroad, must be for full credit and a grade. Courses may not be taken as an auditor/listener or on a pass/fail basis.


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Photo taken by Amara Galileo on the 16W Martinique LLCU program.