Study Abroad Reporting

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Study Abroad Program Reporting
Study abroad faculty directors must submit a complete director's report to the Center for Global Programs & Services (CGPS) within one month of the end of their program. It is beneficial to both CGPS and to future directors to have a high degree of uniformity and detail in these reports.
Begin by keeping a journal while you are away to help you recall the details of your program.
Include your own observations, suggestions and recommendations for next year.
Upon your return, use the following suggested outline to build out your report and email it to studyabroad@udel.edu as an attachment.
In this section, provide an overall assessment of your program’s success. Include basic demographic information on your participants, a recap of your recruitment strategies and a description of your pre-departure orientation meetings.
Share pertinent details on your flight arrangements, the transition to/from your accommodations and your welcome from the host institution. Based on your experiences and those of your students, please recommend whether the same arrangements should be used in future years.
Share the following full course details.
Course titles;
Course numbers;
Meeting times and locations;
Total number of class hours;
Number of students in each course;
Required textbooks and materials;
Honors sections;
Number of times the course has been offered abroad; and
Course requirements.
Comment on the success of the courses offered and enhancements that related course content to the program site.
Briefly discuss lecture topics, guest speakers (by name) and the excursions which made up the course.
List each excursion and field trip, including:
Sites visited;
Person responsible for arrangements;
Departure and arrival dates and times;
Pertinent lodging information (names, addresses, fax and telephone numbers);
Guides (by name, if appropriate); and
Explain the importance of this trip to the program or course, especially for lesser-known sites. In addition, include the feedback of your students and suggestions for later years.
Describe your own housing situation and that of your students, including:
Phone and fax numbers;
Meals provided;
Distance from host institution;
Transportation from lodging to host institution; and
Person responsible for lodging arrangements.
Detail your satisfaction with the lodging accommodations.
If your students stayed with a host family, please include details on expectations of both students and families. We recommend documenting any problems that arose during the course of the program. Note the cause of these problems and any solutions. List any host families whom you would not recommend for UD students in the future and provide accompanying reasons.
If meals were not included with lodging, please describe where students ate their meals. If you or another faculty or staff provided support for meals via the program fee, please mention that here.
Precision and detail are most important in this section of the director's report. Comment on the budgeting process, including:
Where specifically you got your financial information;
When you began collecting financial information;
Any down payments required;
How payment was made to vendors;
Current exchange rate and comparison to previous years;
Most convenient locations to change money or withdraw cash; and
Any financial details handled by the host institution.
If your program was over- or under-budgeted, reflect on what caused this. If you needed to take cost-cutting measures, document those here.
List all medical problems that occurred on your program and the resolution to each.
In this section, provide an overall assessment of your program’s success. Include basic demographic information on your participants, a recap of your recruitment strategies and a description of your pre-departure orientation meetings.
Share pertinent details on your flight arrangements, the transition to/from your accommodations and your welcome from the host institution. Based on your experiences and those of your students, please recommend whether the same arrangements should be used in future years.
Share the following full course details.
Course titles;
Course numbers;
Meeting times and locations;
Total number of class hours;
Number of students in each course;
Required textbooks and materials;
Honors sections;
Number of times the course has been offered abroad; and
Course requirements.
Comment on the success of the courses offered and enhancements that related course content to the program site.
Briefly discuss lecture topics, guest speakers (by name) and the excursions which made up the course.
List each excursion and field trip, including:
Sites visited;
Person responsible for arrangements;
Departure and arrival dates and times;
Pertinent lodging information (names, addresses, fax and telephone numbers);
Guides (by name, if appropriate); and
Explain the importance of this trip to the program or course, especially for lesser-known sites. In addition, include the feedback of your students and suggestions for later years.
Describe your own housing situation and that of your students, including:
Phone and fax numbers;
Meals provided;
Distance from host institution;
Transportation from lodging to host institution; and
Person responsible for lodging arrangements.
Detail your satisfaction with the lodging accommodations.
If your students stayed with a host family, please include details on expectations of both students and families. We recommend documenting any problems that arose during the course of the program. Note the cause of these problems and any solutions. List any host families whom you would not recommend for UD students in the future and provide accompanying reasons.
If meals were not included with lodging, please describe where students ate their meals. If you or another faculty or staff provided support for meals via the program fee, please mention that here.
Precision and detail are most important in this section of the director's report. Comment on the budgeting process, including:
Where specifically you got your financial information;
When you began collecting financial information;
Any down payments required;
How payment was made to vendors;
Current exchange rate and comparison to previous years;
Most convenient locations to change money or withdraw cash; and
Any financial details handled by the host institution.
If your program was over- or under-budgeted, reflect on what caused this. If you needed to take cost-cutting measures, document those here.
List all medical problems that occurred on your program and the resolution to each.
Elliott Hall: 26 E. Main St., Newark, DE 19716 Alumni Hall: 24 E. Main St., Newark, DE 19716 Fax 302-831-2123