Videos & Webinars

Videos & Webinars
The Center for Global Programs and Services has a UD Capture Space channel, where all of our videos are available. See below for details and links about other videos and webinars presented to international students and scholars and the UD departments that serve them.
CGPS hosts numerous webinars throughout the year to provide up-to-date immigration information to international students and scholars and UD departments.
Note that all information presented below was current as of the date of the event, but may be subject to change. Please always consult or check with an immigration advisor at CGPS before making any final decision that may impact your immigration status.
CGPS has developed a webinar series to support new incoming international students at UD. Topics include finding housing, healthcare and support at UD, American academics and culture, managing finances, and more.
CGPS partnered with Klasko Immigration Law Partners, LLP to present this special workshop on immigration options in the U.S. post-graduation.
Welcome to UD and the CGPS
OISS is here for you: youtube.com/watch?v=ttcw8v4fQjA
Meet OISS: youtube.com/watch?v=cBfCRXJKPmA
Career Readiness
Accessing the Career Center Tools
Writing a Resume
Prepare for the Fair
ISSS Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is provided as a service to international students, faculty, staff, employees, and administrators at the University of Delaware, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, tax, or other matter. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of official counsel. For assistance on your immigration status, we encourage you to contact an ISS advisor for specific guidance at oiss@udel.edu.